Yuanzhi is back

To Shangguan Yong and the rest, killing the mastermind behind the scenes and the people who tried to kill him was an absolute necessity.

Qing Nan was the first to nod to Shangguan Yong, saying: "Big brother, you don't need to take the risk. You leave the city first, us brothers can stay here."

The rest of the brothers didn't think too much about it. Since killing was a matter of life and death, they didn't care about the difference in status. They all followed Shangguan Yong and said, "Brother, go out of the city first. Those assassins, we will kill them!"

Shangguan Yong said in a low voice: "My hatred, how can I leave?" "What Qing Nan said is correct. If I am unable to kill my enemies and come to the Yellow Springs, I would not be able to face your Sisters."

The brothers were all at a loss for words. If they thought about it, this made sense. Why would they run away first and allow others to take revenge on their own?

Qing Nan rolled his eyes and said, "This is also simple. We will wait for those assassins outside the city together. As long as they are not in the capital, after taking revenge, we can go wherever we want."

"Do you remember their appearances?" Shangguan Yong asked Qing Nan.

"I remember what the leader looked like," Qing Nan said. "As long as we catch this leader, we would be able to find the others."

A brother said, "So this is how it is done? Are we going to go up the street and call for news of our big brother's return to the city? "

"When we're done shouting, there won't be enough time to leave the city," Qing Nan said to Shangguan Yong. "Let's do what we need to do tomorrow. We can let Sis and the rest wait for this day. I don't think they will blame us."

Shangguan Yong nodded and let Qing Nan and the others rest.

Shangguan Yong said that Qing Nan didn't believe him when he said that he went to drink alone yesterday. There was no smell of alcohol on a person who drank all night long? However, Qing Nan did not ask Shangguan Yong much at this time. As a man, he would never let anyone see him crying or scolding others.

"Have a good night's sleep after drinking," Qing Nan was the last to leave the room. Before leaving the room, he followed Shangguan Yong and said, "Tomorrow, we have official business to attend to, so big brother should rest up."

"En," Shangguan Yong said, locking the door behind him after Qing Nan left, and then lying down on the bed dejectedly. Regardless of whether or not An Jinxiu was still alive, or whether or not she was in that monastery hall, he would take revenge before he could see his little wife. Shangguan Yong firmly believed that An Jinxiu would not betray him.

Last night, Shangguan Yong had even planned for the worst. Even if the Emperor Shizong took over An Jin and he wouldn't ever kill her, he would still take her away.

That night, Shangguan Yong stood outside the main hall for another night. Within the main hall, he did not have the ability to sense the person that caused him to fall deeply in love with her.

Emperor Shizong didn't come that night, but he still ordered people to bring Ah Jin a lot of things. One of them was an embroidery rack made of whole corals, and it made people click their tongues when they saw it. The people in the palace were all guessing if the Emperor was going to deliver all the rare treasures of the palace to the monastery hall.

Eunuch Xie began to find words to talk to An Jinxiu and wholeheartedly tried to curry favor with her. No matter how long this woman could live after entering the palace, based on the Emperor intentions towards An Jin, as long as An Jin could speak a few more words of praise for him, the Emperor might be able to quell his anger a little faster.

During these two days, this eunuch had been guarding her. Then, the people who had been serving the Emperor for the past two days would think of all kinds of ways to climb up when he was not around. Eunuch Xie is worried.

An Jinxiu also did not rush off with Eunuch Xie. She spoke with Eunuch Xie about the past and even shed a few tears from time to time.

Eunuch Xie listens when An Jinxiu said sad things, he also accompanied by tears and said comfort An Jinxiu words.

Both of them were very good at acting. It was the middle of the night when they played out this scene that was very warm to the eyes of outsiders.

It wasn't until Eunuch Xie left the room that the smile on An Jin's face disappeared. Eunuch xie was her enemy and would never let him be used by him. This was something that An Jinxiu was very clear about, but she also did not want this eunuch to go against her after she entered the palace. Temporarily being on good terms with Eunuch Xie was the only choice that An Jin could make.

As soon as Eunuch Xie exited the guest room, the smile on his face disappeared. After saying all that, it was hard to tell if An Jin was truly unable to hear or feigning ignorance towards his probing. In short, this woman's reply to him was flawless and didn't give him any clues. Was An Jin really as harmless as it looked?

The sound of An Jin's voice came from the inside of the room.

Eunuch Xie stood outside the window and looked in through the open window. An Jin was sitting in front of the coral embroidery rack. She was touching the embroidery cloth. It seemed that she was going to embroider. Eunuch Xie turned and walked slowly into the courtyard. How could a woman who had just lost her family be interested in embroidery? Or did women have to do something to distract themselves?

"Chief Eunuch," a middle-aged eunuch approached from behind.

"Speak," Eunuch Xie said, glancing back at the eunuch.

"His Majesty didn't say anything about the crown prince today," the eunuch said in a low voice to Eunuch Xie. "On the contrary, the crown prince said he wanted to thoroughly investigate the case of the fire in the old alleyway south of the city."

"His Majesty approved?"

"Yes, His Majesty ordered the justice courts to investigate thoroughly." "The fourth and fifth princes came to the imperial court together earlier today to report that the annihilation of the Shangguan family might have something to do with the messenger king's rebellion. They also ask that His Majesty investigate this matter."

At this moment, Eunuch Xie heard something and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

"I only found out today that the person who attacked the Xiang An city and brought troops to the Xin King's residence was Shangguan Yong."

"Interesting," Eunuch Xie said as he paced back and forth in the courtyard with his hands behind his back. "So what did His Majesty say?" he asked the eunuch.

"His Majesty said he'd naturally order people to investigate, but who was ordered to investigate? His Majesty didn't say anything in the hall."

Eunuch Xie let the eunuch go and stood in the yard for a while. "It seems like it really wasn't An Jinyan who killed the Shangguan Family. Like he said, why would An Jinyan do such a thing?" "It's getting more and more lively," Eunuch Xie muttered to himself.

When it was dawn, Shangguan Yong just returned to the tavern and he saw his brother who was guarding the door to the Residence of An rush in front of him and he said, "Big bro, you're back."

"What's wrong?" Shangguan Yong hurriedly asked. His Shangguan family's funeral was being held in the Residence of An, and now even his family's funeral couldn't be done peacefully?

"Yuanzhi is back!" The brother followed up with Shangguan Yong and said, "Bring two people with him and kick open the main door of the Residence of An Residence. I didn't even have the time to call out to him!"

An Yuanzhi leaving home to join the army was something that everyone in the capital already knew. Shangguan Yong hadn't expected An Yuanzhi to return at this time.

Qing Nan also ran out at this time, and said, "Big brother, why don't we go to the Residence of An together?"

"Didn't you say that we were going out of the city?" The brother that reported the news said.

"I thought about it all night yesterday." Qing Nan didn't ask Shangguan Yong what he had done that night, she just said, "We don't need to call the streets for you to come back to the capital. You can go to the funeral hall of the Residence of An. As long as elder brother appears in the funeral hall, who in the capital wouldn't know that you've returned?

"Then how are we going to kill those assassins?" The ones following him asked Qing Nan, "We'll fight in the Grand Preceptor's estate?"

"Then we'll have to see if this bunch of assassins have the guts to kill people in the Grand Preceptor's estate," Qing Nan said. "Do they have the guts to massacre the Grand Preceptor's estate as well?"

Shangguan Yong said: "They won't make a move in the Residence of An."

"Then that's that. After we've been to the Residence of An, we'll leave the city and wait for them," Qing Nan looked at the people beside him. "Are you all prepared to have fun?"

Immediately, one of them spat at Qing Nan and said, "Then what are we waiting for? "Let's go."

Before Shangguan Yong and his men arrived at the Residence of An, , An Yuanzhi had already turned the entire Residence of An into a state of chaos.

An Yuanzhi left the capital in the afternoon, and the Shangguan family was in trouble at night. The news spread faster than anyone's legs. When An Yuanzhi found out that his sister's entire family had been burned to death, he fell off the horse on the spot. If not for Yuan Yi and Yuan Wei hastily dismounting from their horses to help him, An Yuanzhi would have been trampled to death by the horses on the public road.

Having been patted on the back by Yuan Yi for a long time, An Yuanzhi didn't say a word. He hopped onto his horse and galloped towards the capital.

Yuan Yi and Yuan Wei were also sad to hear the news of An Jinxiu's death. They followed An Yuanzhi to the capital.

When An Yuanzhi arrived at the capital city and passed through the city gates, he heard the news of his mother's death. Suddenly, all the people he cared about had died. An Yuanzhi's vision turned black, and he fell to the ground, unconscious for a moment. Yuan Yi and Yuan Wei woke him up and rushed back to the Residence of An.

Inside the mourning hall were four coffins and five spirit tablets.

An Yuanzhi's eyes were blurry, and the words on the spirit tablet could not be seen clearly. When he rushed to the spirit table and looked at the tablets, he saw that his mother, An Jin, Ping An, Shangguan Rui, and Shangguan Ning were written on each of the five tablets.

"Impossible!" An Yuanzhi shouted, "How is that possible!"

The coffin had already been nailed to the ground and couldn't be opened. An Yuanzhi only wanted to swing his fist up and smash open the coffin lid, but if he didn't see the corpses of these people with his own eyes, how could he believe that when he left the capital, he had no family left?

Grand Preceptor An was in his study. When he heard that the servant had come to report that the fifth young master had returned, he quickly rushed to the mourning hall with his men. Once inside, Grand Preceptor An saw that An Yuanzhi was about to smash the coffin and hastily shouted, "An Yuanzhi, what are you doing?!"

When An Yuanzhi heard Grand Preceptor An's voice, he paused for a moment.

"Young Master!" Yuan Yi and Yuan Wei took the opportunity to hug An Yuanzhi from the left and right.

"Let me go!" An Yuanzhi didn't even look at his father as he shouted at Yuan Yi and Yuan Wei, "I want to see them. They might not be my mother, or sister!"

"If they didn't die, would I set up a mourning hall for them?" Grand Preceptor An walked in front of An Yuanzhi and said, "Open the coffin that's already been nailed to the ground. When the dead see the light of day again, do you want them to die without any safety?"

"My sister and Ping An were burned to death. What about my mother?" An Yuanzhi shouted at Grand Preceptor An, "Then how did my mother die?!"

Due to his grief, An Yuanzhi's eyes were filled with blood. When his son stared at him with his crimson eyes, Grand Preceptor An was even a bit afraid. He couldn't tell An Yuanzhi about An Jin's' death ', nor could he tell An Yuanzhi about his birth mother death.