The room was quite, the temperature seem to drop by every passing minute and it was getting harder to breath in front of the beast that sat in front of the two families.

Ruyu would look at his watch every 10 minutes and he has done that 3 times already. When he looked at his watch for the fourth time, a smirk appeared.

All of a sudden there was a bang at the door. Two people came in. Everyone turned their eyes to look at the door, to their surprise it was Yumi and Mo. They both seemed to be wearing completely different cloths to what they wearing when the meeting first started.

Yumi now was wearing a royal blue suit with a white blouse and gold buttons. While as Mo wore an all black suit with a white blouse and black buttons. She looked like an assassin, especially with her cute black bob hairstyle.

Mo went to sit next Rubin while as Yumi went to sit where she sat before, which was next to Ruyu. "Did we take long".? Yumi looked at her gold Rolex watch, which was all so different front the one before. Ruyu smirked at her question. "40 minutes, why did it take that long though".

Yumi just shrugged. "He talked to much, which annoyed me but it was fun to play a little act while at it". When she finished talking, there was an innocent smile on her face. "Hmm…did you like your new toys".?

Her eyes lit up in excitement. "Yes yes they were fun to play with, but I want new designs done and some to improve". His brows knitted. "Why was there something wrong".? Yumi shook her and waved her hand as in *No*. "Not really just that some were loud, while some were just to inconvenient to take anywhere because they big and heavy". (Guys If you got lost, they are taking about guns).

Yumi looked back to where Rubin and Mo were sitting at. "Write what I said down and send it to HQ". Mo nodded at she started typing on her computer.

The room went silent yet again. Finally breaking the silence, a waiter came in. "Boss want would like to eat, the others have already ordered". Yumi looked at the young waiter. "I'll have a well done steak with some veggies on the side, same for Ruyu but fry the veggies". Before the waiter could answer her Ruyu spoke. "Get another bottle of red wine". The waiter bowed. "Yes boss".

The others were confused why Yumi kept talking to the waiter like she was the boss, and one of them was Leon Ban. His presence was barely known because he just stayed quite by Akira. He only came because she told him they were going to meet the Lee family and he thought this could be his chance to see Ruyu and be-friend him. But to his surprise Yumi seem to be close with Ruyu, and he only spoke to her with care he didn't even talk like to his father.

A look of Mockery was shown on Leon's face. "Yumi you should keep quite when the employees are talking to Ruyu, their boss". Akira was grinning but she didn't show it.

All the others either looked at Yumi or Leon. While as Ruyu turned to look at Leon with his wine glass in his hand. "Who are you to call me by my name".?

Leon quickly averted his eyes from looking at Ruyu. His glare was so scary that Leon had to take a few breaths to keep himself composed. "M-Mr. Lee he is Leon Ban, CEO of Ban entertainment also my fiancé". Akira put a smile trying hard not to look Ruyu in the eyes.

Ruyu turned back to look at Yumi. "Should I care".? He pointed to Leon Ana Akira with his thump while still talking to Yumi. "No irrelevant". Yumi said the two words and just sipped her white wine. "I see". Ruyu didn't continue any further after saying that and just took a sip of his red wine.