Home Furnishing

Dusting dirt and dust from her hair, Lextra's eyes remained forward at the girl known as Maze. She was the newest of the group and had been pretty much stripped of her luxuries. However it seemed that this so called journalist was part of the plan?

The fox's eyes narrowed on the man in front of everyone. He was leading these people, yet they barely knew anything about him. While she was always wondering why, she never really felt that she should voice her concerns. The odd safety she felt while in his presence was able to sooth her worries away.

Looking down at her ochre yellow collared dress, she let out a quiet sigh as her tail dropped.

Maze was looking around. She could see fine as she was moving, even before the flashlights were distributed. Though just like the rest other girl, she kept her tail low as she remained diligent. As a cat she enjoyed small confined locations. However the fact that the tunnel was steadily expanding in front of them, kind of gave her a weird vibe.

Vycter was digging a tunnel without using physical labor and was moving faster than any known drill in the world. Even the followers wanted to question it, but didn't voice it either.

He however was side tracked by other means while using his customization ability. Another screen had long appeared in front of him. He currently had 15 Skill Points since he had spent them on the customization ability he had upgraded and was using right now. He was currently level nine, thanks to all these indoctrinations. He was even at the breakthrough point to level ten after having slaughtered the soldiers at the garrison with drones due to the indirect nature, he had been given lesser Experience points per kill.


Name: Vycter Price Jr.

Age: Twenty-One

Gender: Male

Race: Augmented Human

Occupation: Rogue Operator.

Level: IX

Available SP: 15 Points

Strength: A

Intelligence: SS

Perception: A

Endurance: B

Agility: A

Luck: C+

Psi Talents:

Perfect Non-Attribute Affinity

Perfect Mental Affinity

Perfect Technological Affinity

[ Skill Shop ] [ Item Shop ] [ Tool Shop ]


Ceilia who was walking beside him, was watching him with a concerned expression. She was unable to see the customization menu which had appeared in front of him. And she was very unlikely able to see the Hub he was using to view his status. This wasn't an ability people were naturally capable of, so that was understandable.

However due to being underground with limited amounts of air, they didn't bother talking all that much and breathed slowly and shallowly. While he was very capable of buying oxygen tanks for direct use should the air get too stale underground, he was holding off from doing so.

The underground was cold and damp, so everyone had been given sturdier clothes for winter. They'd probably need them for the mountain base as well. Considering how deep they would be within the mountain itself.

Opening the skill shop from the status menu, Vycter was glancing over the items which he could purchase to improve himself. There was a mind probing option which was exactly what it sounded like, probing the thoughts of those around him. At the same time there was a drain knowledge skill which allowed him to extract skills and other knowledge from people forcefully. Personally he didn't feel like making people go braindead. It'd be the same as lobotomizing people, which since he lived in a hospital all of his past life, made him feel rather uncomfortable thinking about it.

He even came across an upgraded skill for Indoctrination which turned it into an area effect which would brainwash people within twenty five meters of himself in large groups. However once he upgraded it, it'd only have a limited amount of times he could use it a day. While it would be good in dense populated areas, it could lead to an immense disadvantage.

There were many options to go for, but he wasn't going to choose just yet. They had a while to go, so he continued scrolling to see the other skills. Technopathy was greyed, since he already got it. Telepathy and telekinesis had experienced a massive drop in price since he was closer to the tenth level.

However he had an understanding that in the game known as Imperia, once one got to SS++ rank in Intelligence they would automatically gain telekinesis and telepathy traits which could be used passively.

Drumming his fingers on his thigh slightly, he kind of missed the desk from the cathedral. Even though he had originally planned to stay there longer. It seemed that he had accelerated his plans pretty quickly and ended up having to escape.

At least he left when he did, since he knew that eventually whoever was watching them would get impatient. Now the enemy would have to scour an entire planet to find a Ghost who can instigate riots.

"How much longer~?" Whined one of the kids who were in the middle of the group. Clearly they were getting impatient. They were only children after all.

Vycter snickered at this. Remembering how in movies that kids would constantly be asking if they were there yet. It was adorable hearing something like that in this little group. "Much longer," he was beating around the bush.

"Gah, sheriously?" One of the kids with braces asked in a disappointed tone.

"Yes." Vycter gave yet another simple answer to a simple question.

One of the kids with a flashlight began walking backwards and stared behind them. It was a surprise to them seeing that as they were walking the corridor was closing up behind them. It was as if they were traveling in a bubble of air. There was no tunnel left behind them, so even if they dug up beneath the cathedral, the military wouldn't have found anything.

Putting his attention back on the hub itself, he temporarily minimized the skill shop and opened the base shop function. Suddenly an appearance of a screen with the layout of the mountain base appeared. Blinking a few times there were various options for him to choose from. It was like looking at an interface for a base building game. Apparently this was coupled with his customization skill and normal shop functions. He could enable plumping, add a septic or even water treatment tank. There were various different generator and centric heating options.

While it didn't allow him to completely fabricate a base from nothing, it seemed it allowed him to mold one and furnish it. There was a tab that was marked cathedral, but it was in red text meaning it was destroyed.

Shrugging lightly, he began to scroll through the furnishings and defenses that he could add to the base. This also included automated robots, even some from games and fictions he was familiar with such as Star Wars, Andromeda Ascendant and Star Trek. There were even android which he could fabricate. He could even get the fancy tentacle machines from the matrix, though he didn't really want to make any of those in this world. The last thing he needed was an A.I. to try and harvest humanity for energy.

Either way he decided on getting a zero point energy reactor, central heating, an AI core and internal defense turrets. The turrets would be found dropping down from above passage ways leading into the various rooms. There were various settings such as cryo ammunition and explosive ammunition, but they were also equipped with built in fire extinguishers.

The walls would soon be outfitted with smooth metal panels with long flat ovular shaped cool blue lighting emplacements embedded into them. It was a very imperialistic design and rather intimidating due to its dark luminescence. The floor's composition had also been changed, through the base shop function, which now appeared to be a reflective off-black surface. The ceiling had a grey-blue metal plates with visible ventilation shafts. It was starting to look like a real base. Even the supports were reinforced by metal plating and were at least another meter thicker than before.

The once fifteen meter wide hallways were now twelve meters wide. There was also a subterranean level beneath the mountain which had been carved out for storage and followed the same architectural structure as the level above. There were three different stair cases which lead down to the basement level and two turbo-lifts.

By the time they arrived, an entire barracks had been set up for the followers and children. To much of his first three companies surprise, the entire makeup of the base had changed. It looked like an official forward operating base. They had no idea how it happened and were rendered completely speechless.

Entering through the basement level of the base, he waltzed in and gazed over his handy work. A grin formed over his lips as he glanced over at those behind him.

He was met with wide eyes, children cheered as they stripped from their heavy coats and began running around. Kids will be kids.

The deserters looked over the walls and ran their hands against the cold surfaces. It was as if they were in the ships controlled by the Kingdom. "This is amazing…" One of the men said as he looked to the ceiling. "How long has this been here?"

"For less than a week." Ceilia answered this time, her voice was truly frightened by the fact that they had come back to a fully furnished base. Just who was backing the man she had found herself falling in love with?

Soniya stared at the place. Its militant and imperialistic architecture rubbed her the wrong way. She clearly felt intimidated by all the changes, but didn't say anything allowed as she hugged herself making her way towards what looked like a wide turbo-lift. The entire group followed her in a single file line as Vycter walked passed her in a quick stride.

Once everyone was on the turbo-lift, the elevator would elevate them to the next level within a few seconds. "Shall we begin the door?" He asked with glistening eyes and an idiotic grin.

A small black robot which looked like a trapezoid-prism shaped toaster, went scurrying on by passed the elevator, making small squeaking and whistling noises as soon as it noticed there were people present.

[ Sys Achievement Complete: Furnish your first FOB. 5,000 EXP, Level Up. ]