Chaos & Delay

A week had gone by and nothing really out of the ordinary happened across the globe. There was no external operations executed by Vycter, all he needed was a steady income of information. So instead of going out of his way to create more chaos, he switched gears into educating his people, his followers.

The only thing that went on outside was the images being spread across the interplanetary web which was readily available across the known galaxy. Not only were the common people across the planet aware of the actions the government made against its people, but the other countries were now aware of the internal strife.

This was all thanks to the one known as Maze which had left the base shortly after with Eni and Ren as her escorts. After Maze had been successfully dropped off safely at her firm, they headed back without hinderance. They had false IDs which had been purchased through the system by Vycter. As soon as they were successful, he heard the soft voice of the system and the words scrolling through his vision.

[ Mission Achievement Complete: Infiltrate the Mass Media. 25,000 EXP. ]

[ Level Up. ]

[ New Milestone Achieved: Level XI ]

A room beside the main barracks for the general personnel was retrofitted into a library filled with books pertaining to partial arts, vehicle operation and various other skills which would be extremely helpful. In addition to that there were child education books and text books for the sciences and literature.

Eni and Ren were put in charge of doing martial training and discipline. Abuse amongst the members of this little militia was practically outlawed. No verbal sexual harassment towards man or woman alike, unless it was a mutual joke between friends.

Meanwhile Soniya and Kayelin were to school the children if they weren't literate in ways of writing and reading, mathematics and basic sciences. This was mainly due to the fact that they had originally wanted to be teachers or scholars when they finally finished school, only to have to run away from their aspirations when the war required conscription of the unwilling.

Vycter on the other hand was learning about the political forces throughout the galaxy, using a virtual private network to jump around through social loops across the interstellar web. It appears that many of the worlds didn't have cloning technologies or massive droid armies. This was a plus for him since he had access to such machines through purchases of the system. On top of this he learned more about the political landscape of the planet he was on. It was a Elitist Republic where the nobles had the majority of power and commoners were nothing more than expendable cogs in a very small machine. This was probably why they made it illegal for commoners to have weapons such as fire arms.

If the commoners had fire arms they could quite literally be a very hard threat to deal with since they heavily outnumbered both the military and the noble factions. Yet since they didn't have fire arms, at least ones of high caliber, all they really had was homemade bombs. So if you are shot before you can throw a bomb, the bomb is pretty much useless and counterproductive.

However he didn't have the adequate amount of funds to create a massive army of droids, or enough resources to fuel a factory to build them all. While he could indeed flash clone his followers, the clones had an exponentially short life span of a mere two decades before dying from molecular degradation.

He'd literally be creating child soldiers at that point unless he was able to find a serum to stop the degradation. Though apparently when he went through the shops it wasn't there. So it was to be assumed that it could be acquired as he leveled up through the system. This was hypothesized due to the fact that the higher he got in level, the cheaper skills and beginner items were. On top of that as he gained levels, new items would appear in his shop functions.

Even if he got a cure for this molecular degradation, it was still a long term project.

After further exploring the hub, he found that there was a crafting menu which allowed him to quickly create item, their quality based on his intelligence and perception levels. So he was able to make Good and Great quality goods. However unless he can get his perception level to S level, he won't be able to make perfect grade goods.

However he learned that he could easily make guns through the crafting system with much higher quality than the shop. It was cheaper to buy the resources for the guns than it was to buy the guns. It was about the same with the computer components and other countless things. In the end after so much crafting he noticed that his perception had been upgraded from an A to an A+. Now all he had to do was get it to raise two more levels and he would have another S ranked attribute.

[ Achieved A+ Rank in Perception. 500 EXP rewarded. ]

Chuckling softly as the system spun out a praise worthy tone for him, Vycter would be seated in his room behind his desk. Laying in his bed was a half-dressed Ceilia who was snuggling into a body pillow.

Out of his entire harem it seemed that he spent most of his time with Ceilia, much to the other's disappointment. The only reason there hadn't been any actions of jealousy carried out, was probably because of the conditioning which practically forced them to get along.

Besides Ceilia though, Lextra is the next one who is constantly physically teased by Vycter. Whenever he sees her he simply finds an excuse to pull her tail, touch her head and ruffle her ears. While plenty of times he had instructed some of the kids to literally flip her dress as mere pranks, it always ended up with her storming off and disappearing into the library.

Lextra had a grand thirst for knowledge, every point of the day she was seen sitting in there trying to figure out algorithms for computers. Learning what kind of chemicals would make explosives more effective against enemy mechanized units.

Vycter would have gotten up from his seat and walked over to the bed, quietly crawling onto the blanket and quilt infested mattress. There were tons of blankets and plush quilts and almost over twenty pillows on the bed.

He carefully brought himself over the sleeping Ceilia and gently turned her over onto her back. Vycter began to tug the body pillow inch by inch out of her grasp until her arms were empty and rested on her stomach.

A grin formed over his lips as he held himself over her, but paused as he noticed she began showing a closed lipped smiling.

"You weren't sleeping at all," Vycter said as he huffed in disappointment. He wanted to have some fun with her while she was sleeping. To wake her up in surprise, yet instead all he got was her big eyes gleaming up at him.

Pursing her lips teasingly, she held herself up with her elbows so her face was closer to his. "Oh? And what would you have done?" She puckered her lips like a duck before blowing a raspberry in his face, like a horse.

"I was thinking of mounting my horse," Vycter stated as he placed a hand on her shoulder and pressed her back down to the heavily fluffed mattress.

Sucking in her lower and upper lips, she stared up at him as if she had just realized she screwed up. She was planning on only teasing him, but instead it seemed she antagonized him?

His knee was touching between her legs, keeping them soft spread apart and vulnerable. His weight is what kept the girl down to the bed, though she didn't bother trying to escape from the trap she had set herself in.

"I-is that s-so?" Ceilia faltered as his face inched closer to hers. She could feel his butterscotch breath tickle her skin and fill her sense of smell. She trembled at the feeling of his knee pressing against her.

His free hand worked its way up from her outer thigh and caressed all the way to right side of her neck. Vycter smirked smugly down at her and pressed his lips against hers. His hand moving from her neck and cupping her cheek as he pressed his body down on top of her.

The people within the FOB have been fed much better than they had previously experienced out in the world that surrounded the mountain. They were guaranteed three meals a day as long as they worked and produced resources. In addition to that they were given a safe place to sleep regardless.

Regarding Ceilia however it seemed she hadn't gained all that much except for a more healthy complexion. She was no longer malnourished, but any growth or development that had been possible was stunted due to the malnourishment persisting for so long. It was generally the same for the young adult population of the mountain base.

When it came to uniforms, those who were being trained in martial arts were given grey-blue polyester-nylon composite double-breasted tunics, black cargo pants and militant hard leather boots. Their rankings were summarized as roman numerals printed on their shoulders, like an arm patches.

When it came to his lieutenants it seemed that Vycter preferred dressing them in white double breasted tunics, black cargo pants and militant hard leather boots. What stood out from the other members was the X's on their shoulders which represented the number ten. After they arrived at the base a week ago, he had given each of his members EXP vials which allowed them to quickly level up.

His hypothesis from before that made him think that he could unlike Psi potential in all of his followers was regretfully false. It seemed the only ones who could possibly get the Psi trait is if they had a latent or innate Mental Affinity of any grade.

While there were items in the shop which allowed additional affinities, they only had a fifty percent chance of working. On the other hand it seemed that the Catkin and Foxkin had Mana Affinity which allowed them to have access to magic skills due to having the latent affinity activated.

Though Maze had left the base before she could learn more, she had already become extremely valuable in the field. Within the week which she had left, she had spread the news of what happened.

Similar revolts happened all over the world, some of them ironically lead by honor bound and just' nobles, while others were fruitlessly squashed by military riot police. It seemed after the backlash, the government stopped using lethal weapons on crowds and instead started employing scare tactics.

The police threw tear gas grenades and flash bangs, while some not so peaceful marchers threw Molotov cocktail in retaliation. The government office had to live with the shame of being criticized from all of the more liberal nations across the galaxy, even other enlightened monarchies which cherish its people looked down upon the Noble Republic of Veskar.

This allowed Vycter's home country to reassess the situation. One person had just caused a massive amount of chaos in such short amount of time. Veskar's public offices and external affairs outright blamed the mysterious figure which Vycter represented.

The idea of a revolt on the planet inspired his home world's government into using this revolt to their own further their gains. There were various things they could do, such as using it as a mere distraction. Secretly funding the rebel campaigns and instating the group into power, establishing them as a puppet nation.

Within a month's deadline, they wanted to be in contact with this mysterious figure. They knew that the Veskar government would be heavily watching over their own planet. They also figured the mysterious person was laying low somewhere. However they just couldn't pinpoint their location on the planet from the deep space optical array. They probed the interstellar web however and found an unknown user from the planet who's virtual network was bouncing all over the place.