Once Upon a Mattress

"Think they're going at it?" Kayelin asked as both Vycter and Ceilia had been away for over an hour. Even though they could hear the hushed tones from outside of the room, they couldn't tell what was going on.

Soniya shook her head as she waved her hand in dismissal, "Unlikely." The girl stated with a sudden arrogant tone. "Ceilia has never even been touched by a dude, she didn't seem to have the aptitude for it either. That and we'd probably hear'em." She laughed to herself.

"On top of that, she's also the least developed of us and more boyish in figure," Soniya shrugged to herself.

Kayelin chewed the side of her lip slightly as she was picturing the two of them anyways. "You sure? They've been gone for like five hours." They stared at each other for a few seconds before both looking at the entry way to the room. Weren't they coming back?

"Maybe he's into that kind of thing?" The two of them stared at one another for a few seconds.

Both of the girls stood up as curiosity and a slight hint of jealousy was running through their thoughts. Soniya got to the door first and glanced outside to see that the original entrance was gone. It was as if there had never been an entrance in the first place.

That was until she felt a light breeze caress her cheek and she glanced in the opposite direction of the way they came in. She froze, her face flushed lightly. All she could see was Ceilia pinned to a support column by the very man who brought them here.

"Told you they were going at it." Kayelin huffed with her arms crossed over her chest as her back reclined slightly as she leaned against the door frame.

"They're just kissing," Soniya immediately snapped as she looked over towards Kayelin with a pair of puffed up cheeks. Now she had it in her mind that Ceilia and Vycter were becoming a thing, or at least that Ceilia was his favorite. "Where are these thoughts coming from…?" She asked in a low murmur as she placed a hand on the side of her head and made her way back into the room to sit by the portable heater.

Kayelin remained standing at the end of the hallway, watching the two figures a several hundred meters down the hall.

Vycter and Ceilia had started back several times, but Vycter kept on pinning her to the support columns and sometime the wall. The entire stretch of the corridor was about seven kilometers, meaning it was around four miles of walking. So they had plenty of stops.

Vycter's eyes looked over towards Kayelin who was standing in the middle of the hall watching them. Ceilia noticed this rather quickly and began to gently push at his chest.

Casually breaking away from the kiss as he felt her push on his chest, Vycter raised a brow and looked down at the little goth before snickering a bit.

That's when she would playfully shove him and make a bleating sound of annoyance, as if she hadn't been enjoying his little escapades. Her feinting of a glare suddenly startled him however as her face was blushing more than before.

Was she embarrassed cause they were caught? That's cute.

"We should probably head back," Ceilia lamented as she swiftly turned her head away from him, looking towards Kayelin who was staring at them. She didn't really want to stop given the tone, and she was even regretting it. However she didn't like being watched during intimate settings. Not that the hallway was the best place for such things.

Nodding lightly, Vycter was still pleased with having his first intimate event in his entire life. Even though the previous memories indicated that this soldier had a wife back home, it was unlikely he'd be returning anytime soon. It's likely he'd be considered KIA.

Zipping up his hunting jacket, he placed an arm around her mid-back and guided her back to the room. Once they got close to the room, Kayelin quickly scurried inside before they got in, giggle snorting as she did so.

For some reason he believed their personalities were all over the place, but it could also be assumed it was due to the indoctrination which added conflicting elements. They had become trusting and loyal to him, so despite Ceilia's normal lack of confidence, his presence allowed her to speak freely. Kayelin had extreme anxiety, but she wasn't panicking as often as she normally wood. And then there was Soniya, while she had a shy complex personality, she often gave off some sort of arrogant vibe full of assumptions.

Vycter couldn't help but feel comfortable however, other than being surrounded by nurses in the hospital, he never was able to get close to them. He liked the nurse uniforms though, not the skimpy ones used in porn, but the actual scrubs they wore. Either way he assumed most of the cute nurses were married or something, on top of that not many of them stayed to chat with him. It was as if they were avoiding attachment knowing he was going to die at any moment.

Letting out a sigh of relief, he was starting to like this new life even though it hasn't even been an entire day since it had started.

Once in the room, he bought a massive off-black futon mattress for around 200 VC and placed it in the corner of the room close to the heater.

Ceilia remained standing beside him as the other two ran over to the mattress and flopped down onto it. A few moments of silence went by before Kayelin let out a low whine, "Ow…"

Despite how comfortable the mattress was or how soft it looked, it was way too soft. When the two had flopped onto the mattress their faces briefly met the hardness of the stone floor.

Ceilia silently face palmed while Vycter sat there with a blank smile on his face, trying not to laugh at the fact that the two had acted without thinking. "Don't they teach physics in high school?" Vycter would suddenly scoff, trying to suppressed his laughter.

Soniya glanced up at the two of them, her forehead and nose were rather red. "Hush," she muttered before resting her face on the mattress once more.

Kayelin on the other hand rolled over so she was laying on her back. Staring up at the ceiling with a red face, clearly embarrassed at her fault.

Making a smug expression, Ceilia waltzed over to the mattress and stood right above Kayelin. Though the other girl didn't notice right away, she quickly widened her eyes as the woman decided to flop in on top of her.

Vycter watched the two of them wrestle on the bed before he kicked off his boots, then proceeded to go over to them and pull their shoes off their feet. He tossed all the shoes and footwear into the adjacent corner of the room.

Buying an assortment of blankets and pillows, these items suddenly appeared a few meters above them and came softly crashing down upon them. Then just as they were unburying themselves, the man laid across all three of them.

"Well, this is comfy," Vycter chuckled as he heard them groan in response.

Zooming out as far as he could on his mini-map he watched the movements of the hunting parties. A portion of them were still investigating the destroyed pod area and the dead bodies.

On the other hand there was another portion of soldiers who were walking around the mountain where their footprints had disappeared. They couldn't find anything that pointed to the location of the suspected runaways.

It was all too strange that they had gotten up, walked to a mountain and vanished. There wasn't even any evidence of a struggle or animal attack. In the end, the investigations ended within the next two days. The soldiers went back to their garrisons back in the city and nearby bases.

The supposed individual in the pod wasn't identified, since there was nothing left of the occupant. So it was assumed no one survived the crash. There was no enemy soldier to capture, at least that is what they concluded.