The clue

Alice lost her track of time. The bright warm Sun had disappeared and replaced by shy moon and twinkling stars, but She was still there in the dazed. Strong wind entered the room from the unlock door to the balcony. It blew the photos away and some of them landed on Alice face. Snappes from her dazed, She picked those photo on her face and unconsciously looked at it once more time.

Accidently, she was attracted by the number on the bottom right of the photo.

There was a date, the photo was dated. in fact, it was last week.

She was excited, her mind suddently worked faster and clearer.

Last week, yes that's the night when she drunk and that man, what his name, oh yes Nick, he helped her.

That's right, Nick, he could help her to clarify and testify for her.

But the problem now was how to find him. She didn't have Nick phone number nor remember his address. Tara name came up in her brain, but she realised, she didn't have Tara number either. If only she knew, she would asked his number or at least had Tara's.

Alice took a deep breath and closed her eyes to calmed her self down. Once she was composed, she traced back her memory on that day. She digged her memory on that day, she left his place and had no car, then she membered that she left took can so her car was still at the pub carpark. She decided to get her car and waited for taxi, but after waiting so long, no taxy was available, then she changed mind and used Uber instead. That's right Uber. In hurry, She searched for phone. When we found it, she unlocked it then she opened the application. She tracked her share ride record, it wasn't difficult task as she hardly used it. After few second she found it, she found his address.

She grabbed her car key and her handbag. She didn't forget to get all the photos and put them inside her handbag before drove to Nick place. She was in rush, she even didn't care about her dress and appearance. it was already late at high, the street was empty. So, She drove in high speed, speed camera was out of her mind as all her mind was full of Nick.

For normal speed, it took over an hour to reach Nick place but this time she arrived at Nick unit in half an hour.

After arriving, She parked her car and went to Nick unit. When she was about to press the bell, she just realised that it's late at night well actually nearly morning, it will be very rude to disturbe people so early. She restrained her self, she just sat down in front of the door.

meantime, inside the unit. As the alarm was off. Nick rubbed his sleepy eyes and switch it off, got more sleep for few minutes then got up. He determined to have at least half an hour morning run today. His job required him to sit in front of computer for hours. To maintain his body shape, he need exercises. He got ready for exercise then went out. To his surprised, a girl was sitting in front of his door.

Alice turned her head toward the door when she heard "click" sound, stood up then she saw him. He was very attractive , but she didn't have time to admire him.

"you have to help me" She clutched his hand excitedly, half pleading, half commanding. She did not care of being rude.

Nick lifted his eyebrows in surprised but frowned when he saw her appearanced. After screening her messy hair, red and swallowed eyes and crack lips with trace of blood, A sensatiton of uneaseness and pain was arised within him. He was wonder what had happen to her.