in three months time

Nick was working halfway through his project, Alice pijama halfway opened exposing her white glossy chest, her cheek neck has his red trace, his pant were half way down when nick stopped and tried to control his desire. once he stabilised his feeling, he pulled her pants up and helped Alice tidy-up as she was still in the daze, then he lied down while hugging Alice.

"as promise, I'll wait until our wedding day to finish this project".

Alice blushed, she was so touched, this gentleman was really love and respect her. "mmm..." Alice nodded

Nick kissed alice forehead then started playing with Alice hair.

"should we wait for year or two like Hans request ? " Nick asked playfully.

"hell no , too long" Alice replied without thinking.

Nick smirked "so you can't wait to finish this project .. mmm ?"

Alice landed a light punch on Nick chest feeling embarrassed.

"I already said yes. why we need to wait so long. I don't need wedding party anyway. Why don't we register our marriage in three months ?"

Three months, it would be in october, nick frowned.

"october ? you are very impatient to finish our project hey ?" same as his sister, if there was any chance, he was never absent to tease her as well. "will we have enough time for the preparation ?"

"we don't need much preparation, a simple wedding dress and ring will do.

Also, I think my online baby is going to be very busy start from November, you know for christmas shopping"

"just do it early next year then" Nick wanted to give Alice a proper and beautiful wedding eventhough not a grand one.

"No, I want full family on that day" rejected Alice. Nick puzzled, he frowned as try to figure out why Alice insisted to hold their weeding in three months. Full family, did she mean her family ? have she amend her relationship with her family? when ? These questions came up inside Nicks' head.

Before He could open his mouth, Alice continued

"Sasha told us that she's got an offer to work in city S country K for a year. If she is success, she would be out of this country in January.

I want a wedding before that, I want our complete family presented on my big joyful day".

"Lets discuss it with my parents first. I am not sure if Mum and Dad will allow us to have a quiet wedding.

Lets sleep babe. I am so tired. I could not sleep last night" Nick said as he closed his eyes lazily.

"Why ? Ah.. is it because you preparing for your lame speech ? and nervous ?were you worry that I would reject you ?" Alice teased her darling fiancee.

"mmm" Nick didn't have energy to rebuke her. she let a weak laugther. Her Darling was so cute.

"Darling, Lets invite them for dinner this weekend. I has been dreaming to cook some food for them. As you see, I never have a change to do it. It always mum and dad cooked for us. Anyway, Sasha has left her part time job and she is free this saturday. Cacha will finish at 3 o'clock so she also can come. Perfect timing"

"ok, sure. but be prepared" Nick paused for few second, opened his heavy eyelids while looked at Alice then smiled cheekily. "they are going to tease you to the max. And I am not sure what report our family baby girl gave to Mum , but pretty much sure she will add salt, sugar even chilly on it".

Alice pinched bridge of the nose, she could not believe that she forgot about girls who really love to tease her. But, Alice had no worry about it, she mentally prepared. she had been interacted with his family for half a year, she was sure she could handle the girls. If she couldn't, Nick would back her up anyway.

"Darling, one day , will you regret marring me ?"

After few minutes passed which for Alice seemed like hours, She still could not hear Nick reply and he stopped playing with her hair as well.

She wiggled out from Nick embraced then she chuckled. Nick had falled a sleep, deep sleep. She fixed the quilt and hugged Nick and closed her eyes try to sleep as well.

However, It didn't matter how hard she tried, she still could not sleep.

she was over exciting, today was the most happy day in her live. Her Darling proposed her with her mother in law ring. It meant that She approved their relationship. Alice could not believe it, it was like dream.

Then she started to looking back on their dumpy love road, a journey that packed with a lot of emotions, sad, happiness, tears, laugh, sweet and sour.