The Operative

[ New Mission Detected. Indoctrinate the Stratos Empire's Operator. 5,000 EXP ] The System suddenly chimed. Rudely ruining Vycter's good night's sleep with its soft voice and chirping tone. It was like getting an alarm clock which sets its own alarm.

"..." Vycter's eyes opened slightly as he heard the mission which had been given to him by the system. He was not all that happy about being woken up, but he was suddenly given a mission to do with his own homeland? "System, explain. What are the parameters that made this mission appear?" He mumbled to himself, half asleep as his eyes glanced over to Ceilia who was settled on top of him, her legs intertwined around his and her face planted in his chest.

He could feel the small amount of drool settling into his shirt. Chuckling quietly to himself, he would move onto his side and gently tilt her sleeping face up to his own and stare at her sleeping face.

After a few seconds, the system began to respond. [ The Stratos Empire has activated its operators on the planet of Veskar in order to find he mysterious figure who is causing a domino effect throughout the Noble Republic. ] The System stated with a rather serious tone, but seemed to be holding back a snicker of its own, somehow.

"Is that so…" Vycter was barely dressed, he was only wearing a shirt. It wasn't that different from Ceilia, though she was wearing a blue and black sports bra rather than a shirt.

Carefully pealing her off of himself, and laying her out on the bed, he would sit up slowly. His gaze immediately looking at the dried blood which glistened along her moist thighs. Ceilia had been a virgin and her cherry had been quite filled, as it stained the sheets beneath her when she popped.

As he was finished with what he was doing, he would slowly get off the bed and walk over to the bathroom which was connected to the bedroom. As he walked in he picked up a cloth and wet it with the sink. A small grin across his lips as he rang it out before walking back into the room and over to the sleeping Ceilia.

Kneeling onto one side of the bed he reached over with the cloth in his hand. Carefully he was caressing her inner thighs, wiping the fragile lips of her vital region.

A soft moan escaped from the slumbering girl upon the bed, which actually woke her up in turn. Slowly her eyes peeked open, her mouth trying to moisten itself. From beneath her lashes she could see the blurry Vycter touching between her legs. "Hey…" She murmured as she tried reaching down, but couldn't reach his hand.

Vycter grinned lightly as she reached for him and grasped her wrist and pulled her up into a sitting posture. "Mornin' little flea."

There was a drastic pause between the two of them, before he felt a weak little flick on his clothed chest. It was like someone smacked a ping pong ball against his chest. "Don't… call me a flea. And I'm NOT little! I'm fun-sized~"

Vycter smiled blankly at her as she made this proclamation. While he had no argument for calling her fun-sized, the last person in the hospital that visited him which he called fun-sized, actually slapped poor sickly Vycter.

"W-wh-why… ar-re you looking at me like that?" It was clear that she was suddenly nervous from her stuttering, as she fluttered her lids so her sights could adjust, she narrowed her vision.

"Reasons." Vycter went back to his simple way of answering questions as he leant forward and pecked her on the lips.

Blushing lightly, returned the kiss despite how short it was. Though as her eyes moved down, she made a small squeak sound. He was hard again. Her face turned blank as she looked up at him. "I-I'm still sore."

She wasn't up for another round, obviously.

Vycter laughed lightly, "It's all good. I just have to go to the bathroom." He flicked his long, slightly bent, shlong; causing it to wobble side to side. It was darker than the rest of his skin with a reddish pigment. He was clearly circumcised, which meant it didn't need to be cleaned as the same as someone who hadn't been.

Leaving her be, he made his way into the bathroom, but left the door open. When he made his way over to the toilet, he raised the lid. He stared down as he took aim, which he didn't really need to use his hands. Just moved his body in the way he wanted to fire.

With the perfect angle, he pushed with the muscles available. It took a few tries, but eventually he got a steady stream. Moments went by, but a successful flush could be heard emanating from the room.

He left the seat up. He washed his hands, and walked out of the room to see that Ceilia was slipping her clothes back on.

"Did you put the seat down?" Ceilia asked, her lips curled into a smile as if she knew he didn't.

"Nope." Vycter mused, his eyes watching her bare feet go through the pant leg of her pants.

Ceilia paused and blinked a few times. "Will you put it down?" Her Inquiry almost reminded him of a mother trying to give her child a proper testing of how to use the bathroom.

"Nope. My bathroom… Wanna take a shower?" Clearly, he was changing the subject. Though at the same time, she smelled like sex and her walk was completely unsteady as she wobbled towards him buttoning her pants.

"N–" She was about to speak, only for him to pressed his lips against hers. Her fingers curled slightly, she was caught off guard. Then, she felt him putting his hands down the back of her pants.

Groaning lightly he pushed them down, the button snapping open and the zipper flying down. She felt her lower half become bare and her legs trapped at the ankles. 'Oh no…' She thought mentally as the kiss would break. Though right before she could speak again, her face was met with her bra and her arms were forced upward.

"Me-meanie~!" Ceilia whined as she felt his hand against her lower waist, guiding her into the bathroom. Once they were inside she felt as he turned her around and pinned her to the tiled dark wall beside the shower. Her back twitched and tried to escape from the cold, but it was fruitless.

"Mmm," she groaned quietly as his hand rested on her rear, while his other slipped into the curtain of the shower and switched on the hot water. It only took a few seconds before the steam began to rise into the air.

The Stratos Empire's Operative Tanya Miles is on the job. In order to find the being who had been changing the political and public landscape, she had to go out of her way to investigate where it all began.

Standing in the forest, she stared at the destroyed pod where apparently one of their own had landed. However she came across the information that it was a native person's body who was in the pod.

On top of that the person who had been inside the pod was dead before the explosion occured. The pod had been a trap to slow down investigating soldiers.

She was dressed in a jumpsuit and wearing a bomber's jacket. She looked like a mechanic, though that was just part of her original cover. Her eyes scanned over the debris. It seemed anything of value had been removed. She however narrowed her eyes on the tracks leading away from the sight and off in the direction of the mountain she could see in the distance.

"A mountain?" She knew very well the first place someone with general survival training would go towards a secluded location. Though at the same time, they'd go towards water, or some sort of life preserving resources. However behind enemy lines, it was best to enter seclusion or a heavily populated location.

So she went out of her way to follow these tracks. It seemed to be made from three girls or children due to the small foot prints and one large male. Her eyes glared at the male's footprints however.

These footprints weren't from standard boots, it was more so from the native shoe model. According to the reports she had gotten a hold of, apparently the perpetrator switched clothes with the boy known as Emile before placing him in the pod.

Had he killed a civilian and stuffed him into the pod? That was rather harsh. Even if he didn't, it was a practical decision to throw off investigators.

Letting out a chuckled as she eventually made it to the mountain, she couldn't but stare at the flat steep side of the mountain which the foot prints disappeared. "you've got to be getting me, right?" She laughed to herself, before glancing to the side. "Did he just pull a Houdini? Phase through a wall? Something's not right here."

She was talking to herself, but this observation was rather accurate. She didn't know of someone within the Empire's military that could do anything like this.

That's when she heard a twig snap. Her entire body froze. She could feel the killing intent of over twenty people. Why why were there so many people out here all of a sudden?

Glancing over her shoulder, there seemed to be someone wearing a double breasted tunic, white in color. Her eyes narrowed on the roman numerals on her shoulder. "Ten?" She observed with a hushed tone.

Her gaze then full upon a bunch of other individuals who were hidden within the ruff of the forest. They were wearing grey-blue tunics of the same design, but had lower numbers. The lower numbers were equipped with what looked like unknown rifles, while the one with the number ten had a garage opener or car fob. It was really hard to tell what it was.

Seeing the woman raise a hand to her ear as if she was taking in orders, Tanya paused for a moment. A nervous smile appearing over her lips. Did she really stumble upon the person who was organizing all of this?

Her eyes glanced towards the number ten's feet and pursed her lips. No, the size of the boot wasn't the same as the size of the little shoes she saw earlier.

"We have orders to take you in, will you resist, Stratos Operative?"

Tanya stared at the woman for a few moments before raising both of her arms in the air in surrender.

"Good," Ren aimed her type one phaser and pressed the stun option and fired a pale yellow beam at the woman. As soon as it made contact, Tanya was thrown backward and onto the ground. The weapon had some force behind it.

As her consciousness was fading, she was able to identify the fact that the weapon was not plasma based. It was a particle weapon. She tried to move her body, but everything felt heavy. Eventually, her thoughts transformed into dreams. She was no longer conscious of the world around her.