
" Hi Mum, dad. Why do you so happy ?" Cacha just came home when she heard her parents laughter. From afar, She only saw her parent. Therefore, she was very suprised but delighted when she saw Alice on the otherside of the sofa.

"Sister Alice, you are here" She walked toward then took empty space next to Alice.

"Show me the ring". Excitingly, She grabbed Alice hand and inspected the ring. Her lips twitched

"why sid he use mums ? he should have bought a new one with big diamond". everyone laughed at her.

" you watched to much Kdrama, I need to put limit on it" Mum threatened. But Cacha ignored mum. she had very important mission.

"come on, tell us how he propossed. Did he knelling ? did he give you roses ? come on tell us, Mum and dad are also curious" She shook Alice hands and begging with her puppy eyes. She was so cute.

Alice glanced at mum and dad. They look calmed and indifferent, but their face could not hide their excitement. Speechless, Alice understood that she could not ran away this time.

she told them in detail but she left the part when she doubt mum approval.

"Lame .." Cacha was unhappy. Her imagination was full of Kdrama way to propose. But Dad was happy, he nodded as agreement "not bad".

" Not bad ? He is much better than you. when You proposed me you don't even.."

Mr Feng didn't want his wofe to tell the kids about it. In order to stop her , he kissed her before she said more words. Mrs Feng was blushed and she punched dad lightly on his chest.

While Alice covered her mouth with her hand as she tried to hide her laughter. where as, Cacha made an "aew" sound and covered her face with both her hands.

Seeing the girls reaction, Mrs Feng gave her husband a deathly glared, while Mr Feng touched his nose helplessly then made an excuse to run away "you keep chatting, I need to trim the bush". He got up and walked to storage room to get some of his gardening tools.

"I just wonder how he asked you to be your girlfriend" Cacha pouted her mouth and drown on her imagination. Then, she gave Alice a foxy smile.

"Tell me how he did it. please.. please, my pretty big sister in law" Cacha put a cute act again. She knew Alice heart would melted by her cute face, She would got the answer this time. If it didn't work, she would used her triumph card, Mum.

Mrs Fengs' eyebrows was raised, she was exciting. Where as Mr Feng, he sat back on the sofa, pretending cleaning his garden tool.

Once again, they made Alice speechless. This family had their own interogation way, which was more intimidating and effective than torturing her. Sure, She would told them but she would skipped her silly part. She needed to protect her image.

When Alice was about to start.

"Wait ! mum, I am hungry."

"Alice brought xiaolongbao, there is still some left, It is on the fridge" Mum replied, she felt annoyed as Cacha was delaying Alice story.

"wait for me sister in law. I'll be back soon." she ran to the kitchen with full speed.

"Darling, can I have more tea ?" Mr Feng pleaded to hos wife. Mrs Feng got up, took the empty tea pot and went to kitchen as well. In less than 5 minutes, Cacha were back with a bowl of xiaolongbao and Mrs Feng brough a full pot of tea. They sat again on their old spot

"you can start now .. miss" cacha commanded politely.