When is the big day ?

Alice and Nick went back straight away to their apartment. When Alice arrived in country A 6 months ago, she didn't have place to stay and didn't even know any one. So Nick decided to rent 2 bedrooms apartment in inner city where they currently lived together. Alice decided to restart her online business here with Nick helped.

Alice used to stay in main bed room where as Nick stayed in second bedroom.

However, since the online business that they built together 5 months ago was getting better, they used the second bedroom as storage. WhileNick moved to the main bed room with Alice.

Once they arrived at home, Alice took shower. When she came out from the bathroom, Nick just finished his phone call, then he put the phone on his jeans pocket

"I just informed my parents about us. They congratulated us, I told mum you are tired, so just give her a buzz tomorrow"

He walked over to Alice, put his hand on her Waist then kissed her deeply. And Alice kissed him back. their kissed was getting deeper and hotter. he sucked her lips gently, she accepted it in silence. once not enough, he became greedy, he gave Alice more and Alice attacked back in the same manners. When Alice lips made a small room, Nick tongue started its journey. Alice tongue also responded by chasing his, and the tongue war was started, no one wanted to give up first. They just stopped when both of them was breathless, and they needed a moment to gasp for air. "Go have shower, it's getting late and you need to work tomorrow" Alice bit her lips lightly as she try so control her desire.

Nick smirked and took a deep breath as he also try to control his desire then went to bathroom.

Alice sat on the bed then took her phone out from her hand bag. she saw notification that she had been added to

Nick family group chat on the messenger application. She clicked it

Babygirl : congrats @ramenlover & @wonderland 🥰🥰 🌹⚘💏

Cutegirl : Congrats .. congrats...💘🌹

The bigboss : Congrats kids

the boss of big boss : congrats darling 💕

wonderland : thank you, love you

cutegirl : are you sure you love us @wonderland ?🤔

babygirl : show me 💍 and you have to tell me in detail nothing missed

Ramenlover : @cutegirl @babygirl NO...

Babigirl : I already added to @wonderland to do list.😜

the Boss of big boss : last night, someone promised me a report. and it hasn't been done now until now

baby girl :🤦‍♀️ ..ok... coming now..full report not 1 but 2 @cutegirl included accuracy 100%..🥳

the boss of big boss : hurry up..

Babygirl :🏃‍♀️

cutegirl :🤔🤨🙄😡

Ramenlover : ???

wonderland : ..

At Feng Palace. Cacha marched over to her parents with all her mighty. She was excited to submit her report of her siblings, she still held grudge toward them as they ruined her prompt night 8 months ago. Now was the right moment, Sasha habg out with her friends and was not at home yet. With out the presence of both of them, she was very content to tell her parents all her investigation on her siblings personal live and of course she would added a little bit sugar, salt, paper and probably a little bit chilly, made the story more yummy "just wait you two"

Back to Nick apartment. Alice was speechless. Nick had finished his shower, Nick was just staring at Alice. He was wonder what the report about but he knew that it had something to do with Alice and most likely involving him as well.

Alice phone started ringing again. She looked at it, this time was not the Feng family, it was new group called "for the happy couple"

Theangel : congrats @ramenlover & @wonderland

The Belle : Congrats, I am happy for you two

spicykimchi : congrats for you two.

blackbutsweet : congrats my dear @wonderland you can start eating @ramenlover now

thepark&furious : so fast... congrats.

NeedLove : damn, you make me jealous. congrats anyway.

theangellover : congrats @ramenlove, you nearly own @wonderland now..

Wonderland : Thank you.. 😚😚

Ramenlover : how do you know ?

theangel : CCTV is on

blackbutsweet : the bug works very well

spicikimchi : love you @cutegirl

cutegirl : traitors.. 😡

thebelle : when is the big day ? we should get invited.

Needlove : next 2 years ?🤞 I still need @ramenlover

Nick and Alice were both speechless. His sister was really effective and efficient for this matter. And these bunch of their friends were well really out of ordinary.

But Alice felt her world was bright and warm, she was overwhelmed with her friends care.

She hugged Nick and burried her head onto nick chest. "Thank you.. thank you so much.." unconscious tears started falling from her eyes. Nick cuckled and wiped her tears "such a crybaby" He kissed her gently "should we continue our project?"

then the project resumed.