The so-called fate of husband and wife

In the palace's slave courtyard, the condemned officials were all locked up, and they were all the women of the family. If these women hadn't been convicted by their families, they would have all been the noble ladies of the family, the daughters of officials and officials of the family. The name 'Tian Dou' didn't have a deep impression of An Jinxiu. It was just that when the Emperor told her that he would give her a son, she had thought of that name.

In her previous life, when the royal family had taken over the main branch of the clan, Bai Chengze had exposed the evidence of Empress Xiang killing dragon seed to the Emperor.

After several nights of pleasures from the underworld in the courtyard, it was discovered that the Empress had been torturing and killing all women that has been graced a night with the Emperor in the torture chamber in the courtyard. For instance, Tian Dou, leaving one body with two lives taken.

That was the beginning of the Imperial Empress's disharmony, and also the beginning of Bai Chengze pressing on the crown prince step by step.

Speaking of which, this Tian Dou was not the daughter of a convicted official, but a merchant girl. Just because she was very beautiful, Bai Chengze had taken a fancy to her and sent her into the palace to woo the Emperor, but he hadn't expected that he would be hindered by the empress.

An Jin counted the days in her heart. If she wasn't wrong, then this Tian Dou was already pregnant with the dragon seed. Rather than letting this girl be beaten to death by the empress, she might as well bring her to her side. She would give her a chance to live and in return, Tian Dou would give her a dragon.

When Zi Yuan entered the house, An Jinxiu was still sitting by the window, looking out. "Miss, eat your meal," she called.

An Jinxiu did not say anything as if she did not hear what Zi Yuan just said.

Zi Yuan walked to the window and looked out. Outside the window of the guest room, there was a osmanthus tree. "It's a osmanthus tree," Zi Yuan said to An Jinxiu. "So the yard of the Miss Pavilion is also filled with osmanthus trees."

An Jinxiu stood up and said to Zi Yuan, "Don't talk about our past anymore. No matter how much you say it, we won't be able to go back."

Zi Yuan replied with an 'oh' before lowering her head. They couldn't think about the past anymore.

In the backyard of the Shangguan family, there was actually a very small osmanthus tree. According to the Second Young Master, the General Shangguan had planted it before he got married for the sake of her young mistress. After wiping her eyes, Zi Yuan ran to the table where the dishes were placed and told An Jinxiu, "I made this. Miss, you can try it."

The taste of the dishes cooked by Zi Yuan could not be any more familiar to An Jin. Seeing that there was still meat in the dishes, An Jin asked, "What about the people in the monastery?"

"Eunuch Xie told them to stay in the front yard and not to come to the back," said Zi Yuan. "I saw the old host in the front yard today and he ran away the moment he saw me, as if he saw a ghost."

"If you see them in the future, just pretend you don't know them. Don't talk to them," An Jin replied.


"They'd better not know about us."

"They must have known. Otherwise, why would the old host run away the moment he saw me?"

"Just pretend they didn't know," An Jinxiu told Zi Yuan to sit down and eat with her. "I don't want to kill them too."

Zi Yuan's body shuddered as she immediately understood An Jin's words.

As the food entered her mouth, she couldn't feel the taste, but she still ate the bowl of rice. Having decided to live, she had to give herself a good body. A weak person would not be able to live long after entering the palace. How could a person who could not live long be willing to watch the empress and An Jinyan not die? At the very least, she had to live longer than these two women.

That night, the Emperor Shizong did not come to the monastery hall, but sent some nourishment from the palace and a luminous pearl from the night.

This was one of the treasures of the White Emperor Clan, and was meant solely for the Emperor. Even the Empress would not be able to use it on this occasion.

Who would have thought that the Emperor would send it over to Ah Jin this time. Eunuch Xie was now very sure of An Jin's position in the heart of the Emperor. She was a woman who had always wanted but could not, and now that he had gotten his hands on, he was still the person he longed for.

In front of Eunuch Xie and the other people of the monastery haml, An Jin seemed to be overwhelmed by favor. However, after seeing that there was no one in the room, she didn't even glance at the Luminous Pearl.

She just laid there on the bed, looking at the red brqcelet she had been wearing. Her home was on fire, but the red bracelet was still intact when she wore it on her body. Thinking about her and Shangguan Yong's wedding night, the scene when Shangguan Yong gave the red bracelet to her, An Jin silently cried.

What month old temple, marriage string, it was not effective at all, or did she and Shangguan Yong really have no fate to be husband and wife?

But if there really was no fate, then why did she marry him both her two lives? A husband and wife for one night, and we can only have as a husband and wife fate for one night? An Jinxiu asked as she held the red bracelet in her hand. Her tears flowed down, the red bracelet was as bright and red as it was before, but she could not find the answer.

Shangguan Yong sat in a restaurant outside the inn, facing the street and allowing him to see the pedestrians and cars passing by.

The man sitting opposite Shangguan Yong poured a cup of wine for him, stood up and said: "General Shangguan, I have already brought my master's words to you. My master hopes that General Shangguan will think twice before you leave." After saying this, the man turned around and left. He didn't forget to pay the bill when he went downstairs.

Shangguan Yong didn't say anything about this man leaving. After drinking a cup of wine, Shangguan Yong covered his forehead with both hands.

An Jinxiu was still alive in the northern part of the city.

It was very likely that An Jin had already gone to the dragon bed.

The stranger had said a lot of things to himself, but only these were the main contents. Shangguan Yong couldn't tell what he was thinking at the moment. If she got into the dragon bed, should he kill this woman, or should he be happy that she was still alive?

The waiter of the restaurant carefully walked to the table where Shangguan Yong was sitting and asked him: "Dear guest, would you like more wine?"

"How much is it?" Shangguan Yong asked this shop assistant?

The shop assistant hurriedly said, "Just now, that guest has already paid."

Shangguan Yong got up and left his seat, striding towards the main hall of the restaurant. An Jinxiu was not a woman who would betray him. He did not believe it!

After Shangguan Yong exited the restaurant, he walked towards the northern part of the capital city. If An Jin was there, then he would meet her. He did not believe others' words and only believed the words of An Jin. To the dragon bed? What a ridiculous joke. Shangguan Yong thought that he shouldn't have let that bastard leave just now. Someone who dared to ruin his wife's reputation, he shouldn't have let him leave alive!

The man who came out of the restaurant earlier was waiting outside. Seeing Shangguan Yong heading towards the north side of the city, he quickly turned around and walked towards the Fifth Prince's residence on the west side.

In the darkness of the night, the main hall was completely silent. The lights were all blocked by the tall walls of the courtyard, and only the two lanterns in front of the gate illuminated the space between the square inches of the gate.

Shangguan Yong didn't get close to the main hall, but he saw a guard with a sabre standing in front of the entrance. Even if Shangguan Yong didn't know what was good, he still could recognize the uniform worn by these guards. Why would An clan's nunnery guarded by imperial guards?

When Shangguan Yong had circled the hall in all directions, General Shangguan discovered that the hall looked like a peaceful and quiet buddhist land. In fact, there were already many sentries outside the walls of the hall, and the large hall was surrounded by the imperial guards like an iron bucket.

Shangguan Yong did not rashly try to climb over the wall, although he would easily be able to do so if he wanted to. Shangguan Yong also cared about his own life now. Before he avenged his great vengeance, he would live, and he would not easily send himself to his death. After spending an entire night, Shangguan Yong touched all the sentries outside the main hall. Before dawn, he had already figured out the time that the imperial guards spent patrolling.

After dawn, Shangguan Yong returned to the inn he was staying with Qing Nan and the others, but they were not there.

After randomly eating breakfast, Shangguan Yong sat alone in his room and looked at the register given to him by the messenger King.

At this point, Shangguan Yong felt that he could no longer keep the register with him, and was struggling to remember the names of the people on it. Shangguan Yong was just thinking, should he burn this register or hide it, if he were to hide it, then where could he hide it?

Qing Nan and the rest did not return until it was noon of the same day. They looked for Shangguan Yong all night, and even ran to the old alleyway in the south of the city to look for him, afraid that something might happen to him.

When they entered the house, they saw Shangguan Yong sitting there, Qing Nan asked snappily: "Big brother, do you want to kill all your brothers in a hurry? Where did you go last night? "

"I'm going to drink." When Shangguan Yong heard footsteps in the courtyard, he put away the register.

"Then we can go together," Qing Nan said. "Right now in the capital, we can't tell who's human and who's ghost. It's too dangerous for you to be alone."

Shangguan Yong told Qing Nan and the others to sit down and said: "The people you met at my house that day, find out who they are?"

Qing Nan told one of her brothers to close the door, then said, "Not a member of the Shangguan Family."

Shangguan Yong said: "People from the martial arts world?"

Qing Nan shook her head, "That group of men suddenly ran off while following us the other day. We can't be sure if they are from the martial arts world or not." Qing Nan scolded, "People these days are all cowards. Hiring people to kill people, if you have the ability, then do it yourself!" Fight right in front of our faces! "

"Prince Xin, the messenger king, is from the Imperial Family." Shangguan Yong said, "Could it be that those people are from the Imperial Palace?"

"The Emperor?" As soon as Shangguan Yong finished speaking, some of the brothers started shouting.

"What the f * * k are you shouting!" Qing Nan glared at him. "His Majesty is not the only one living in the palace?" Xiang Xi is the Empress's younger brother. Have you forgotten about this? "

Everyone in the room was stunned. If Qing Nan hadn't mentioned this, they really wouldn't have thought of it.

"Let's go outside the Imperial Palace and wait outside," Shangguan Yong said softly. "Let's see if we can meet these people."

Qing Nan said, "Are we just going to wait?"

"If they knew that I, Shangguan Yong, was not dead, would these people appear again?" Shangguan Yong looked at his brothers and said.

Qing Nan frowned, "These people won't even let sister go. Once they know that brother is still alive, they will definitely come again to kill him."

"Then isn't big brother in danger?" One of the brothers said, "It's too dangerous to lure a snake out of its hole with this move. Besides, the person behind these people might be the Empress?"

"I can't let these people live anymore." Killing intent surged out from Shangguan Yong's body. The people who killed his family, none of them could live. He didn't care if these people have the Empress standing behind them.