Humble lessons: 13 To understand

(As Sensei Yoake is finish cleaning his dojo floor Ralph walks in, just as he reaches the mat Sensei Yoake tells him to stop)

Sensei Yoake: You are forgetting your shoes again.

Ralph: Whoops, my-bad, like I said not something I remember all that much.

Sensei Yoake: Evidently.

(Ralph takes off his shoes and proceeds onto the mat)

Ralph: So what you got me coming here for, looking to go another round.

Sensei Yoake: No, I've excepted my lose, I've merely asked you here in the hopes that you will except a favor.

(Ralph walks over to a punching bag)

Ralph: And what exactly can I do for you.

(Ralph sets himself up for a spinning-hook kick and soon launches his attack)

Sensei Yoake: Watch over my students in my absence.

(Hearing this Ralph completely misses the punching bag and lands on his back)

Ralph: You want me to what now?!

Sensai Yoake: Its a simple request, there shouldn't be too much of a miss-understanding.

(Ralph picks himself up and heads towards the exit)

Ralph: Sorry pal but I ain't the teaching type, your looking for a more learned person, I suggest you try Shannon.

Yoake: I've fought with the both of you and from that I've assess that your the better option.

Ralph: Uh-uh, not happening, see ya.

(As Ralph reaches the door Sensei Yoake moves to the center of the mat)

Yoake: Then perhaps a wager.

(Hearing this Ralph tilts his head towards Yoake)

Ralph: ….What'd you have in mind?

Yoake: If I can beat you, you train my students.

Ralph: And if I win?

Yoake: I'll feed you for a year.

(Breathing in deeply Ralph moves towards the center of the mat standing across from Yoake)

Ralph: Thought you said you didn't want a bout.

Yoake: This is not a bout, it is simply a friendly wager.

(Ralph sways his head from side to side then takes his stance)

Ralph: Ight, lets go.

(Later that day while in Shannon's backyard Bethony is holding a mid-crouched stance with her arms held slightly away from her as she takes deep steady breaths, soon a faint gray light begins to radiate from her, moments later the little energy she's collected begins to move towards her hands, once there Bethony suddenly opens her eyes, quickly shifts her position and thrust her hands forward as she loudly exhales only to have the faint gray light now radiating from her hands slowly fade, breathing heavily she kneels down)

Bethony: (Heavy breathing) Damnit!

Shannon: Language.

(Just then Bethony turns to see Shannon walking out of his house holding two cups, walking towards her he hands over the drink)

Bethony: (Heavy breathing) I don't get it, what am I doing wrong, I'm building the energy, I'm directing it just like you told me, so why isn't it working?!

(As Bethony sits back Shannon sits next to her)

Shannon: The reason it isn't working is because your not letting it all in.

Bethony: What do you mean?

Shannon: You're gathering but not completely, your not letting something in.

Bethony: What is it?

Shannon: I honestly can't say, that's something only you can find the answer to.

(Letting out an annoyed moan Bethony sets her cup down hugs onto Shannon forcing him to lay down)

Shannon: (Lite chuckle) You almost made me spill my drink.

(Giving Shannon a lite kiss on the cheek she soon falls asleep)

Shannon: (Sigh) And now I'm here, ….I wonder what Ralph's doing?

(Back at the dojo, Ralph and Yoake exchange a series of punches and kicks, Yoake soon creates an opening in Ralph's guard and shoulder bumps him, Ralph is launched back but manages to stay on his feet, letting out a hearty laughter as he regains his balance)

Ralph: (Laughter to sigh) So where you go'in again?

Yoake: I need time to myself, for personal training, you and Shannon helped me realize that I've gotten sloppy.

(Ralph rotates his shoulder as he and Yoake circle back to there position on the mat)

Yoake: We both know neither of us are putting our all into this fight, you holding back more then me.

(Taking a moment Ralph then sits down Yoake leans forward resting his elbows on his now crossed legs allowing them to hold him up)

Ralph: (Sigh) You not wrong, but I am telling you I ain't the teaching type.

Yoake: After my loss to you and the realization that Shannon was holding back more so then I had understood at the time, I began to feel my passion for the martial forms fade, aside from regaining my wayward strength, I am leaving to reacquire my passion, for without it what kind of teacher would I be.

Ralph: Hmm.


Ralph: Ah, hey girly, long time no see.

(Jasmine simply leers at Ralph as she walks over towards her sensei)

Jasmine: Are you having a match with this man.

Yoake: Ralph and I where merely having a friendly discussion.

Jasmine: Oh, (Lite chuckle) Well in that case.

(Jasmine turns towards Ralph and punches her fist into her hand)

Ralph: Ohh, you look angry.

Jasmine: Damn right I'm angry, now get up I want to try out my new moves.

Ralph: Alright then.

(Ralph suddenly leaps up and signals Jasmine to come at him)

Ralph: Show me what'cha got.

(Without hesitation Jasmine lunges towards Ralph throwing a flurry of strikes that are all blocked by Ralph until he suddenly forces an opening, taking Jasmine from behind the collar he throws her across the room, as she lands Jasmine takes a similar stance to her sensei's Hanpatsu-parusu stance and as an excitably-intrigued expression grows across Ralph's face a faint lite-blue glow begins to radiate from her hands, Ralph remains standing in place with his guard raised)

Jasmine: I'm gonna enjoy wiping that smile off your face, HANPATSU-PARUSU!!!

(Thrusting her hands towards Ralph the light simply fades, with a confused expression on her face Jasmine looks at her hands)

Ralph: (Harty laughter) Well that's disappointing.

Jasmine: Damnit, what's going on, that should've been it.

Ralph:Yeah, say for that missing ingredient.

Jasmine: What are you talking about?

Ralph: Simple, you got everything say for one, this...

(A dark red light suddenly radiates from Ralph's body and just as quickly fades away)

Ralph: This is easy, the other thing on the other hand needs to be ….how did Shannon put it....hamorunos.

Jasmine: You mean harmonious?

Ralph: That word, you know what, I'm trying to be somebody I'm not, listen your like a house and I can tell you got yo windows open, sep one.

Jasmine: ….Well what is it?!

Ralph: Hell if I know, but I did feel you where close when we scrapped a little, well more like you where flailing out and I moved.

Jasmine: Oh, that is it!!

(Jasmine takes a wide stance and motions her hands from a downward position moving them above her head then brings them down with an outward arch she rests them at either side doing this the lite-blue glow radiates from her, with enough built energy she suddenly charges at Ralph pushing him back as he blocks her attacks, as Ralph keeps his guard up he suddenly spots an opening, quickly striking at the newly discovered opening he misses as Jasmine dodges under his attack)

Jasmine: GOTCH'A.

(As Ralph brings his guard up Jasmine unknowingly takes her stance again and thrusting her arms towards Ralph a burst of energy erupts from them pushing Ralph back a fare distance, a hearty laughter can be heard as Ralph relaxes his guard)

Jasmine: HA, I DID IT!

Ralph: (Laughter) Not bad girly, not bad at all, looks like you found that missing thing, right Yoake.

(Not hearing a response Ralph looks around the room to only find a key placed near the edge of the mat, Ralph begins walking towards the key as he sigh's annoyingly)

Jasmine: Sensei, where'd he go?

(Taking up the key, Ralph turns towards Jasmine)

Ralph: Yoake stepped out for awhile, looks like I'll be take'in over for a minute.

(Jasmine stares at Ralph with an expression of disbelief)

