The Broadcast

Vycter made his way into a room structured into what looked like a lecture hall. It was sound proof and had various forms of equipment laying upon the desk next to a podium near the front of the room.

Looking over the people who were seated down on the upward hill of desks and stairs. He chuckled a bit as a drone launched itself from the back of the room and hovered over towards him freely.

The person controlling it was none other than Ceilia.

Vycter decided he was going to take over the planetary network in order to highjack the local stellar television stations. In this way he'd be able to broadcast the very publication of his faction.

Getting it to work however meant that there had to be a few groups of people working on hacking their way into the network. He had around ten people doing this in an adjacent room.

The plan was that no one in the crowd watching should be seen, if they talked their voices were distorted. The only face which would be shown was his. He needed to make sure no one could ever forget who was the one who created this mass panic and rioting throughout the streets.

It would enrage many, especially the nobles. While some civilians may not like the idea of a foreigner trying to come to power, let alone the fact that he was also from an enemy nation which had caused thousands of deaths already in the war.

Within a few hours the red light on the drone would turn red, signifying that they were on the air. He was now being seen by the billions of inhabitants on the planet which were kept in domed cities and towns.

Yuna and Hila were both common born children living in a small orphanage off the coast of the main content. They were watching their favorite cartoons with the rest of the children.

It was a rather peaceful area, one of the few places that didn't start any rioting due to the security being extremely tight. The common folk of this area were also relatively wealthy and their facilities were funded by the local lord. There was no real reason for them to go against the government.

Then suddenly their screen was taken over by the annoying sound of snow and flickering white lights. They stared at it for a few moments before looking at the others surrounding them.

"Did the TV break again?" One of them whined and threw their shoe at the ground after they got up. However just as they were all about to leave the room, the children paused as a voice was heard. They turned their heads in unison and stared at an unfamiliar face on a screen.

"Who is that guy?" One of the boys asked Hila who simply shrugged and sat back down in front of the Television. The boy followed and sat beside her, his head tilted to the side a bit as his shoulder rested against hers.

Yuna on the other hand glare at the face which was on there. Out of everyone in the room, she was the only one who recognized him. He was an operator from the hostile country which was attacking their land.

He had operated in this town and even killed her parents which was the reason why she ended up here in the first place. Her parents were both servants to the local lord, and during his infiltration he eliminated these two who noticed him.

They were able to hide her just in time, so he didn't notice. However now he revealed himself again and this time it was in front of her. Her eyes burned and began to tear up.

"Yuna?" Hila called out and glanced over at her as the man began speaking. Getting up and walking over to her friend, she wrapped her arms around her. "What's wrong?" The two of them were around eight years old. They were small and pudgy.

"He's the one." Her voice sounded strained as if she was forcing herself to talk instead of cry. She was trying to be tough and it wasn't working out quite well since she was slowly giving in, sniffling and holding back soft whimpers.

Hila tilted her head to the side a bit, not understanding. "The one?" Hila on the other hand had no idea what happened to her friend's parents. Unlike some of the people here who actually had parents die in the military, her family just abandoned her in front of the orphanage. Apparently they had been wanted criminals.

"He killed my parents," Anger rose from her strained voice, the volume dropping in and out. Her itty bitty hands gripping at her friends dresses fabric, she glared at the talking face on the screen.

For the first time riots could be heard outside. Apparently what the man was saying was causing the world they once knew to be peaceful, into a warzone amongst its own people. Yet just like everywhere else the people were warned to disperse at least three times.

When they didn't comply, anyone who remained was literally gunned down without mercy. Children, men and women alike. Anyone who got caught in the cross fire was rather unlucky, especially the stray shots.

One of them even managed to blow out a few windows of the orphanage on accident. Several burn marks could be seen on the exterior walls as well. Peering outside as the chaos was coming to a quiet close. Some of the children peered outside to see what was going on.

Soldiers, soldiers which belonged to their own government, were walking over civilian bodies. A young man was seen crawling away, groaning in pain. One of his legs clearly blown off.

A soldier walked over, stepped down upon him and took aim with his gun for a mere second and fired. Hila and Yuna were mystified. Yuna who hated the man who killed her parents, turned her head to look at the television once more.

A video was playing in the corner of the screen which clearly looked similar to the display they had just seen outside the orphanage. The children started in horror. Apparently the Journalist's videos didn't make it on the air, so not all of the people had seen them. This was the final straw.

Yuna was just sitting there now on her knees. Hatred was brewing for both sides, the man and the government. The lesser of both evils seemed to be the man, yet she couldn't help but wish for both to perish.

After the broadcast was over and he announced the founding of his faction which was literally named The Imperian Empire, he was given a notification which showed that he completed the mission.

Letting out a light sigh as the transmission cut, he would leave the room. As soon as he left he could hear the excited chattering which was going on in the room.

It was clear now that many would flock to him now that he made himself known. At the same time the Kingdom would be trying to find his location in order to eradicate him. Thankfully he used various sources to hide his location. It was unlikely they'd be able to find him anytime soon unless he really wanted them to.