Scattered once more

** two years ago back in N city country U, 3 days after the dinner**

It was a beautiful warm afternoon, as it was nearly summer in country U. Alice was sitting at the balcony working on her assigment when She heard loud bang from living room. She went to living room in hurry to check what was going on, she was worried if there were intruders .

Instead of intruder, she spotted a familiar middle aged man standing in her living room. It was her father. she was suprised but very happy, her father was there right in front of her now. What a perfect beautiful day, she thanked God for the bless. She missed him badly, for the passed 4 years, she made alot attempt to call him but she was unable to reach him.

Before she could react or call him, he came over to her then gave her a cruel girt, hard slap on her cheek. Not jus slapped, he shouted at her angrily "you are a shame, you are only to bring a shame to our family. a b**ch just like your mother." Alice looked at her dad with disbelieve as she put her hand on her red cheek. Her cheek was burning in paint, she also could felt warm with liquid on her lips.

Alice felt wronged. it's been three years since he sent her out to country U but he never visited her, not even a call.

Now, he came only to give her a slap and curse. She wanted to cry but no tears came. She had been crying for so many time in the past, the tears was dry up.

"what have I done, dad ?"

"what have you done ? You don't even know what you have done. You are really ungrateful b***h, you are the worst, how how dare you humaliate me like this" Her dad insulted her more then threw stack of photos on her.

She was confused then picked one of the pictures. she was so shocked when she saw it. It was her picture on the street, she was kissed by a man, her posture was shameless. She picked another one, it was also her in similar position but seems different man. with trembled hand, She picked few more and it's also her with different man. For the worst, the last picture she picked was a naked woman with her face riding a blurry face man.

"How could it be ? it was not me, I didn't do it, I never do it" Alice said weakly. Her face was paled as white as paper, her hands was shaking badly while holding the photos.

"If criminals admitted their crime, prison would not have enough space for them" Her dad said indifferently.

"I never do it, trust me.. please. I beg you dad. You are my dad please believe me just once" Alice plead to her dad on her knee and hugging her dad leg. Her dryed tears miraculously reproduced and falled like amazon river.

"I should left you with your b**ch Mother. I should not take you with me, b**ch only can produce another b**ch. I regret it, really regret it. Xinxin, I am sick of you, seeing your face make me nausea. From now on don't ever show your face infront of me again. We are not related any more." her dad dropped another bomb.

"Dad, please.."Alice begged and hugged her father leg even tighter . The Man didn't show any mercy, he just kicked her hardly on the stomach. It was really powerfull until alice flied a meter away.

After he kicked her, he just left her without any glance.

Alice stomach was very painful but her heart even more painful. How come her dad did not want to give any chance

and why he never believed her.

Last time, she didn't try to defence her self and accepted all false accusations againts her because she was sick of Han family. So, She just wanted to get away from them.

Why her dad was so cruel to her, He always believed outsider rather than his own daughter, did he ever love her ?

As she was lying motionless, her dad' worlds replayed in her mind every singe words. it seemed her world getting darker and once again her heart scattered in to pieces, made it beyond repair. It was a warm afternoon but she felt very cold, freezingly cold.