Onward, To the Cathedral

It took the group two more days to reach the next town by foot. While it was possible to get a combustion engine vehicle as well as premium gasoline, it wasn't worth getting. One, it made too much noise. Two, it was outdated and would catch a lot of attention. Three, it was a brand not of this world.

They were able to avoid and evade a number of military patrols and police looking for runaway teens. They were on their way to the town known as Klastyne, one of the major points of poverty and famine.

The military police are the main form of security in the town whom maintain order as well as collect individuals who are due to the draft.

They often take in homeless vagrants who have no coin to their name, as long as their under the age of thirty. However the people who were mainly taken are those who barely began their lives. Most of the homeless are over the age of thirty, people who had been unsuccessful.

Arriving a few hundred meters from the walled town of Klastyne, Vycter was dressed in one of Emile's other outfits. It was a black blazer, turtleneck and some dressy cargo-pants. It seemed that he really liked this kinds of pants, not that Vycter could blame him. They were rather comfy and roomy in all the right places.

He wore combat boots which had been in the bag, and the girls wore what seemed to be identical outfits from what they had been wearing before, just in different colors.

Ceilia was walking with her hands in her pockets, her eyes to the sky. Despite there being a wall around the town, that wasn't really the main defense. There was an energy barrier surrounding the town like every other city and dense population center. It was mainly to protect from orbital bombardment and incoming debris. Her eyes were locked on that big blue bubble.

It was around lunch time, so the other two girls were opening their lunch MRE's which had been given to them in the morning after they had set up camp temporarily during the night.

Soniya ruffled through the brown bag and took out what seemed to be a compressed peanut butter sandwich. Opening the plastic wrap, she took out the flat sandwich before biting into it. A heartwarming moan of pleasure came as she began to chew after a few moments.

Due to the war between interstellar nations the products that held sugar in them were rationed very thinly. There was barely any for the common folk to eat. Many restaurants had gone out of business mostly because there was no one to employ, but there was also no high quality herbs minerals and spices on the market either.

Kayelin had already ripped apart her bag by the time Soniya had gotten her sandwich. Her MRE had a can of margarine oranges, one of the few fruits which were not available on the planet.

"So what's the plan?" Soniya asked with a mouthful of peanut butter and jelly.

"Obviously, go to the Cathedral." Vycter's simple response made Ceilia grin a bit haughtily.

The four of them made their way towards the south entrance to the town, however half way there they paused. They noticed not only soldiers at the entrance. Looking at his mini-map, he could see there were also other people staking out the outside of the town.

"Bigger plan needed," The man would huff in annoyance as he gestured towards the side of the town where there was no entrance that the Catherdal could be seen on. "I have a general idea."

The four of them would quickly move towards the designated position on the north east side of the town and crept up against the wall. There was no sentries or patrols near them. After analyzing the wall with the wall in front of them, it seemed this wall surrounding the town didn't have any traps or alarms on it should it be breached.

The wall also looked as if it was much older than the town itself. Maybe it had survived the medieval ages of the world? That would definitely explain quite a few things pertaining to the low urbanization of the area.

Taking out the small phaser weapon from his pocket, he took several steps back and took aim. With one press of the finger, the weapon set out a particle beam which began to super heat the wall. Mere seconds went by as the rock formed wall began to lessen in strength and begin to melt.

Once the wall became molten, it became slag and slowly fell to the ground without any form of explosion. As soon as he released the trigger, the yellow particle beam faded from existence and the remnants of the wall began to quickly cool down. If someone found this, it'd be pretty bad.

"Free–" A police officer who had been patrolling the alleyway adjacent to the wall, was cut off by a sudden blue particle beam which knocked them down to the ground unconscious. "Mmm…"

The girls stared at the man who was down on the ground, but didn't speak a word as they slowly climbed in through the hole. They visually inspected him as Vycter climbed in behind them.

He then turned around and used his customization ability to fix the wall as if what he had done never happened.

"You just wanted to play with your toy. Didn't you?" Ceilia smirked as she cocked her head diagonally up towards the tall Vycter. She was beginning to understand him, though one couldn't say the same for Soniya and Kayelin.

While they were impressed by the firepower of the tiny weapon in his hand, they couldn't see the point of using the weapon to blast a hole in the wall, when he could have just warped a doorway through it.

"There will be a thousand firsts, such as blasting holes through the wall." Vycter winked at Ceilia before looking up and down the alleyway they found themselves in before he knelt down beside the officer and placed his hand on the person's head.

The facial features twitched uncomfortably, as well as the other extremities as Vycter was indoctrinating the man.

[ Indoctrination of Corporal Zuk Evyns complete. 1,000 EXP. 500 VC. ] The system sounded in his head once more, praising him with grand tones of joy. It was as if this supposed system was quite fond of what he was doing.

[ Hidden Achievement Completed, Infiltrate the Military Police. 5,000 VC ]