She who Trembles

Seated in a circle around the heater, Vycter took a jacket out from his inventory and held it out toward Ceilia. With a good look at her now in the dim light, he started to notice her boyish figure. His eyes scanned her surface as she took it with one hand.

Ceilia was seated with her feet lazily in front of her and her hands supporting her as she leaned back. She reached out with the one hand and grabbed the jacket and put it over her shoulders. Retracting her legs and folding them together, she would put her arms through the sleeves and hug herself a bit. Smiling silently as she stared towards the heater which was giving a light orange glow.

Vycter would then inspect the other two. Oddly enough Soniya kind of looked similar to Violet from the Incredibles, of course she had more of a proportionate body and head. She was wearing a purple sweater over a white button down blouse and white jeans. She had some sneakers, not really meant for hiking of trekking through a forest.

Letting out a soft sigh, he looked at the map which was within his Hub and pursed his lips. Though it looked like he was seriously just spaced out staring at Soniya.

So it seemed that the soldiers from before hadn't moved. That entire area was covered in thirty red X's. On the other hand there was another group approaching the pod's crash site. Now it was likely that they'd investigate that and then move onto another area. Though if they did find their tracks, it was probable that they'd find the location they disappeared at.

"I'd better change the location of the entrance…" He muttered to himself as he would slowly stand up and look towards the doorway. "And find a way to make more money." Yawning lightly he made his way out of the room.

Ceilia however noticed his strange composure since he was the only one she was paying attention to after being granted her jacket. Immediately getting up and following him, she dusted off the skirting of her pants.

Hear the sounds of her footsteps behind him, he glanced to the side before smiling softly. Looking forward after leaving the room, he would close the entryway they had come in through and then begin to carve a path with his customization abilities towards the other side of the Mountain, ten meters at a time.

Personally it was much faster than just mining with tools. The massive corridor was ten meters wide and ten meters high. It had support columns made of smooth stone going down the center. He felt like he was playing a colony building game. He kept the general theme going with the glow stone lining the walls, ceiling and floor and the tiled ground.

Ceilia was watching in amazement, though due to the fact that he had closed off the entry way, she was feeling somewhat claustrophobic. On top of that, the air would start to get thinner within several hours.

After about two hours, Vycter came to a stop and gazed over at Ceilia who was leaning against a fresh wall. Her one foot was pressed against the wall, while the other kept steadied. Her hands were in her pockets and she was simply watching him with an amazed expression.

Smiling lightly to himself, he'd walk over to her and placed a hands on her hips within the jacket he had given her earlier. One of his hands began to move up the side of her frame, making her tremble slightly as she looked away silently flushing at the face.

Vycter, in his original memories had never actually touched a real girl before. He liked being able to feel the trembling beneath his fingers.

Ceilia's heart was beating like a freight train. In a similar manner, Ceilia had never been touched by man, physically nor sexually, other than by her own father. She didn't know whether this was frightening or exciting. She felt his breath on her neck as his hands would slowly move lock around her in an embrace.

Closing her eyes lazy, she would turn her head to face him once again and open her eyes slowly. Her head tilted up to see his face.

Vycter had this blank smile across his face, his locked hands resting on her lower back.

"You… Don't talk very much," Ceilia shared an open smile as she attempted to make a conversation with a man who had said either very little or had talked to himself. She saw the anti-social tendencies which deviated from the normal demeanor of other people she's known and recognized it.

Vycter chuckled at this observation. "Never seemed to have the need to do so," One of the hands moved from the embrace and gently traced up her side once again, causing her trembling to increase as his hand had gone beneath her shirt.

Ceilia gave a shaky breath in return.

His hand went up and gently felt the rim of what felt like a padded sports bra. Even though at first glance she had a small breasts, he seemed she was almost flat as a board. A greater smile formed over his lips.

"H-hey…" Ceilia whined up at him, balling up her hands and placing them on his chest. Her face was flushed and her breathing became irregular. Obviously his little touching's were making her hot and bothered, probably incredibly nervous as well. His hands were warm compared to their cold surroundings.

Vycter made a sly grin at the girl before bringing his other hand up and gently caressing her jaw. His thumb planted itself on her lower lips. They were a cute pale pastel pink.

Then suddenly he put his actions on hold as he gave his map a look. There was about five meters until he breached the other side of the mountain. Letting out a light snicker, he would lean his head down and brush his nose against Ceilia's before gently releasing her and walking over to the wall and placing his hand against it.

Ceilia made an expression that was a combination of relief and disappointment. She liked the attention, she liked how much warmer she was feeling, she however also didn't like how her anxieties had been creeping up on her.

Walking up behind him, she would watch as yet another jagged entry way began to form in the solid stone. It looked almost like a natural cave entrance, or just a small crack in a mountain's side.

That's when Vycter immediately turned back around to face Ceilia who was leaning against the closest support pillar. Watching him with a conflicted gaze.

She felt something familiar coming off of him, an intent she couldn't identify. Blinking a few times, she watched as he advanced and stood over her. He was an entire foot taller than her. "Do you have to be so tall?" Ceilia complained, playfully placing a closed fist against his chest which was in her face.

"Not my fault your fun-sized," Vycter huffed as her complaint and leant down, taking hold of her chin and took in every detail of her face. Her skin was baby-silk soft, she wore no make-up and had no acne scaring. She was like an unpainted goth chick due to her outfit and gave off a loner vibe.

Her irregular heart beat and breathing, even her trembling, made their reappearance, she definitely wasn't used to this type of contact.

Vycter licked his lips slightly as they were dry and leant in slowly, his head slowly tilting to the side as his face inched closer to hers. Avoiding his nose colliding with her own, he pressed his lips against the girl's.

[ Hidden Achievements: Steal a First 500 VC. Give a first 5000 VC. First Time Seduction 1000 VC. ] A voice rang in his head, which he plainly ignored despite the rewards. Though if he was paying attention, he'd probably wonder about a few things pertaining to this system.