I want to break free

She looked at the clock, it was 11 o'clock at night, city s was 10 hours earlier than city N. she called him but went to his voice mail. Nick just arrived on his office, He checked his phone as usual, there was missed call from Alice. He frowned."why did she called me ? it's mid night in city N" he hestitated at first but he was worry if something bad might happen to her so he called her

Alice nervously waited for him to call back, but she changed mind. She would call him again. She searched on her recent call menu and about to press call button when He called her back

"Nick..if I said I want to be with you..No.

there is no If. I want to be with you.

Is it still posible? "

"Alice ?!" He tought he was hallucinating.

"Is it posible ? Will you give a change, right?"

"Alice.. are you serious?"

"MM.. I am .. I am. Will you ? I know what I did hurt you deeply. I am sorry, so sorry Give me a chance . Ok ?" she was sobbing

On the other side, Nick colleague signaled him to meeting room. He nodded to his colleague.

"hon.. I need to go.. I have important meeting. I call you later, ok ? go to sleep now. it's mid night there"he hang up.

Alice was dumpfounded. " he called me honey, yes he called me honey. My darling, he called me honey" she shouted happily, she sobbed happily.

After receiving her call, Nick could not concentrate with his job at all. His mind was blanked, he was wonder if he was halucinating that Alice called her to reconsile with him. He wished to call her as soon as the meeting finished but he stopped him self since he didn't want to distrub her, It was midnight in N city.

Nick called her at 9 PM which was 7 in the morning at N city.

"Hello" alice sleepy voice

"you are getting lazy now. You call me before, right ?."

Alice laughed, she was happy that he called her, happy with his tease "I did".

All of suddent, Nick hang up. He grinned like an idiot "She did call me, it wasn't a dream". He calmed his self down before he sent her video call request. He should maintain her cool image in front of her.

"you are getting ugly" He made fun of her.

"I miss you" she smiled at him and didn't budge about his teasing.

"I miss you too" Nick face was soften.

"I miss you so much" she pouted

"Serve you right.." he twitched.

"Hey.."then the both laughing

"sound was not good. I call you back"

nick hang up again.

They both grinning like an idiot again. Alice could not help but cover her face, she was shy but she wasn't sure why

Nick sent another video call again "Honey , your phone call earlier.. do you mean it".

" of course"

"Are you sure ?"

" definitely"

" how about that rich man ?" his face was darken.

"I only want you. don't ever mention that old man anymore. He is on the same age as my old man" she pouted

"mm.. I tought you prefer his money rather than my love" He cocked while trying to told his smile.

"I am so sorry. I love you, only you." Alice was shy.

"By the way. when will you be here ?" Nick could not hide his excitement.

"Don't know yet. I have alot of thing to do before I left. Darling, It's late there. you need to work tomorrow, sleep. Call me when you wake up in the morning. Ok?"

"I'll call you tomorrow ..muach" he sent her a kiss.

Nick was too happy, It took quite sometime for him to fall a sleep. However, he had a deep slumber that night. In fact, it was the first deep slumber he had since he was back to S city.

On the other side of this planet, once they hung up. Alice took her laptop and search for flight ticket to city S. She book the first available flight which was Next wednesday night. It was 24 hours flight so she would arrived on friday morning in s city. She was delighted. When an email confirmation from the flight carrie came she jumped happily and kissed her phone as If she kissed Nick. She kept peeping on her itenerary every minutes. It's really true lovesick and lovelorn made people became foolish.

The next day, she start her day with enthusiastic. She went to the real estate agent to terminate her rental, then packed her belonging. By sunday, she finished packing.

She put all important thing that she would bring to S city in One luggage and 1 hand carry. The rest of them, she packed them on boxed. She was amazed, all of ger stuff were fit in to 3 boxes. In contrass, she had hundred of boxes when she moved in to that apartment.

However, she had a problem now. she could not bring the boxes with her. So, she called Mrs Mo asked for a favour "Hello aunty mo, can you mind if I asked you to keep my belonging for while"

"Is it alot, dear ?"

"No aunty, Is not much just 3 boxes. It's not big box either"

"that's fine then."

"Thank you aunty, I am coming this afternoon"

"who's calling you?" Mr Mo asked his wife.

"it's Alice. She asked me to if we can keep some boxes for her"