Puss in Boots

Death was in the streets. The media had their cameras and equipment confiscated. All media was blocked from leaving the town for the time being. It was as if it was being blinded from the rest of the world. No one could make a call, video chat with a friend or play online games.

Maze Yonil was a journalist who was one of the first people on the scene since the protesting had started. However as soon as she saw the soldiers she knew she had to leave. Despite her equipment being confiscated she narrowly avoided being rounded up with the rest of the paparazzi.

She felt like a secret agent. She was ducking into bushes, ruining her precious cashmere jacket and designer boots. Clearly she wasn't poor as media was one of the many thriving businesses on the planet.

Media was literally what connected the world together as one. And that was the reason why they were often controlled by the government. As a journalist, she was free, but always in danger.

She had to be careful of what she was reporting on. And now? She found the jackpot.

According to one of the dying men who were protesting, he gave her information only mere seconds before he passed on. Apparently the protesters had been staying in the abandoned Cathedral.

This was relatively old news that homeless have been living there, but now it was a little bit strange. Why were they suddenly protesting? They should have known the consequences.

Did they suddenly not care about these consequences? Or was something behind this? Was someone setting up the government for a fall? Conspiracies racked Maze's brain as she made her way through the backyards of inhabited and vacant homes. Eventually she made it to the front of the Cathedral.

What was odd was that there was no one around at all! The massive front doors were partially open as if someone had recently slipped out. What's going on here?

Creeping up to the door, Maze peered inside with one eye. Her silver-blue bob-cut and cat like ears twitching softly. She had one green eye and one blue. Both of them were decorated with flakes of warm chocolate brown.

However what she saw made her eyes go wide. There were deserters in the church wearing partial fatigues. They were training what looked like runaways who had been avoiding the draft in martial arts.

Her eyes scanned over the few people who were amongst the group. She recognized a few of them from other towns she had visited and passed by. Though she didn't have their names.

Her eyes then looked up towards the round gothic looking window above the podium and paused. She watched as a pair of pants came sliding off of what she believed to be an unknown female figure's legs. The large rectangular office chair seemed to obscure most of her view, but she definitely tell there was some elicit activities going on in the office.

Silently she dashed inside, not even making a single sound as she brought herself into a corridor which lead to the upper levels by the front. Though despite her stealthy approach, she had already been seen by the returning drones which were coming in overhead.

She however didn't seemed to have noticed this at all, since the runaways and deserters didn't give much of a response. Though it was more so a complete lack of response.

Making her way towards the other end of the Cathedral while keeping crouched low, her ears would twitch from the slightest of movements. "Deserters training runaways. Elicit activities in a holy house…" She murmured as she broke out into a predatory crawl reminiscent of a tiger approaching its prey as she was coming up on the door to the office.

"Mmmm…" A muffled moan escaped from the hole in the glass window of the door.

Maze's hair stood up on end as she took in the pheromones which were flowing in the air. It was clear it was a man and a woman in the room. Her ears flickered at the sounds of movement and bodily contact.

Vycter was caressing Ceilia's bare legs while kissing her deeply on and off. Nuzzling his nose against hers, enjoying the heat.

The mood bothered Maze. People just left the cathedral hours ago and all perished at the hands of soldiers. Yet these people in the office, the people in the main hall and even the people near the podium were hardly in grief.

"Do you have no shame!?" Maze burst through the door pointing at them. "No grief!? You sent people to die!"

Ceilia was shocked by the sudden appearance of the girl. However to further surprise for Maze, Vycter wore absolutely no expression at all. It was as if he knew she was there th entire time. And indeed he did, he knew she entered from the very beginning.

Giving Ceilia's face a light caress, he gently helped her off his lap and stood up. "Miss Kitty," Vycter stated as he pointed out her feline heritage. She was about five foot six inches, closer to the average human height.

Ceilia blushed lightly hearing the mentioned of the word Kitty, considering the events of before with the rest of the girls.

Though it seemed Maze also flushed at being addressed in such a way. "I'm going to reveal the truth about what you're doing here an–" She was cut off as she felt a wire coiling around her throat, causing her to let out a quiet 'eep' sound.

Vycter clucked his tongue, "You were saying?" He stood from the office chair and crackled his knuckled, an unsightly scene bulging from inside his pants physically scene.

Standing behind Maze was now Ren, Eni, Kayelin and Soniya. Each of them had their phasers resting at their sides as they were staring at the girl's tail.

"Beast folk really like showing up randomly, huh?" Eni seemed to snicker as she walked over to the girl and grasped a hold on her Prehensile tail, tugging it just a little. This immediately caused Maze to collapse to her knees and go on all fours. The wires around her neck tightening softly.

"So who are you?" Vycter asked as he knelt down in front of her, putting his hand beneath her chin. She bit his hand.

To her surprise she felt the wires coil even more around her neck, making it harder to breath. "Maze," She closed one eye after releasing his hand.

Vycter chuckled looking down at his hand. "Occupation and affiliation?" His free hand would move along her cashmere jacket until he came across what seemed to be a wallet in a hidden pocket.

Taking out this wallet he'd open it and take out an ID chip and activated it.

Name: Maze Yonil

Age: Twenty

Gender: Female

Race: Catkin

Occupation: Journalists of the Truth Assoc.

Residence: Capital City, Media District, Apartment 532 A.

"Hmph… The Truth you say…" He muttered to himself as he tossed the ID to the side. "You may have your uses, but…" Vycter looked down at the girl as the wires released her throat.

He picked her up by the hair, much like how he manhandled the foxkin prior, he dragged her over to the rose shaped gothic window which overlooked the interior of the cathedral. He pressed her face against it.

"Have you looked at the physical conditions of those runaways? How about the children? Do you see the bruises and scars on those soldiers?" Vycter asked as he increased the pressure slightly.

Maze could hear the movement of the glass as he was being pressed against it violently so. It could start cracking at any moment. "Ye-yes! I see it, them. I see them!" She whined apologetically before yelping as he bent her tail over his fingers.

"Then you will be fighting for them," Vycter grinned sheepishly as he began to indoctrinate the cat girl. She screamed into the glass, causing it to fog up slightly. After a few seconds he shoved her to the ground after she was unconscious.

[ Indoctrination of Maze Yonil complete. 200 EXP. Progress: 7/12. ]

"We're going to have to find a way to blind those satellites…" He took the cashmere jacket off the woman and tossed it into the corner of the room, then began to remove all the expensive accessories, including her designer boots.

Eventually she was just down to a blouse, a skirt and her panties. Everything else had been stripped of her person and he immediately recycled them after Vycter placed them in his inventory. Her expensive taste in clothes seemed to give quite a lump sum, contributing to his funds.