Their blessing

How is your online shop going ?" Mrs Feng could help but ask as she saw boxes on the living room

"It's pretty good Mum. It's enough to cover my living cost and save a little bit to buy more stock for Christmas"

"take it easy, you started it from zero. I may take a while to settle down"

" I understand. Thanks Dad".

Mum tugged dad sleeve, then he cleared his throat "We came early because We want to discuss important matter with two of you without the girls"

"What matter ?" Nick eyes was darker.

"It's about your relationship and her parents" Mum looked very serious.

Alice and Nick changed glance to each other.

Dad coughed abit "We know what happen between Alice and her parents. We both agree that their way of treating Alice are not wise and unfair. But, they are still her parents".

Mr Feng gave a gesture to his wife to continue the discussion "your dad and me have discussed it and we are agreed that..(Mrs Feng took a deep breath) we want you to meet them and ask for their blessing".

"No. We won't go. they are stranger for me I don't need their bless. They disowned me, hate me. They insulted Nick before" At that moment, Alice didn't care being rude, she cut Mrs Feng. Her voice was full of resentful, her hand was cold. Nick held her hand with his left hand and his right hand hugged her shoulder to confort her.

Mrs Feng was not angry"I understand your feeling, dear. But,you are their flesh and blood. You can't deny it. "

"I was their sin. I was born because their lust, scheming, greed. I am.." Alice lost her control.

Mrs Feng went to Alice and hugged her.

"What ever the reasons were, Your mother still delivered you to this world. She had you for 9 months, it was not easy time for any woman.And your father, He still looked after you, feed you and educated you, Alice.

Without them, you wouldn't be able to meet each other"

Alice cried on Mrs Feng embrace "let make it as your last effort to reconcile with them. If they reject it, just make it as your conclusion of your past. Then you can step forward without looking back"

Mr Feng finally spoke again "If you two are scared. Your mum and me will come with you".

Bell rang again, Nick walked to check the security monitor and he pressed the button "come inside". then opened the door "they are here".

Mrs Feng patted Alice "they are here. don't let them see you are crying of you don't want to be their target. ok ?"

Alice smiled, she excused to go to bathroom to freshen her

When Alice was back to living room, the girls were already sitting with two heavi "Mum, Dad. do you want any waffle ?, girls ?"

Nick frown as he was sure now that she called her parent as Mum and dad. But He smiled the next second, he was happy.

"I do" Cacha said.

" me too" Sasha

They went to kitchen helped Alice.

They came out from kitchen few minutes later. Alice brought 2 plates, 1 for her and Nick to share and anothe one for Mr and Mr feng to share. Sasha and cacha had their own.

"yummy..."Sasha put her tumb up.

"Did you make it ?" Cacha asked

"mm.. Sasha gave me the recipe" Alice gave half the credit.

"she has not made any for sometime now"Nick took a bite and put his tumb up to Alice.

They had a happy chit chat until 5. Before Alice went back to kitchen "sorry, I need to get our dinner ready"

"lets help your sister" Mrs Feng went to kitchen followed by the girls.

Nick and Mr feng were still on the livingroom. "Boy, I know you are unwilling to do it" Mr Feng continued the important matter "but as A man, you have to be brave. you don't know if her parent may realised their mistake, but not dare to admitted. Even if they still dislike her, make it as your last effort"

Mr Feng gulped his tea "as your parents, it's our duty to ask her parents blessing. It's part our custom, well at least our family custom. He may verbally abuse both of you, but trust me, he will sorry one day."

Mr Feng filled his empty tea cup and drank it "Honestly, I didn't dare to ask your maternal grandparent by myself, I asked my parents. kdrama that your sisters love to watch, always show man asking blessing from their inlaw by their self. Your mum often mocks me"

Nick snorted. Mr Feng tossed a cushion at him. But he managed to dogged it "Don't laugh at me boy. Your kids will laugh at you if you don't do it".