Blind Eye

Reports usually didn't come in so quickly. Though since they were looking at their own soil, with their state of the art surveillance, the Government of Veskar was becoming even more intrigued with this individual.

They couldn't really fathom what he was thinking, sending those protesters out into the field. Apparently their lovely imaging satellites couldn't pick up the drones which had taken in the entire blood bath.

While they did take measures to stop most people from leaving and to stop all the media outlets from getting a hold of such a story, they continued to watch them.

When the Journalist known as Maze broke in, the Commander Kelyn was rather drawn back. There was very little that gave away the journalist's entry. Yet as soon as the woman went down that corridor, the figures identified as Vycter's lieutenants quietly pursued.

The reason why they were able to identify his direct followers, was due to the fact that they had the little particle weapons. They had a unique signature even though it was weak when they weren't used.

They were unable to comprehend the power source from the readings alone, and they didn't want anyone else getting ahold of this technology. Should this man arm his entire following with these particle weapons, he could easily stomp over the government over the planet before naval reinforcements return.

The Chancellor was seated in a comfortable chair watching the same feed while sipping what looked to be a chocolate mocha. "He saw her coming before she even entered the building." He stated with a sigh, seeing that there was no sneaking up on this man. There was likely a possibility that he even knew he was being watched.

"But how did he do that…?" The Commander asked as she stared at the hologram projection. There were no other electronic tools located within the cathedral other than ID chips which were weaker than the phaser's energy signature.

"It's likely that he can sense people…" A man in white robes stated. This man looked rather old.

"Ah, Speaker. It's been a while since you graced us with actual words!" The Chancellor laughed out loud, mocking the old man who gave him an annoyed expression. "But please… Please do continue."

"Since he is a Psionic from what we can see, it is possible he has a very high intelligence and many affinities. If this man can see someone entering the building before they can even get within eyes sight, he definitely has a great gift. We cannot afford to tip him off, dare he try and usurp us." He stated with several nods, stroking his chin. "There could be some sort of ploy from what he had just done. Sending all those homeless out into the streets…"

The old man trailed off for a few moments as the others stared at him for a few moments, waiting for more insight.

The commander's face turned pale as she rewinds the hologram once again. There were slight distortions entering the holy site above the catkin's head. As if something had gained entrance to the building.

Rewinding it again, she kept on looking at that exact spot. It looked as if something was just barely being picked up by the satellite. "There's something strange…"

When Kelyn spoke like this, many of the people in the room turned their heads towards the Commander with brows raised in suspense. "Strange?"

They all focused on the distortion, but they couldn't make out any form of shape. It was just like seeing random data flux, but it was too precise to be random. Though the size of it too was extremely small and on top of that it looked as if it was moving at a quick pace.

The commander narrowed her eyes on a group of five people who were in the backrooms who looked as if they were reaching out to grab something out of the air that didn't register on the imaging array.

That was when the Security Minister who seemed to be in a typical jacket and tie, pointed something out in a questionable tone. "Drones?"

Supreme Chancellor Novak pursed his lips in contemplation. If this man had stealth drones that could almost entirely avoid being detected, this meant he could strike military bases and conduct raids on resource depos without ever being seen.

"We need to find his supplier and we need to cut him off," the Minister of internal affairs smashed is hand down on the nearby table. All it did was create even more drama and suspense in the room. Everyone was getting on edge over a single man.

Now the recording switched to live, allowing them to see what was happening. It seems that some sort of new energy source was placed on the desk in the Bishop's office. "What is that?"

"Looks like some sort of laptop? Looks severely outdated, maybe it–" Pausing in the middle of a sentence the Security Minister stared as the entire hologram banished. Zooming out from the location of the Cathedral, it appears the entire town disappeared from the imaging array's view!? Though it could clearly pick up every nook and cranny outside the town, this was just too much!

"Think its some sort of EMP?" The Internal Affairs minister asked curiously, drumming his fingers impatiently.

"No, that would be a bad idea. That would leave them open to orbital bombardment. Maybe they used some sort of radio wave dispersing device?" The Chancellor gave a suggestion to what could have caused this.

"There is no way a measly alien spy would have such sophisticated technology that can surpass ours!" The Minister of Military Research & Development growled in a prideful manner.

"From the information we've gathered before losing visuals, is that he is human. Not alien. Though we doubt he is native to the planet." Kelyn waved him off, dismissing his little bout of pride in comparing their culture's level of technology to another's.

Vycter had taken out a transmitter which blocked incoming radio-waves, which did the general opposite of what the military had been doing. Now as they couldn't get messages out, they can't get any in either. They had two choices, take over the town or use his fancy abilities to escape with the followers he had now.

The transmitter looked like an extremely bulky framed laptop with hundreds of gadgets and gizmos visible on the keyboard section of the machine. It was definitely something to behold.

However before he could make any decision, he had to get this Journalist out of the town and back home so that she could get the story to the people. His story. Of how the government massacred innocent protesters who simply wanted their friends and family back. On top of that, how the government wasn't reimbursing veterans for their losses.

The fact that the government rather silence its people than negotiate definitely would make a great deal of chaos in the public sector.

Handing Ceilia a mended pair of pants with a new button, he grinned lightly and walked by her after she took it into her hands.

Over on the nearby couch was the young Kitty, who was snoring away as if it was her on vacation instead of having been indoctrinated into his plot. He was going to use her to turn the people against its leaders. Even the military personnel which joined to protect the people may even turn against the government it was so sworn to serve.

Then just as he reached the couch, he glanced over at the other girls who hadn't left the room yet. Pursing his lips slightly he would walk over to Ren and motioned for all the others except for Ceilia to leave the room.

"I'm going to need you to get the catacomb doors open. We can use that to escape the eyes of the government until we can get back to our original base of operations. We've gained enough here." Ren obviously didn't know where this base of operations he was talking about was, but she simply accepted what he had to say.

"I'll need a few of the others to help me out," Ren stated with a light nod before hurrying out of the room.

He was going to have to make an escape route underground to leave undetected. They just had to go a certain distance away from the town. Yet there was still a chance they'd be found out.