Maylin Jupine

Vycter was admiring his new blue print on his way down in the turbo-lift to the first level of the base. He was rather happy with this arrangement. Despite the rate of the facilities rapid growth, he was extremely close to everyone. They were jam packed together and trapped inside unless they had to go out and do miniature missions.

The blueprint in his hand was known as the Death Switch Blue Print, it was literally a nano-sized neural detonator. Should this object be used remotely, he could literally cause someone's brain to stop and turn them into a vegetable.

It was the best for sleeper spies, especially those who weren't indoctrinated. It could also be used to assassinate individuals after they've been injected.

The Death Switch was like a nano-sized spider and would swim and crawl its way through the body until it met with the brain. Once it was there, it would nestle into it and wait for further instructions.

This was the best thing about it, as it was highly unlikely to be discovered by conventional medical equipment and scans. Even the most advanced ones on the planet of Veskar couldn't pick it up. Though the ones on his home planet would find it.

Stuffing the paper into his inventory, he would bring his attention forward once the door opened. The only dangerous thing he could think of is if someone had technopathy and used it to prematurely kill someone.

Ren was the girl who came to mind at first. She was rather moody, unlikely the first three teenagers he took in, she resisted his sexual advances. Eni seemed to do so as well.

Eventually he found out the reason why for this. Even though they were undyingly loyal to this man they had just met not too long ago, they had a bad past with male superiors. It was the main reason these women ended up in the state that they had.

It was rather depressing thinking about this. They had been beaten, framed and abandoned by their own people. That was the only reason they landed in his lap otherwise these faces would be the ones he would one day see on the battlefield on the opposite side.

That very thought made his expression darken as he walked passed a group of kids who were going onto the turbolift. One of them who saw him like this seemed to make a puzzled expression and stared at him until the door closed and obstructed their view.

Vycter made his way along the corridor, a mental checklist forming as he was looking through his quests. He completed two of the six quests main quest lines. He opened his stats and stared at them for a few moments. The new Attribute looked out of place when it was used in the acronym that formed the company's name.

He had quickly turned the status menu off as he walked into his bedroom and glanced around. His eyes then narrowed on one of the delinquent 'kids' who was laying on his bed. Well, to be more correct, she was somewhere in her teens.

She was dressed in what looked like an old soccer team outfit which reminded him of Feng from Dead by Daylight with her Gamer's team uniform. He couldn't quite remember the name of her team.

Waltzing on over to the bed, he stared down at the girl who was nonchalantly reading a book, which just so happened to be Ceilia's diary.

Taking in a sharp inhale, and then exhaling heavily, he stared down at her as she finally noticed him there. Her face immediately turning read as she recalled the contents she had just finished reading.

It seemed Ceilia wrote extremely detailed notes of their interactions with one another, including their sexual encounters.

"Um, I can expl–" She was cut off as Vycter grasped the book by its spine; closing it and placing it on the nightstand. Then proceeded to sit on the bed, with his back to her. "Mister… Price?"

The girl was cute, she had short curly strawberry blond hair and grey-blue eyes. Her nose was pointed and she had a heart shaped face. Skin tone was frail and she had freckles all over her face. If anything she could pass as a red head should she dye her hair. Her body was slender, but still had quite a bit of baby fat which hid her muscles.

She crawled over on her two arms and looked up at him from the side of his face.

"Miss Ren deny you again?" Her voice cracked as she tried to possibly counsel the older man, reaching over and patting his shoulder with her dainty hand.

His eyes glanced over towards her, while that was one thing on his mind, he had no real clue of why this girl was asking him about this. Though she clearly was happy she got his attention since she smiled wide as if he gave her validation. "I've achieved a large amount, so I should be happy. But there is a large amount more that I need to do."

Blinking a few times at what he had said, she didn't entirely understand what he was going through. It wasn't as if she knew about the quests which had been laid out for him to succeed in his plans.

"Then just go with the flow," She shrugged and nodded at the same time, a decent combination of movement. "Like I always say. The dishes aren't going anywhere. So I can just do them later."

Vycter narrowed his sight and turned his head to look at her direction. "So you were the one on dish duty?" He asked his voice turning stern as he glared down at her. She was the reason they were out of bowls and spoons in the mess hall.

"Ha…ha…ha… Did I say that?" The girl tried to wave it off in dismissal, until he grabbed a handful of her short hair which made her wince. "Ow!"

"Really?" Shaking his head lightly he would flick her nose, which made her scrunch her face up in pain. "That pain isn't anything." Vycter's expression became as dark as before which made the girl tremble in fear in his grasp.

That's when she began to feel a tingling sensation going through the back of her mind. A high pitch sound accompanied by a searing pain could be felt emanating throughout. Just as she was about to let out a scream, shoved her face into Ceilia's body pillow, muffling the sound.

After a few moments and she was unconscious, he rolled her over onto her back.

"Guess she'll never miss Dish Duty again," Vycter's dark expression had been replaced by a smug one. "Even though she won't remember the pain, or the Diary."

[ Indoctrinated Maylin Jupine Complete. 0 EXP. Harem Progress: 9/12. ]

Almost immediately his smug expression vanished and he stared down at the teenager on the bed before letting out a light sigh. "This should be interesting." Reaching down, he would dig into her pocket and pull out her identification card. Turned out she was sixteen, and on Veskar that was the age of consent. Shrugging lightly to himself, he stuffed the card into her pocket once more.

"Now… To Officialize my faction, huh…" He thought out a few plans, some of them were direct while others were subtle.

"I could take over the planetary network and broadcast everywhere at once. Or I could introduce myself to the galactic web." Crossing his arms slightly he would tilt his head to the side. "Well… I technically still have to make contact with Stratos." He looked towards the ceiling, "How am I supposed to explain Tanya though?" Tapping his foot slightly he wasn't even paying attention to Maylin who began to open her eyes after a few minutes of being unconscious.

Looking down towards her as she sat up and looked around the room. Her face turned red as soon as she found herself here. "Um, uh…" Were the only things which were able to escape her lips before fiddling in confusion.

"What is it Maylin?" His eyes remained narrowed on her and his voice sounded almost stern, while it also sounded rather curious of why she had originally come here to begin with.

The more he paid attention to details, the more he noticed that Maylin's eyes seemed to flutter bashfully, her shoulders swaying. Her hands were held clasped together between her legs.

Was it because of the indoctrination or was she already coming to his room for such a reason?

"W-will you lay with me?" Her voice sounded strangely nervous compared to before when she had been counseling him. Vycter didn't know her all that well, he never interacted with her before, since she had been brought in after being found in the forest. Apparently her village tried to riot against their fief lord and ended up being attacked by their private military arms. She was the sole survivor of her family.

"What's this about?" His voice didn't sound sympathetic to her request.

Her body jerked slightly, as if he had taken a jab at her, as she heard the lack of sympathy in his voice and she collapsed with her back laying onto the bed. "Some of the boys said I looked like a pretty boy and said no man would sleep with me."

His eye twitched slightly hearing this. While he could sympathize with someone being bullied, he didn't exactly think her idea was the right one. However he believed that this sudden showing of infatuation could have probably been caused by his ability to indoctrinate others.

Vycter sighed and decided to change his tune a bit and lay casually on the bed, his hands folded beneath his head. The girl blinked at this sudden change and watched him.

It was like a domesticated cat watch its master from an elevated space. Her eyes were large and filled with mystery, her face seemed to glow. Suddenly she rolled onto her stomach and crawled over. She was about the same height as Ceilia, if not an inch or two shorter.

He watched as she made her way over and crawled on top of him, curling up slightly as if a child was sleeping on top of their parent. He didn't really mind since she didn't weigh all that much.

So his eyes went back up to the ceiling and slowly closed as he began to meditate on his thoughts. It wasn't long until he heard the sleeping murmurs from the girl who was on top of him. At least she meant the literal sleeping with, not the sexual kind.

While he had interest, he wasn't in the mood. His drive was generally spontaneous, but he always acted on his own. After about thirty minutes he would gently slide her off his body and onto the bed.

He removed her shirt and shorts and put them in the hamper nearby to be washed later. Leaving her in what looked like tight fit women's boxers, she wore no bra. She didn't need a bra unless she wanted the padding for comfort or whatever other reason there was.

"Guess I'll get back to work," Vycter said shamelessly and walked out of the room with an even stride.