It's been two weeks since Yumi's visit to the Yan residence.

Today she was going to one of Ruyu's companies. "Babe you just got to Japan, why do you already need go to work"?. Yumi was laying on Ruyu's chest as his hand slowly ran through her hair. "I know but if I keep listening to you I'll become lazy".

He pinched her cute rosy cheeks. "So what, me working is enough have you forgotten who your husband is".

"How could I when he's on the face of every magazine, but now I need to go to work, Zani entertainment can't run its self". He sighed as she got up from his hug. "Can't I keep the Chairwoman for a few more minute". She couldn't resist his puppy eyes. "No put that face away". She turned her head but that just made him come closer. "Ok ok fine, why don't we have dinner and go shopping for grandma's birthday present it's next week after all".

He came closer and hugged her. "Promise"?. She put a little peck on his lips. "I promise, now I have to go babe".


In front of Zani entertainment, a woman of great power came out of her car, as soon as she stepped her foot through the door, each step she took echoed through the whole lobby turning everybody's head. It turned two particular head.

Her hand wrapped around Leon, Akira saw Yumi come through the door yet again wearing a way to expensive woman's suit and a different car that was still to expensive for her to even think about buying. She wondered how she had gotten it. 'She probably gotten her self a sugar daddy, off course how could my good-for-nothing sister have gotten all this money'.

Thought she saw the two, she acted like she didn't and went straight to the receptionist. "Hello I'm here to see Mr.Zu". The receptionist saw the woman in front of her, she was dressed in riches even her assistant dressed better than the employees in the company. "Ma'am do you have a reservation"?. "No". Yumi looked at the receptionist straight in the eyes, it was like a staring contest and she was beyond shivering looking at Yumi's stare.

"I'm sorry ma'am but if you don't have a reservation I can't let you in". Yumi gave her a polite smile. "Then can you please just call Mr.Zu and tell him Ms.Yumi is here". She looked at Yumi's smile but she got shivers from it. "I'm sorry ma'am I can't let you in, if you could kindly escort yourself out if not I'll have to call security". Yumi's patience was running on thin ice, but she hid it well.

"If the receptionist says you can't get in then you can't get in, its simple". Her eyes twitched but only for a second, she could already guess who it belonged to. She turned her head to look at the duo. "Mr.Ban surprise to see you here, but I would appreciate it if you would mind your own business".

Soon the people that were there started talking.

"Who does she think She's is talking to him like that"

"She must be vixen trying to seduce the chairman"

"Just cause she has money doesn't give her right to have such high ego, disgusting"

Thought she heard them loud and clear, Yumi never cared. While on the other hand Akira was having a blast in her head hearing what they had to say about Yumi.

"Leon we should just leave Yumi alone, she's probably here to get a job or something". She looked pitiful. Leon couldn't help but be drawn to her. "No she was wasting people's time". He shot a glare at Yumi, but she didn't even flinch. "This company is one you can't mess with Yumi, you should just go run back to the one giving you all this money".

She gave them a polite smile. Snapped her fingers and Mo handed her a phone. Though she had her one purse, it was filled with technology beyond anybody's mind and off course a small sliver hand gun that cant even be directed by the worlds best scanner.

She dialed in a number and they picked it up within the first ring. She started talking before the other person could even say 'hello'. Still staring at them while others started at her she talked on the phone. "Mr.Zu even if I have patience but that doesn't mean it lasts forever, i have other things to do so if you could come down to the lobby I would appreciate it". Without hearing a reply she needed the call.

All the others at the lobby thought she was bluffing. "Yumi you don't have to pretend, no body has the personal number of the chairman of Zani entertainment". Leon looked at her in mockery. Akira was just there dancing and making a little celebration in her head.

Yumi just stood there with Mo like the people in front of her didn't exist. She rolled up her sleeve and look at her gold covered Rolex. It had been 30 seconds since she made the call. Leon's anger rose as he saw her watch, it was a limited edition only 10 were made in the world.

She checked her watch again as it ticked hitting 1 minuet, just as it did. There was a *Ding*. It was the elevator opening. Mr.Zu came speed walking with a big smile on his face. "Ms.Yumi I am so sorry for what happened, if you wish for her to be fired it can be done". The receptionist face turned in horror as she heard what he said. "No it's fine, it's good that we have a tight security".

Everyone was shocked to how the chairman was treating her. "As you wish Ms.Yumi, shall we get going then". She didn't reply just gave him a *hmm*. They walked to the private elevator that was only used by the chairman and the Big boss.

People were shocked at the scene that had just happened in front of them.

"Who is she"

"Oh my gosh do you think she heard us earlier"?

Their shock was nothing compared to the ones that came from the duo that stood still by the front desk. He suddenly realized what the assistant had told him yesterday. "Akira does Yumi have Job or had ever worked in your fathers company before"? He had remembered that the assistant had told him that Yumi ran over a dozen companies, he couldn't help but be curious but also scared thinking if he made the wrong choice by dropping Yumi.

"Yesterday was the first time I saw her in five years, she never showed interest in doing anything let alone work in my fathers company". Akira was angry. 'Where the hell did this bitch get so much power to be treated like that by the chairman, Why was she treated as if she was the boss'?.

Inside the big office. "Ms.Yumi I'm sorry it's still not clean, I was only notified that you were coming today a couple of hours ago, I'll take out all my stuff and move to a normal employee office". She looked around, the office was neat, all the files were all put in alphabetical folders in each drawer. Overall the office was in good condition, she also the pictures he had of his kids and wife on his desk. He was a good man and ran the company beautiful.

"There's no need". He was surprised at her response. He thought she would be mad that the office still had his stuff in it. "Excuse me"?. Without looking at him Yumi walked to the pile of files on he desk and looked over them. "You don't need to take anything out because your not moving out". He was confused even more. "M-May I ask why"?. This time she looked at him. He felt a little shiver by his spine at her stare. "I don't want the public to know I'm the new chairwoman, so you'll be keeping your title, your salary will be the same pretty much the same as before, the only difference is that I'll be the one attending the meeting and doing the paper work, I just need you to run the little things in the company I'll take care of the rest".

He was shocked, he didn't know this would be her response. The business world was a ruthless one, he thought she was like the rest and just fire him. "I see, I won't disappoint you then and thank you". He bowed to her in great respect. "No need, I'll come to office once a week to see how things are, that's all I'll be leaving now". She took the files that were on the desk and turned to leave. "My assistant has emailed you the things you'll be doing in the future, have a good day Mr.Zu".

She left as quick as she came. Mr.Zu was amazed my her work and such power, he pledged to be loyal because he knew she was one of a kind in the business world and her future was as bright as the heavens above.