Food and cake

Mr feng and nick heard the ladies were chatting and laughing happily. Mr Feng looked at his son "lets check on them"

They both heading to the kitchen, they just arrived when Alice spoke "dinner is ready, I'll call dad and"

"we are here" Nick came over and landed a soft peck on Alice cheek.

"ewww" Sasha and Cacha exclaimed together.

"are you jealous ? do you guys want as well? come, I give it to both of you" Nick teased his sister while walking towards the girls.

"mum, dad look !"the girls tried to escape.

"big elder sister, look. he's bullying us" Cacha stared at Alice with puppy eyes.

Mrs Feng amused with her children, they were two adult and a teen but behaving like kids "three of you stop. are you not hungry ?"

" come on, lets have dinner" Mr Feng took a lead as He sat on the head of table. Mrs Feng and Sasha sat next to him.

Nick sat on the other head of table opposite Mr fend while Caxh as was next to him.

"Here is you chicken feet, Dad"

Nick picked up the chicken feet plate, passed it to Cacha who sat next to her mum then she passed it to Mrs Feng.

"Mum, try the chicken"

Alice put a piece of deep fried chicken breast on Mrs Feng plate followed by the sauce.

She glanced at her nervously as her mother in law took a bite.

"how is it ?"

Mrs Feng put her thumb up

" but next time, buy a young chicken, it tastes more sweet and more tender, also less time to cook".

"how about the rice?"

"taste great, just put more lemon grass"

"hey.. why only mum ? where is mine ?"Nick was jealous, he was abandoned again.

"ok.. here.." Alice was amazed with his childish side.

"mum, some on jealous with you.. I am sure"Sasha teased her brother.

They had a happy dinner. Dinner finished about an hour later but they didn't too full as Sasha remind them about the dessert. The girls helped Alice to tidy up while Nick took his parents back to living room.

"girls, Just stack them on dishwasher"

"ok madam" teased Cacha.

they finished their clean up very soon and headed to living room.

" Mum, big sister cooked is very good. is it ?"Sasha gave credit to Alice.

"sure, well done dear" Mrs Fend could.not help but agreed. Few months ago, she could not cook, she even burned her hand and cut her finger while helping her for breakfast. But today, she could cook well.

Perhaps, love made it possible.

"Sure, you enjoyed the best part. while me.. I have to deal with the worst part"Nick inhaled a big hopeless breath.

"she start cooking, I had fried egg for the whole week all different kind, burned, salty, uncooked. second week.."

"what ? that's a fact" Alice pinched his ribs while Mrs Feng glared at him. Every one laughed.

"love brother.. all due to love. sacrifice a little won't make you die" Sasha teased him.

"well, that is one of our role as man in this family" Mr Feng memory flied back to their early day of dating.

"really, what did you eat ?" Cacha excitement aroused.

Nick and Sasha were also curious.

"well.. every one had their own story. Alice, you are doing well"

Mr feng prised Alice as he tried to run away from the question.

" thanks Dad. but I still need to learn more from Mum, she is the best"

"I have learned and practive for 30 years.

of course I am better"

"Mum, when and why did you learn cooking ?" sasha and her sibling wished to ask this question for long time.

"your great grandma and grand aunty were very good at cooking. I never learned from them they shooed me away from kitchen cos I made silly mistake.

It started when I dated your dad"

Mr Feng continued his wife story

"My salary was very small. As you know, I had loan at that time. it was for your grandpa, he was sick, we needed funds for his surgery. we also savedfor our future. So my wife learned to cook to reduce our living cost".

He caressed his wife head, his eyes sparked. The kids could read from their father eyes that he loved and admired his wife, he adored her. their parents affection made them envied, they hoped they would met great partner like their parents.

"Mum, did you bring the cake ?" Sasha tried to bring them back to the current objects which are her brother and his lover.

"I put it in the fridge" Alice answered.

"I'll take it. Lets go " Sasha got up and wrinked at her sister.

Cacha came back alone with empty hand and glared at Nick and Alice

"you two, close your eyes no peeping.

Mum, dad watch them please, ensure they are not peeping".

Nick was about to argue but Alice nudged him. So he just closed his eyes obediently followed by Alice.

it didn't take long,

"open you eyes" Sasha took the command.

they both opened their eyes and saw a cake with pale pink butter cream icing and tiny red heart shapes were all around the cake. On top of the cake, big white chocolate stood proudly also in heart shape with "Nick ❤ Alice" sign in the middle.

Alice clapped her mouth to hide her surprised, her eyes twinkled with happiness.

"do you like this side or this side"

Sasha turned the cake around. the other side of white cholocate , there was drawing of 6 people, 2 male and 4 female, with red thin line around the edge of the chocolate.