Meeting the Shizong on the road

An Yuanzhi's hearing was much better than most people's because of his martial arts training. An Yuanzhi heard every word that was said in the car.riage.

An Jin's words were half true and half false, but she only had one goal, and that was to win over the hearts and minds of these people. After getting into a relationship with Wang Yuan, she made the two Death Soldiers put down their guard against the two siblings.

After saying that they wanted to save them, she made the two Death Soldiers have gratitude feelings. An Yuanzhi had always felt that people's hearts were hard to grasp. Tonight, watching his sister make things seem simple.

"Sister," An Yuanzhi said from the carriage behind her. Once no one spoke, he asked, "Are we going back directly?"

An Jinxiu nodded and said, "It's too late to leave the city now. I'll send them to the manor outside the city tomorrow morning."

An Yuanzhi said, "I'm afraid the city gates will close tomorrow, right?"

"But the justice courts have already sent out to catch fugitives," An Jinxiu said confidently. "The city gates will be sealed to the detriment of the people. His Majesty won't do such a thing. We'll send them out of the city tomorrow."

"Madame," said the Death Soldier in the carriage.

An Jinxiu waved her hand at the two Death Soldiers, "I have some medicine at home, but I think you should see a doctor for the injuries on your body." The doctor in the city definitely cannot be invited. It would be safer to call a doctor in the countryside when we are out of the city. "

An Yuanzhi was surprised at first when he heard An Jinxiu had already arranged this. He was surprised that his elder sister, who was tutoring her son at home, was actually someone who knew how to scheme.

He then felt happy that it wasn't a bad thing to have a smart elder sister. An Yuanzhi had already run two streets away from the eastern prison of the justice courts. Having made up his mind, he wanted to chat with An Jinxiu and give her some peace of mind. However, he didn't expect his carriage to arrive at the intersection, and from the right side of the street came an army.

"Who is it?" A voice came from outside the carriage. It was half male, half female. An Jinxiu instantly realized that the person who spoke was a eunuch who had come out from the palace.

In the carriage, the two Death Soldiers once again went into a pose of fighting to the death with their lives on the line.

An Jinxiu quickly put her index finger to her lips and signaled the two Death Soldiers to be quiet.

Outside the car, An Yuanzhi was kneeling on the ground and giving his name. The person riding on the horse was none other than the Emperor of Shi, Bai Xueyao or known as Shizong.

The ShiZong looked at the young man kneeling in front of his horse and said, "Your name is An Yuanzhi? How are you related from the An Shu family? "

An Yuanzhi hurriedly said, "He's my father."

"Your Majesty, this should be the son of the Grand Preceptor's concubine, the same mother as Second Miss An."

After the Shizong heard what Eunuch Xie said, he said to An Yuanzhi, "Lift your head up."

An Yuanzhi was scared, but he could only remain calm. He raised his head and faced the Emperor, though he did not meet the Emperor gaze.

After looking at An Yuanzhi appearance, the Emperor thought to himself, as expected of a brother and sister of the same mother. "It's already so late, why are you rushing away?" the Shizong asked An Yuanzhi.

A few excuses flashed across An Yuanzhi's mind. What kind of excuses would he have to come up with in order to save himself and his sister in the car?

An Jinxiu spoke up from the car, "Yuan Zhi, who did you meet?"

Her tone was light and indifferent, but her voice was soft and gentle. The Emperor hand holding the reins trembled. The person in the carriage was actually An Jin? This was a pleasant surprise.

As An Jinxiu spoke, she lifted the carriage's curtain and stuck her head out of the carriage.

The Emperor looked at An Jinxiu and saw the panicked expression on her face. She must have been scared by the sheer number of soldiers and horses outside the carriage.

Looking at An Jin's appearance, the person who had given birth to a son seemed to be different from the young girl. She seemed to have a new charm to her. Emperor said, "So it's you and your sister."

An Jinxiu had already known from the carriave sound that they had met His Majesty. Now that she had heard Shizong speak to her, she hurriedly got out of the car.

"Forget it," the Shizong wanted to address An-Jin as' Shangguan ', but this title annoyed him. It didn't make sense to call her' Jinxiu ', so he simply stopped shouting and said to An-Jin, "Just speak from the carriage."

An Jinxiu complied, then went back into the carriage to thank Shizong.

The Emperl watched as An Jinxiu face disappeared behind the carriage's curtain, sighing with regret. However, the Emperor was still willing to be considerate towards this little girl." "Please rise," Shizong said, then allowed An Yuanzhi to stand up and speak.

An Yuan-zhi stood up, bowed his head and stood in front of the Shizong horse.

"It's so late. Where did you two go?" The Emperor seemed to be asking An Yuanzhi, but in reality, he was hoping that Ah Jinxiu would answer his questions. "What's the urgent matter of driving the carriage so fast?"

"In reply to Your Majesty, us siblings originally wanted to go to the eastern prison of the justice courts, but … it was just that there was a fire that broke out there that caused us to rush home."

"What are you guys doing in the justice courts?" Shizong asked immediately.

An Jinxiu remained silent in the car.

Shizong said, "What is it? There are still things that you can't tell me? "

"Your subject is thinking of buying some slaves," An Jinxiu's tone was filled with an unconcealable awkwardness.

"You bought a sinner?" The Emperor found it hard to believe. He had bestowed quite a few items to An Jinxiu. Was this little girl's family still short of silver?

"Yes …" An Jinxiu voice dragged a bit too long, as if she was hesitating to say yes.