Public Relations

Vycter began to notice that the changes which had occurred earlier were reverted. It was as if something had told the local enforcers to dial it down a bit? Or was there some sort of meeting? It was probably time to check the dead drop.

Accompanied by Lextra and Ceilia, who walked at either side of him a single step behind him. Vycter made his way into the back corridors of the cathedral's service area and casually walked out the back door.

His eyes went towards the sky for a few moments, as if he could tell he was being watched. He felt a cold sweat forming on his back. "Hm…" Letting out a thoughtful sound, he glanced over at Ceilia who grasped softly at the man's arm with her dainty hands.

He chuckled as she smiled up at him silently. He could feel his chest heating up with a heavy beat. Slowly he turned his gaze towards the newspaper vending machine and walked over and knelt down. Reaching under he pulled out what looked like a plastic container.

"Oh?" He observed the strange container which was a pale blue with a dark blue lid. Its corners were rounded and it seemed to be made of cheap material. Definitely something someone would put their school lunch into.

Shaking it lightly, there was very little weight moving around inside. It sounded like a round object which bounced off the sides of the box. "Interesting," he said aloud and began walking back inside.

Once they were in the cathedral, he made his way up to the office and sat down in the chair behind the desk.

"What do you think it is?" Lextra asked as she hopped onto the chair on the adjacent side of the desk. Her hands pressing against the desktop while her bare toes wiggled upon the armchair.

"Information," A blunt response made the girl's ears ring in annoyance. Though this was typical of him, Ceilia knew this unlike Lextra.

While Vycter was beginning to open the package, Ceilia walked over to the gothic window and overlooked what was going on below. Her arms crossed below her chest as she absently stared. She wanted more attention from Vycter, even though he gave her plenty which frustrated her due to him always touching and making her aroused. Only to leave her dry.

Once the package opened, a hologram of the Corporal suddenly appeared with a stoic expression. "Vycter, it seems that the Imaging Satellite's have been reactivated. While there haven't been any reports about what has been seen from command, it is likely that they have seen you in the Cathedral. None of the other members of the Military know of this. I'll keep you informed. Good luck, God Speed." The message quickly ended which caused the man watching to sigh.

Tilting her head to the side, one of her ears drooped. "Satellites?" Lextra asked before looking up towards the ceiling. As if she was looking up towards the sky and pursed her lips lightly.

"Radio-based imaging sounds pretty useful for spying," Vycter stated with a sneer, almost laughing at himself. "So they might have seen something." Leaning back in the chair he would look towards the fox with a strange expression of curiosity.

As she wasn't paying attention, he reached over and grabbed her by the sides of her had and pulled her across the desk. She kicked and thrashed out of surprise for a second before blinking as her face was centimeters from his own. Her legs were also straddled around his own once she calmed down.

"Huh?" Her mouth opened slightly in confusion, her face slowly turning red as he was caressing her fox ears.

Ceilia arched a brow and glanced over her shoulder and stared at the back of the office chair after hearing the sound. She noticed the stuff which had been on the desk had been knocked off. That and the girl's ears were peaking over the edge of the chair. 'Why is she in his lap?'

One hand moved down and gently hooked her cheek and pulled. Lextra stuck out her tongue in response as she couldn't close her mouth without biting him. Her tongue in this case was characteristically flatter and longer than that of a human's. Very much like that of a regular fox or canine's.

Furrowing a brow, Ceilia walked up beside the chair and looked at what he was doing. It literally looked like Vycter was playing doctor, making observations of the foxkin which was in his lap. It was as if he had never seen one before.

Blinking a few times, "You've never seen a Foxkin before, have you?" He asked curiously with his head tilted to the side.

"Nope. The Kingdom you're at war with is humancentric. The only place Xenos are found are in the slums, or as slaves to the wealthy." Vycter recalled the memories of the Space Marine. While his family had been relatively wealthy, they had rather liberal views, so they didn't allow slavery within the household. Even though he had been pretty much all for it, since he saw it as a way to shelter and take care of someone, while also exploiting them.

His hands would run down to the bottom of her dress and began to move it up and over the Fox's head.

"H-hey!?" The girl's voice was muffled since he kept her head and arms stuck in the dress as he continued to observe the rest of her.

His fingers gently tickled her flesh as they ran down the front of her torso until they got down to the rim of her panties. Grasping at the elastic, he would ride it up roughly between her legs.

Moving the chair closer to the desk, he pushed her lightly; causing her to squeak as her back landed on the desk's surface. "W-what do yo–" Lextra shivered as she felt a hand temporarily around her neck. "Y-you… think you're doing?!"

The girl squirmed lightly, seeming to be less cooperative than Ceilia when it came to this kind of advance. Vycter only chuckled as he turned her over so she was face down as he felt up her tail.

"It's like an animal's…?" Giving it a light tug, he heard a moan explode from the girl's mouth, her legs shaking as they were acting as a bridge between him and the desk. If they gave out, she'd surely fall.

Ceilia's face puffed up as she looked Vycter, clearly jealous of his actions, before lightly reaching over and touching the tail. Blinking a few times, her face became relaxed as she began to stroke it after finding out how fluffy it was.

"We could use her as a pillow." Ceilia suggested as her freehand was holding up her pants since it would slip down a bit every now and then since it was missing a button.

Vycter chuckled hearing this suggestion before fixing the dress on the fox, who was blushing profusely and glaring at the man who had just touched her.

"You going to take responsibility or are you courting death?!" The fox yelped at him with a shaking tone, her hands sharply digging into his legs as she now stood in front of him.

"Nope." Vycter reached over and ruffled the top of the girl's head, stroking her animalistic ears.

Groaning in annoyance, she would lean into the hand which was petting her head before swatting it away and storming out of the room. As she ripped the door open, she slammed it extremely hard. Making a few ordinates which hadn't been touched in years to fall off the nearby cabinets and shelves.

Ceilia stared at the door for a few seconds before smirking to herself before flopping lazily across Vycter's lap.

"You really like sitting there…" Vycter stated as he stared down at her for a few seconds before leaning in and gently pecking her on the lips. Ceilia's hand which was holding the corner of her pants, began to push them off. "Oooh?"

The Corporal known as Zuk was on patrol. Wearing a blue uniform with a set of dark grey chest and shin armor use to defend against melee attacks and guns. Despite the fact that they had outlawed firearms belonging to citizens, it was clear that it didn't stop them from getting the weapons.

The roads of the town were generally quiet. There were few people walking. It was around late noon almost early evening. The sun was going down and a beautiful pink, purple and red sky was above.

"This is a good day…" He muttered before glancing over at the two men who were following him a few steps behind. Each of the patrols consisted of three people each. They were there to ensure the peace amongst the people.

Though this town seemed to be rather peaceful due to all the people suffering from poverty had either enlisted in the military or left the town, the people in the cathedral didn't cause problems.

This was all about to change as the sudden sound of around a fifty feet could be heard. The sound of marching. It was as if an army was coming their way. Immediately the patrol drew their batons and made their way over to the location the sound was coming from.

Zuk paused when he came across the main intersection in the center of the town. The homeless people from the Cathedral were marching with picket signs!

Seeing the words written on these signs, he couldn't help but feel dread building up in his heart. What was this man thinking? He was sending out the people from the cathedral to cause a massacre? Surely he believed that even if the walks were peaceful, the government would accuse them of treason and have them punished on the spot.

"Shit!" The woman next to Zuk cursed to herself as she saw the amount of people who were marching in the street. It seemed everyone who were outside had been taken aback by the sudden appearance of the marching group.

The other guy who was on his opposite side made a strange observation. "Since when did they have that much material to make those signs? They don't look recycled!"

That's when the trio began to notice that the regular people were joining in on the march. They even began to cheer and shout out propaganda.

"Stop the War! Bring our Children and Parents Home!"

Zuk paled at this and looked at the two who were with him. "What do we do?" The Corporal didn't really know how to react to this. Of course they were to report this in, but it was hard even for the Town's Garrison to ignore this for long.

That's when he caught something in the corner of his eye. Small aerial drones seemed to have had appeared out of nowhere. They were following the marching group as it was growing. "Media?" Zuk asked out loud before looking around and noticing that it wasn't the media because the media was just arriving in troves. Who was operating these?

Several hours later as the marching's were continuing the volume of the marchers was over taken by an amplified voice. "Disperse! Disperse!" Soldiers began to appear in front of the group fully equipped with soft carapace power suits, riot shields and automatic weapons at the ready. "Disperse or be charged with Treason!" They warned.

While quite a few of the citizens who hadn't been indoctrinated retreated back to their homes, knowing the penalty of death. There were over fifty or a hundred people who remained.

The Soldiers before the group formed a semi-circle in the marcher's path who were moving unphased. "DISPERSE!" The commanding officer seemed to be screaming at the people, trying to buy enough time to make a lethal decision.

He was ordered to open fire on the people should they not disperse, yet these people were all unarmed. They weren't throwing stones or anything. It was a peaceful protest. The only thing they were guilty of was disturbing the peace.

"I said Disperse!"

Zuk's shoulders dropped as he started to hear the sound of rhythmic explosions as the soldiers began to release their explosive slugs into the crowd. Many of the police officers stood idly by in horror.

The sound of flesh being ripped apart, the heavy iron scent of blood swept throughout the town's many streets. The gore was unreal. Even though the people in front of them were being gunned down, the unarmed people just kept marching forward. Shouting and protesting as best they could as their familiars were being gunned down mercilessly.

Another group of soldiers were suppressing the media and were using all their means necessary to stop the media from getting the footage out of the town. However the one thing that still remained constant was the casually hovering drones which were watching the events.

Zuk's eyes narrowed on the drones, which once all the protesters were lying dead or bleeding to death, seemingly retreated and vanished into the surroundings.

'Was this his plan? To create Martyrs? Chaos?'