Yumi's attitude changed quick. Early she looked she was bored out of her mind, now she looked straight at Bi Feng like she was seconds away from killing him.

"Just who the hell are you lady".? Bi Feng was staring to get intimidated by her aura, she became really scary that the woman surrounding him were also staring to get scared. They were actually scared from the start when they saw the gun hating on her shoulder.

"You don't need to worry about that now, I came to discuss something with you regarding that you broke the Rules". Yumi put back the lollipop back in her mouth, giving him time to respond.

"So what, they can't punish me if they don't have the power to. The past year Dark Kingdom has kept a low profile which can only mean they have gotten weaker". A grin grew on Bi Feng's face. He thought of him self very highly and when he saw his opportunity to trample over Dark Kingdom he took it.

"Hmm…is that so, well then Mo could you be a dear and take care of the people below"?. She turned her head to look at the people behind her and with a big smile she spoke to the men and Mo behind her. Even though they have seen her smile like that numerous time, they still get scared and creeped out by it.

"Y-Yes Boss". The men that looked like they had nothing but the cloths on their backs now had guns and knifes in their hands, while as Mo took out her phone and spoke some orders. "The rest of you down there, take care of the members of Red Dragon, don't forget be nice". Mo smiled and gave Yumi the "Ok" sign.

Yumi then looked back at Bi Feng and she just smiled at him.

"What, you think you actually could scare me, lady do you not know who I am".? After seeing the men behind Yumi pull out guns he got a bit agitated, but still kept his coo. I mean what's the worse a tiny woman like her could do?.

Yumi didn't take the smile of her face, she looked at her nails unfazed by things happening around her.

After a few seconds the doors opened with a bang. "BOSS we are under attack, all the others down stairs are either dead or dying". The man was panting, he looked like he got a few shades lighter.

Bi Feng got up out of his seat. "WHAT, what happened who dares to attack my gang".? The other 3 men in the room of Red Dragon pulled out their guns ready to fight. "I don't know, we were suddenly attacked by then men, and it looked like they were unmarked so we don't know who they belonged t-".

The man stopped mid sentence. "Them, the men downstairs looked like them". When he saw the men in suits he took a few steps back.

Bi Feng was shocked every second that he didn't know what to think, was it really her?. "You 3, take care of them". Before the Red Dragon members could lift up those weapons, bullets entered their skulls, so did to the messenger.

"Bi Feng I'll be clear so that you don't die confused, Dark Kingdom doesn't like people stepping over their territory, as their boss Off course I'll end your life". Her innocence smile soon turned to a murderous grin.

"A-Are you really the new boss".? Bi Feng was was a the ground shivering with fear. The person in front of him was completely different from the person she was when she first came in, how could he have not see this coming!