Bi Feng was on the ground looking up towards Yumi while shivering as he see her gun was pointing straight at his head.

"Yo-You can't kill me"?. There was cold sweat coming down his forehead. He was really hoping that she would take his bait and at least let him live.

"Oh really… give me a reason why I shouldn't". Yumi was still pointing the gun at his head just waiting to pull the trigger.

"If you let me live i can help you get all of Red Dragon territory's and other's as well, I can talk to the elders of the union that I know for you.". He couldn't die so easily especially by a mere little woman like her.

Yumi looked at him in mockery, he actually thought that she doesn't have such power and needs others assistant to get lands. "Oh really… you would be such a dear and help me".

She looked like little kid who just got a present ok Christmas Day, Bi Feng was sure that she took the bait that he started to get his confidence back. "Yeah yeah I will help get which ever one you want". His attitude now was full arrogance as if he was taking to one of his men.

"Hmm is that so".? All of a sudden at the end of Yumi's sentence Bi Feng get a chill down his back. He looked up to see her face, sure enough she didn't have that childish smile no more. Instead it was replaced by an evil grin. He felt the cold sweats coming down not only his forehead but all over his body, he was trembling to the point that his teeth were clattering against each other like it was in the middle of the icy winter.

Yumi then again pointed the rifle straight at his head. There was an evil grin on her face, even her aura changed. It was so scary and so suffocating that Mo and others behind her took a few steps back.

"Too bad I don't your help nor your permission to that". This time Bi Feng that she was really about to pull the trigger. "W-Wa-Wait please spare me, I beg you".

"Sorry but I have other plans today, don't forget to send postcards from hell, ok bye". Before Bi Feng could even say a word or ask for forgiveness, a loud *BANG* echoed the room. He laid face down at his own pool of blood.

"Jeez he talked to much, Mo tell the others to clean this up we still have to get back to the meeting". Mo told the men downstairs to clean up and soon the room was crowded with men in black suits, while some had bloods splatter and spots. Yumi and Mo were about to exit the room when they heard a little cry. Both the ladies looked back to the see the for ladies that were with Bi Feng when they first came in.

Yumi slowly walked towards the ladies and crouched down. "Do you ladies want to die".? All four shook their head hard saying a big NO. "Ok then I'm not that merciless, Mo bring it to me". Mo handed her a small gun. The four ladies trembled in fear, I thought she said she wasn't going to kill us.

"Don't worry I'm not going to kill you". She went to each one and shot with the mini gun in their arm, but the shots weren't bullets. "I just inserted you a little device, it won't do anything to you nor is it poison, because it's worse than poison".

The four were all hugging each other huddled up in a little ball. "The device won't do anything as long you don't speak of what you saw, because if you do within seconds your organs will shut down and you will die a painful bloody death, understand".? They all shook their head in agreement. "Good, now we have to go, just continue on with your life".

Yumi and Mo excited the room but they both stopped before going down the stairs. "Get someone to look after those four, if they try something kill them in an instant". Mo nodded her head. "Understood, now we have to hurry the Lee's and Yan's must be waiting for us".