It was a beautiful Sunday and the glorious villa was filled with makeup artist and designers. The couple were getting ready to go to grandmas 65th birthday.

Yumi had just came out of the shower to see Ruyu getting dressed by his designers. "Damn hubby you sure know how to dress". She saw him as they fitted him in a matte black button up two piece suit with no tie. A smile appeared on his face as he heard his wife's compliment. Though he couldn't turn around he looked at her thought the mirror. "I'll wear anything to satisfy my wife".

It's been two hours and Ruyu was waiting for Yumi to come down. After a while she came down dressed in a beautiful dress that took his breath away. "Wow…just wow". He went and grabbed her by her waist giving her a passionate kiss. "I would love to ride with you". Giving her more kisses. They had to ride different cars because they didn't want others to see them just yet. "I know me too babe, but we have to go now". Giving him one last kiss they went to their separate cars.


Inside the big stood Akira with her hands glued to Leon's, they had drinks and laughing with her cousin staring beside her. As she heard the doors open, Akira saw that everyone's head was turning towards the entrance and the three alps turned their head to see what it was.

All the eyes that were on the on the eldest daughter of the Yan family and her fiancé, now landed on the two people coming through the door. Akira was angry and was already hating on the person coming in.

As she saw who it was, her eyes widened in disbelief. She saw Yumi coming in dressed in a maroon colored, deep V-neck mermaid dress. Behind her was her assistant who was dress in a knee high tight black dress with lace sleeves.

People's jaws dropped as they saw the beautiful lady came in blessing them with her beauty. Without thing Mr.Yan and his wife came speed walking towards the two ladies that came in. Soon Akira and Leon joined them. After they saw Mr. Yan walking to the ladies at the door, everyone's head turned back not wanting to get involved.

His anger could be seen clearly on his face, veins popped on Mr. Yan's face. "What do you think your doing here, dressed like that and not having a man by your side, your such a disgrace". Akira was waiting to see the reaction Yumi gave, but she never had one.

"Mr. Yan this is a birthday celebration I'm not here to argue, so please don't mind me". He was shocked, she addressed him by his surname not by the parental one. Before he could even answer loud gasps showered the room.

"Oh my god they're here".

"It's the king and four princes".

All girls started looking in their mirror, fixed their dressed and pushed them "babies" up.

Even the girls of the Yan family straighten their things. Seeing who was at the door a big smile appeared on Yumi's face.

Seeing their appearance and the aura they gave, no body was brave enough to walk up to them.

Before the Yan family could even get ready, one of the princes was coming towards them. Mr. Yan was beyond excited, and his mood did a 180. "Young master Sachi it's so nice to meet yo-". Before he could even finish, Sachi had already gone past him to the person who was behind them all.

"Sis I missed you so much, why didn't you tell me you were coming today". Sachi gave Yumi a tight side hug. She patted his arm as she smiled. "I know I'm sorry, and Sachi could lighten up your hug, I can't breath". As he kept hugging her, the other four came the same direction. "Oh come on I want a hug too". Jin came to the two who spreading his arms. And Hiro joined the group hug too. While they were smiling and telling Yumi they missed her Akio just stood there rolling his eyes at his childish friends. "God you guys are like a bunch of teenagers".

Yumi could see that he wanted a hug to but he was not kind of person who expresses their feelings and emotions freely. "Ok ok guys make space so that Akio can get a hug to". He rolled his eyes again. "Hmp Whatever, But since you asked maybe just a little one". The four laughed at his even more childish attitude, but those laughs were interrupted by figure coming towards them. "What is this"?.

His voice was scary enough to shiver everyone's back in the room let alone the ones standing by him. The Yan family had sweat all over their body after hearing his voice and his suffocating aura.

Gathering every courage he had, Mr. Yan spoke.

"I-I-I'm sorry Mr.Lee, Yumi has always been careless about things and-". He stopped after the murderous look he received from Ruyu.

"Get off her now". The four poured at this words. It made Yumi laugh on how quick they were to retreat after his words. He still had that look on his face that looked like it could kill someone with just on glance. "You know Ruyu, you should smile more". His glare lighted up at her words, while as the Yan family were chewing their nails at her attitude towards the devil himself. "Yumi thank you for coming and thank you for your advice".

He had on a little smile on his face only she could see. "Maybe you should use that advice now, it's your grandmothers birthday". They shook hands st his moment, while he still didn't let go of her hand as they spoke. "Oh right, she wanted to meet you, let's go I'll take you up to her". He then switched his gaze to the Yan family behind them. "Since you all here to, would like to greet my grandma"?.

Mr.Yan sweating cold sweat answered the question. "O-Off course, we would be honored". They all heading to the room where grandma stayed, while the four princes left after greeting Yumi.