Her agony

Alice didn't understand her own mind.

She knew he had gone byt she didn't want to believe it. That night after she was back from the Airport, her stare fixed on the door. She hoped he was back.

She entered his room, it was empty, there was no trace of him at all. She sat on his bad and lay there, she smiled as she inhaled his masculin sense. She missed his cuddle, his warm and board chest.

Next morning, She wola up alone in his room. She went our and he was there. she swore that he was there standing in the living room but he disappeared once she blinked. she halucinated he was every moment.

Monday morning, when the Mo couple arrived at their shop, Alice was already there with corp like face. They could predict what happen but they were busy with the customer.

It was until breakfast time was over whem they have time to talk to her.

Mrs Mo frowned "what happen?"

"he left. he flew saturday night. He left me"

Unclo Mo had no sympathy for her

"it's your choice. It's what you want. if I was him, I would do the same. How could a man watched his lover dated other man infront of his eyes. I wouldn't waste my time for some ungrateful".

Mrs Mo glared at her husband "you didn't want to come with him. You know clearly it would be like this. So why do you sad ?" Mrs Mo tried to controlled her emotion.

"You're silly, really silly. He did alot for you but you don't want to stand by him. So just let him go, let him find some on that really care and love him. And you, you just continue with your path"

Alice understood, it was all her fault.

"Go with him. you will regret it.." Those words were continuously ringing in her ear. She cover her ears but she still heard it clearly even louder.

Elders, tara, mo couple had told her manytime. They also persuaded her to come with Nick But she was stubborn. Now, she tasted her own medicine.

They were sorry for her but it's her choice.

Nick never call her. He really missed her, there were few time he nearly called her but he stopped him self. He kept telling him self that there is no point to call her, let time healed his broken heart.

Alice life turned upside down. She didn't have any desired to do anything. she was very thin and pale. She didn't have any appetite, she didn't care about her onlube shop neither her fashion. She just lay and held the necklace. The necklace was the only token he left for her.

Alice was longing to called him but she didn't know his overseas number, his messanger application was inactive since he left. She prayed every single day for him to call her.

Guan yin Pusha(God of mercy) listened to her pray. Saturday afternoon 3 weeks after he left, Alice saw missed call notification on her phone. She checked the number, she didn't recognise the number.

she checked the first 2 digit and it's code for country A " is it him ?" she asked her self. she was exciting, she called that number back.

Nick was distressed. This afternoon, when he arrived at home after spending a day in their family shop, he found his mother and his sisters crying. They had been humiliated but he wasn't there to protect them. He locked him self on his room blaming his incompetence to protect his beloved on. He took his phone and dialed her number subconsciously. when he realised what he did, he hung up immediately . He was in daze when he heard his phone ringing, her name apppeared on his phone screen. He hestitated but he finally pressed the accept button.

Alice call went through, it was picked up but no one spoke "Nick..is it you.?"

" was money and wealth so important ?

is true love and affection just rubbish ?" then it was hung up.

Alice froze. He was hurt, it was her, she was the one that hurt him deeply.

She resented people that hurt her, she hated them. However, she did the same to him, she harmed the person who loved her.

She closed her eyes, then she realised she was too preoccupied by hatred and resentment until she forgot to grip her own happiness.

Day was getting colder as autumn was nearly ended. She was so lonely, that night she turned on radio to kill her loneliness. Bohemian rhapsodi will be released soon the theatre, the radio station started to play Queen song for many times, this time the title was "I want to break free" she listen to the song and recited the lyric after

"I've fallen in love for the first time

And this time I know it's for real

It's strange but it's true

I can't get over the way you love me like you do

I can't get used to living without you by my side

I don't want to live alone".

She didn't know why, she recited again countless time. Suddently, She woke from her daze, her eyes with glimmered with hope "yes. I want t break free from this curse. I've fallen in love with him, I'm not used to without him, I want to be with him"