Humble lessons: 14 To grow

(Walking around the school fair with a clip board Shannon goes through a check list re-assuring himself of every thing being in order, as the students are enjoying themselves he soon sees Ralph wondering around, with a bit of concern grows on his face he walks over to him)

Shannon: What are you doing here?

Ralph: Don't get your panties in a wad, I's invited.

Shannon: By who?!

Ralph: Lewis.

Shannon: Why?

Ralph: Don't worry about that.

Shannon: Don't say that to me, do you have any idea how stressful this whole thing's been, I was the only other person on this aside from Principle Lewis, worst part is those darn food vendors still haven't shown up.

Ralph: Yeah they have.

Shannon: Wha-, you've seen them, where?!

Ralph: Poor bastards got bombarded soon as they came through the gate, so they just set up there.

(A deep grunt comes out of Shannon as he begins walking towards the school exit however he soon turns back towards Ralph)

Shannon: Don't break anything.

Ralph: What am I gonna break?

(Taking his two fingers Shannon points at his eyes then points at Ralph before leaving to check the food vendors, with his back turned Ralph makes a face at his friend before going off to explore the rest of the school fair, elsewhere the girls are enjoying themselves as they watch Jasmine fail at knocking the stacked bottles over, finally growing tired of missing Jasmine takes the last ball and with great force hurls it so hard that it not only breaks the stack apart but goes through the back of the tent as well, the game vendor nervously hands Jasmine her prize of a small stuffed bear only to see her tolerantly staring at him as she points to the large stuffed monkey, with her prize now in hand the girls begin walking down the aisle)

Bethony: Did you have to force the guy to give you that thing.

Jasmine: I won this far and square.

Alison: After a fare amount of my pocket money.

Jasmine: Moving on, so what should we play next.

Alison: I wouldn't mind hitting the arcades.

Bethony: That looks like a no go, I can see the place from here, its still packed.

Jasmine: Ah man, would've been nice to play a few fighting games.

Bethony: I'm more for beat'em ups personally.

Alison: Rail shooters and racers.

(As the girls are walking along discussing what they'll do next Alison accidentally bumps into the school nurse)

Alison: Whoops, sorry nurse Jenny.

Nurse Jenny: It alright, I was a bit distracted myself, oh, what a surprising little group we have here, I especially wouldn't think you two would be friends.

Bethony: Who, Jasmine and me, why would you thi-

Nurse Jenny: Have fun girls.

( As nurse Jenny walks away the girls begin to hear a crowd chanting "Ralph", Bethony and Jasmine look at each other with a confused expression and head off towards the source with Alison following, the girls soon arrive at the schools tennis court and find Ralph ending a match with a student, and the crowd screaming and cheering at the matches end)

Ralph: WHOO, alright who's coming up against me next!

(Just then Shannon walks up from behind the girls)

Shannon: What's all this about?

Jasmine: Ralph's making a spectical of himself.

Bethony: Shannon, what's he doing here?

Shannon: You got me, all he said was that he was invited by Principle Lewis.

Bethony and Alison: Ohh.

Jasmine: What?

Bethony: Let's go grab a seat.

Alison: Think he'll actually be able to do it?

Bethony: I think he's got a chance.

(Shannon and Jasmine look at each other with an expression of curiosity and are then dragged off towards the stands by Bethony and Alison, as the group soon find a seat the crowds excitement begins to die down)

Ralph: Where'd all the hype go?

Principle Lewis: "I heard a sudden tap, tap, tapping-

(Hearing the poem Ralph turns towards the source of the voice to see Principle Lewis confidently walking on to the court carrying a large bag on his back)

Principle Lewis: "As though someone where gently rap, rap, rapping, rapping at my chamber door".

Ralph: (Chuckle) Not gonna lie, I like the walk-in, so you brought me here, I'm here, you ready to do this?

(Principle Lewis only gives a smile and a slight chuckle then suddenly reaches into the bag on his back and quickly pulls out a pearl-black tennis racket with the words "dark raven" inscribed on it's edge, Principle Lewis twirls the racket above his head as he moves into position, outside the gate the students and teachers have all gathered and a heavy silence comes over the crowd as Principle Lewis reaches his position on the field and sets into his stance)

Ralph: Now this is want I'm talking about, my serve.

(Ralph tosses the tennis ball above his head and with incredible speed launches the ball towards Principle Lewis' edge of the court, making contact with the ground the ball leaves towards the fences but suddenly passes through Ralph's legs)

Student Referee: Point, Principle Lewis.

Ralph: WHAT?!

Bethony: That makes one.

(Ralph looks behind him to see the ball rolling on the ground looking back towards Principle Lewis, he sees him maintaining his stance from before)

Principle Lewis: Though I know its my serve I don't mind letting you go again.

Ralph: (Grunt) Damnit.

Shannon: (Distance) Language.

Ralph: SHUT-UP!

(Picking up the tennis ball Ralph begins tossing it up in place as he looks over Principle Lewis evaluating his next move, Ralph then tosses the ball above his head and waits for it to come down to his chest then with less force then before hits it towards Principle Lewis in what could only be described as a single step Principle Lewis reaches the ball paddling it up into the air and launching it back towards Ralph's side, Ralph moves into position and launches the ball back towards Principle Lewis' openings, as the two share a heavy session Ralph eyes glow dark-red and he suddenly launches the tennis ball with greater force then before bouncing off the ground it passes by Principle Lewis' bounds soon appearing infront of the ball in one motion Principle Lewis cancels the tennis balls momentum and with a slightly angled racket launches back towards Ralph, Ralph lunges for the ball and just before his racket can make contact the ball begins to curve along his body hitting the ground, rolling out of his lunge Ralph recover just in time to see the ball bounce a second time)

Alison: And that makes two.

Student Referee: Point, Principle Lewis.

Ralph: SHUT-UP!

Student Referee: S-sorry.

(Ralph leaps back onto his feet and heads towards the tennis ball, picking it up he prepares to serve again Principle Lewis signals him to stop)

Ralph: What?

Principle Lewis: Though I've found a bounty of entertainment in our exchanges I do believe it is my serve.

Alison: And now its over.

Jasmine: What are you two talking about?

Bethony: We should probably scooch over a bit.

Shannon: Why?

Alison: Oh you think he'll be able to do that?

Bethony: Lets just say I know Ralph well enough.

(As Alison and Bethony drag Jasmine and Shannon to either sides of the stands Ralph soon notices a large gap formed in the crowed behind him)

Ralph: What the-

Principle Lewis: Mr. Ralph....

(Ralph's attention is soon redirected back towards Principle Lewis who is holding out his hand)

Principle Lewis: The ball please.

Ralph: Right?

(A moment passes by as a cautious expression comes across Ralph's face but is soon wiped away with a role of his shoulder, as Ralph tosses the ball towards Principle Lewis he takes his fighting stance)

Shannon: Ease-up Ralph its just tennis.

Ralph: (Under breath) Easy for you to say your not the one taking it.

(A thick tension begins to fill the arena of the court, soon Ralph notices Principle Lewis squeezing the tennis ball in his hand it then pops out, Ralph follows the ball and as it passes Principle Lewis face Ralph notices his eyes flash a lite-brown color)

Principle Lewis: Ashes fall from the feathers of the black bird, Crow-father SHOT!!

(Principle Lewis suddenly launches the ball with even greater force then what was displayed by Ralph, aiming it at him, Ralph blocks the shot with his racket but is pushed back all the way to the fence, as the force of the ball continues to push him against the barrier a link in the fence snaps, feeling this Ralph's eyes glow dark-red)

Ralph: (Grunt) Screw this!

(Bringing his arm into position Ralph cry-out his attack)


(Aiming his technique at his racket he launches the ball back at Principle Lewis with even greater force but the principle merely stands in place not taking a stance of any kind only to suddenly lift his head revealing a sinister smile as his eye flashes a dark-brown)

Principle Lewis: Though thoust crow-father fall to dust, breath pride for thine ashes gives RISE TO THE PHINOX, (Eccho of first three letters) BLAIR BIRD, SHOT!!!!

(With the tennis ball being mere inches away from him Principle Lewis hurls the ball back and just as it passes over the net it catches fire and for a moment takes the image of a bird, making impact it sends Ralph through the fence and crashing into the stands, a moment passes as the referee calls the match)

Student Referee: Game match, winner Principle Lewis, (Under breath) as if anyone didn't see that coming.

(Moments later the group hover over a defeated Ralph as a shredded black tennis ball falls away from his chest, Jasmine kneels down over him)

Jasmine: Wow teach, you look like crap, (mean spirited smile) see you in the dojo tomorrow.

Ralph: (Struggled speech) Screw, you, girly.

Shannon: How did you two know this was gonna happen?

Alison: Well Principle Lewis has been the reigning champion for years, but last year a group of senors got sick of his winning streak and pulled there money together to higher some high-echelon tennis player out of Russia.

Bethony: The match they had was crazy and at some point Principle Lewis started pulling out those crazy moves and manage to barely eek out win.

(Just then Principle Lewis walks up behind the group)

Principle Lewis: Yes that was a good match, but I can honestly say that this match I'll keep in mind, its rare that I get to use my "Blair bird shot", thank-you for the practice.

Ralph: S(cough)rew you.

Principle Lewis: Enjoy the rest of the school fair Mr. Ralph.

(Principle Lewis begins to walk away but then stops tilting his head back toward Ralph)

Principle Lewis: Oh and try to refrain from littering.

(Later that night as the last of the students leave Principle Lewis walks through the exit waving to Shannon and Ralph)

Principle Lewis: Good-night fellas, try to have this finished before school's back up.

(With a sinister laughter Principle Lewis rounds the corner only to be heard tripping onto the ground moments later)

Shannon: How did I get roped into cleaning duties.

Ralph: Part of the deal I made with that weirdo, well no since on complaining about it lets get to it.

(Shannon and Ralph turn towards the school grounds to see the large mess they have ahead of them)

Shannon: I hate you.

Ralph: Yeah, me too.

Bethony: Hey!

(Grabbing there attention the two look towards the school exit to see Bethony holding a few grocery bags, signaling Shannon to her)

Bethony: Here I thought you might get hungry after awhile and if there's something left you can give it to Ralph, I guess.

Shannon: Thanks, we're definitely going to need it.

(Handing over the bags Shannon then brings Bethony in for a deep kiss)

Bethony: What was that for?

Shannon: Absolutely nothing.

(They stare deep into each others eyes only to have there fixation broken by Ralph)

Ralph: Hello, can we get started, this is already gonna take forever!
