Deathsworn fugitives

How could this be? An Jinxiu was also surprised. The prison of the justice courts had always been heavily guarded, so how could there be a fire?

"Things are not right." An Yuanzhi said to An Jinxiu while she was still in a daze. He had already turned his horse around. "Let's go back."

Just as An Jinxiu was about to nod her head, she heard someone knock on the left side of the carriage.

"Who?!" An Yuanzhi shouted.

No one answered. Only An Jinxiu and An Yuanzhi could hear the heavy breathing. Someone was standing on the left side of their car.

Almost at the same time, An Yuanzhi pulled out his sword from his waist and returned to the carriage. He quickly lit the lantern and jumped off the carriage.

At this point, An Yuzhi had already pointed her sword at a person's throat as she shouted in a low voice, "You're fugitives?!"

Outside the carriage stood two men dressed in the prison uniform of the Supreme Court. They looked to be no more than twenty years old, and their prison uniform was tattered, unable to hide their bodies. Their bodies were covered in blood, wounds, and even exposed bones.

"Sis, get back to the car!" When An Yuanzhi saw An Jinxiu get off the carriage, he quickly called out to her.

"We don't want to kill people," the man who hadn't been held by An Yuanzhi's sword to his throat said. "We just want a way out."

"There has never been a fugitive from the justice courts who managed to leave the capital alive," An Yuanzhi told the man. "You'd better give up on this idea!"

The sound of messy footsteps came from a place not far from the back of the carriage. It was obvious that the justice courts were chasing after them.

The man who had spoken wanted to move, but An Yuanzhi turned his sword. "If you dare to move, I'll kill him!"

An Jin's gaze swept across the man An Yuanzhi was holding to his throat with his sword. On his shoulder, a tiger's head roared with its mouth wide open. Are you people from Wang Yuan's residence? " An Jinxiu asked.

After hearing An Jinxiu's question, the two men burst with killing intent.

"Get in the car. The people chasing you are coming." An Jinxiu said as she turned around and lifted the curtain.

"Sis?" An Yuanzhi thought he had misheard and heard wrongly. Were they going to bring these two fugitives away?

"Get in!" At this time, An Jinxiu didn't have enough time to explain and could only urge the two of them to get on the car.

The two men heard the footsteps getting closer and closer behind them. At this time, they no longer had any choice. Their stamina was already exhausted, so even if they ran, they wouldn't be able to run far.

Seeing that An Yuanzhi was still holding the sword to the fugitive's throat, An Jinxiu, who had gotten on the train first, whispered to An Yuanzhi, "Listen to me. If there's anything we need to say, we'll save them first!"

There was no time for An Yuanzhi to ponder over this further. In the end, the fifth young master listened to his sister's commands. He unsheathed his treasured sword and sat on the carriage in front of the carriage.

The two fugitives staggered onto the carriage and sat together with An Jinxiu in the small carriage.

"Hurry and go," An Jinxiu urged An Yuanzhi. "Don't let anyone catch up to us."

An Yuanzhi didn't dare to be careless at this moment. If it was discovered that he and his sister had saved the fugitives, then they would be punished for the same crime. An Yuanzhi whipped his horse and urged the horse carriage into a gallop.

The tiger head was branded on the shoulders. This was the standard practice for the Wang family's highest ranking death soldier. An Jinxiu clenched her hands tightly, her heart was covered in sweat.

The two people in front of her were two of the nine Death Soldiers she had been looking for. She said, how could these death warriors of Wang Yuan just sit there and wait for death in the prison? There was no need to ask much about what happened today, as they could come up with an answer.

The Death Soldiers knew that their masters could not live, and they themselves could not be bought, or they were unwilling to be ordered around for their whole life as ordinary servants.

If they set a fire in the prison, it was very possible that they even killed someone and escaped. An Jinxiu couldn't remember that in her previous life, there had been some mishaps in the eastern prison of the justice courts, but none of these death soldiers had survived. This meant that if she hadn't met An Yuanzhi and An Yuanzhi, these two Death Soldiers would not have been able to escape this day.

"Thank you." Listening to the footsteps behind him which were getting further and further away, a Death Soldier's voice expressed his thanks to An Jin.

"I recognize this symbol," An Jin pointed at the mark on the man's shoulder.

In an instant, killing intent appeared in the eyes of the two deathsworn once again. Those who knew their identities couldn't be left behind.

An Jinxiu sighed and said, "I know your Lord Wang. When he left the capital, I bought the Prince's Mansion's fertile lands in the western suburbs from him. Although I said I bought them, it was basically a free gift."

The two men looked at each other. They had never cared about the real estate business.

I went to the Supreme Court in the dark today because I wanted to buy some servants from the Wang's mansion, "An Jinxiu continued," My husband is not a rich man, but I thought I could save him one by one.

"You want to buy sinners?" The Death Soldier did not believe her.

"I come from the An clan," An Jinxiu said. "My family can be considered rich in the capital city."

The eyes of the two deathsworn twitched as one of them asked, "Did Grand Preceptor An want to buy us?"

An Jinxiu shook her head and said to the two deathsworn word by word, "It was us siblings who wanted to save you. It had nothing to do with the Grand Preceptor."