Moving to new place

** N City, country U two years ago***

Alice was still hoping that her dad would changed his mind . She conforted her self" Calm down Alice. Dad is angry thats why he acted like that. after few days, he will be ok. Tomorrow will be better"

However, 3 days later, she received court order instructed her to move within 10 days . "Fine. Good bye dad. thank you. You will regret what you have done to me" She determined to take revenge on them every single person that made her suffer.

10 days was not long, she started packed up and moved as soon as posible. she didn't wished to be humaliated anymore, she already had a place to stay anyway. However, Packing was not easy for her, she had so many things to be packed up, they were mostly cloths, handbags and shoe "no time to short them, Just Pack them all" She mumbled to her self. It took her two full days to pack her belonging.

Alice hired removal company to move her belonging on saturday. She moved in as the same time as Nick. Nick arrived after lunch time with one luggage and a backpack. Nick was stunned as he enter their appartment, there were numerous amount of boxes and luggages on the living rooms "all of them are your girl friends' sir" one of the removalist told him. "is there any more ?"

" yes sir, about 10 more boxes"

He frowned "put them inside the room on the right". He searched for Alice, but failed. Alice hadn't arrived yet.

When Alice arrived at late afternoon, the workers had finished their job while Nick was sitting on the sofa working on his laptop.

"Hello Alice greeted Nick. Nick turn his head to look at Alice for second and pointed at the boxes. Alice understood that Nick wanted her explaination." Ahh.. I have so many stuff. the court order said I need to leave in 10 days. I don't have to short them".

"Ok, That's Your room" He pointed the one on the right side, then back to his laptop

"Ok, thanks" Alice entered her room and closed the door. After half an hour, she came out "did you see my suitcases ?" Nick pointed row of luggages near the kitchen.

"Thanks" Alice took two luggages back to her room.

Around 7 o'clock, Nick knocked Alice room.

It took a few minutes for Alice opened her bedroom door, She looked cutecwith her shoulder length hair tied in a messy ponytail.

"Can we talk ?"

Alice closed her door, she didn't want him to see her messy bedroom as she started unpack. He waited for her to sit before started their conversation.

"I have ordered pizza delivery for dinner. It may take a while". Alice Nodded

" I want to discuss about our house duty arrangement" she nodded again

"We will take turn. If I clean kitchen and bathroom,then you need to do the vaccum, and we swap every week".

Alice was shocked, her mouth was opened.

"clean Kitchen, bathroom and do vaccum ?" Ashe reconfirmed her hearing.

"yes, any problem ?" he was frowning when replying Alice.

She scratched her head. "well, I don't know how to do it. I used to hire cleaner" She said honestly.

Nick chuckled and shook his head,"That's fine, I will train you tomorrow."

Alice didn't reply, She just pouted her mouth and nodded.

After that they both sat in silent. Luckily, some one pressed the bell. Alice jumped and looked at the secutiry monitor "come in, we are in level 8" , then she exclaimed "Pizza is here".

She presses the security button, opened the door then a teenage boy came shortly

"hello, these your pizza and coke. It has been paid"

"thank you" Alice closed the door.

"put them on the dining table" Nick instructed her as he headed toward kitchen. He took two empty glasses first before sat on dinning chair, then open the pizza boxes "this is supreme and this one is hawaiian". They enjoyed their dinner "it's yummy" she took another slice. They ate up all the pizza and finished the coke as well. "Girl you tidy up this table, I throw the boxes away"


"I am going back to my room, unpacking" Alice informed Nick after he was back.

He nodded "Hold on, Tomorrow morning we need to do some shopping"

"ok, Good night. See you tomorrow" Alice replied as she closed her bedroom door.