Weed and The Gardener

Madam Lin and her companion left the office. Madam Lin laughed happily and grinning all the way as Nick promised them the money would be in her account within 5 working days. Ed closed the door again once every one else leff, So only three of them in the room.

"Thank you, thank you so much for your help. You amazed me. You are really a very capable negotiator" Alice finally opened her mouth for the first time since they came in to the room.

"Give me a cuddle then" Ed said it playfully.

Alice came forward and really gave him a hug.

Nick came over, He gave a brief manly hug to Ed "Thank you for you help"

"Don't thank me. Please, just take a good care of me , brother in law, sister in law". Ignoring the couple confused look, Ed took his phone and dialed a number. It took a while for other party to take the call, he shouted displeased "Hey, you distrube my quality time "

Nick was frowned when he heard a familiar sound from Ed Phone.

"Hey bro, the sun is up now. All done bro. Now, three of you please support me and take a good care of me. I try my best to fit into your family" Ed said in one breathe.

"We can't intervene feeling. It's depend on your own perfomance" Sean hung up.

Nick frowned while Alice was laughing.

Ed stared at his phone helplessly, licked his lips and sneered to him self.

He look at Alice and Nick and bright smile appeared his face " Bro and sister in law, lets have lunch togeher. Please wait for me in the lobby down stair, I need to talk with some people here first. I won't be long"

Nick and Alice left the office. they didn't talked to each other, they held each other hand with their fingers intertwined and smile clearly painted on her face. "one down, one more to go" Nick whispered at Alice when they were in side the lift.

"may be two.."Alice rubbes her chin then smile cheekily, Nick creased his eyebrow.

"that rocky lawyer.."Alice said then they both giggled.

"What did Sean said last night to make you shy ?" Alice didn't want to answer that question, luckily they were already on the groud level and the lift door was opened.

They went out from the lift walking toward the lounge .

"Did he ask you to please me ?" Nick just casually asked. But he saw thay she blushed, so he would teased her more.

Alice laughed, she was shy to she turned away her face to other direction to hide her shyness from Nick.

when she turned her head, she saw a familiar face not only one but three. Alice froze, her fingers that was intertwined with his squeezed his palm. Nick starled with her reaction, then he shift his attention to see what make her react like that.

Three man was chatting happily near the lounge. One of them just finished talking when He heard a sweet laughing sound so he had an urge to see the owner of the voice, He was stunned. The other two men also stopped and turned around to see what made the first man stopped their converation. Both of them also starled.

They shook their head and resumed with their conversation.

Judging from Alice and those men reaction, Nick could guessed that those men related to her past. Nick knew what ever their relation, it wouldn't be a good one, so he prepared him self for the worst. He glanced at Alice who just got her composure back after while.

Alice was smiling then her smile grew into gigle when she saw Nick.

She was amazed by her self. She had been wondered what she would do when she met them back, especially that b****d.

Surprisingly, when she finally met some of them, she didn't feel any strong emotion.

Now She understood that they were just weed in her heart that had been unplugged. Why should she bother ? If the weed was stubborn enough to annoy her, her faithfull gardener would fix it for her. He would make sure the flower always bloomed in her heart.

"Lets wait here.." Alice guided Nick to sit on the lounge on the right side.

Those three men were froze on the same time when they heard Alice voice.

Alice sat then whispered to Nick "they were weed that had been unplugged. One of them is my ex".

"I know. Bet bet he's the man in white. right ?" Nick was confident with his answer.

"My darling is the best" Alice touched his nose with her pointing finger. He grabbed her hand and kissed it. then they both laugh.

This couple was to busy flirting, they didn't notice three pairs of eye stared at them.

Those three men stopped their conversation when they heard a familiar voice reache their ear drum.

They turned their head toward the girls who was smiling and giggling with her boyfriend.

"Hey You.. hey.." Miss Lin shouted at the couple, but ignored.

Alice and Nick were aware when Miss Lin approached them, so they definetly knew 'you' that she refer to was them. But, Miss Line was nobody for them, why they should care.

"Xin Xin ! don't forget the money. Also, Mum said you must come to our place next saturday by your self. Don't bring this beggar with you" Miss Lin said arogantly and left.