Double trouble

Alice and Nick was gigling as Miss Lin disappeared. Nick pulled his phone and opened messenger application that Feng family used. He saw Sean, Alan, Lana and Josh had been added to the group as well. Then, Nick sent a text to inform them that they were fine. It seemed that all family members were free, they started tease him and Alice. Alice read all the message and gave suggestion for the counter attacks and so on. They laughed and giggled while reading the messages.

'Xin xin' that simple word made those three men froze. When they heard the girl's giggle, They thought she voice was familiar. When they heard her voice, They suspected it was the hateful girl from before. They abandoned their suspicion, since they presume that was imposible. However, It was Miss Lin that called the girl as "Xin xin". was her really that girl ?

They looked closely as the girls who interact happily with her man. She was pretty with no make-up on her face. Her cherry lips was natural without any lipstick stain.

Her hair was black and soft, it was tie casually. It was summer in country T, she wore a bright blue casual sleeveless knot blouse and high and skinny jeans. She looked much more younger than her age.

She was so adorable with deep dimple on her cheek. Where as Xinxin, she was gloomy with funny taste of make up that made her look older. not to mention laughing, Xinxin never smiled.

Andrew Han, the man with white shirt starled. He rushed toward Alice then grasped her hand "are you really Xin xin ?".

In reflex, Nick clutched Andrew hand that hand that held Alice's "Sir.. What are you doing to my wife ? please removed your hand"

Initally, Andrew was reluctant to follow Nick order. But Nick grip was so powerful, Andrew hand became numb. So he released his hand. Two other men also came "Andrew.. Calm down buddy".

Once Alice hand was free. Nick held it gently and checked it "Is it painful ?".

She nodded and pouted "yes".

"Are you Xin xin ?" the man with yellow shirt asked the same question as Andrew.

Alice moved closer to Nick, so Nick subconsciously put his hand around her shoulder . "and you ?" Alice asked them back coldy.

"You don't remember me ? Andrew"

Alice smirked. Andrew and two of his friends Frowned.

"Lawyer Lie, Director Xie.. how are you" Lawyer Lin came and startled when he saw the couple "oh Miss NG you are still here".

Three of them chuckled "So she was really her". Alice was indeed different from when she was known as Xin xin.

Xin xin that The knew were a timid girl. She hardly smiled, he couldn't remember if he ever saw her laughing. when she was 19, she looked like 2O something years due to her make-up and fashion. How come she turned in to a pretty, cute, adorable lady.

Andrew could not believe it, neither Lawyer Lie and Director Xie

Nick frowned at those men reaction, his male instinct told him that they harboured feeling toward her, they like her.

"Dear, you are here" A lady came and held director Xie hand. She looked at Alice and Nick arogantly.

Alice didn't bother with the arrival of that lady. She whispered to Nick "double trouble, She is that man other daughter".

"another weed ?"He whispered back.

"mm" She wrinkled her nose adorably.

Nick chuckled "Don't worry, I am here. Since I was a kid, dad taught me how to plug weed". Alice snorted and slapped his arm playfully. Four of them dumbfounded.

"So You guys knew Miss NG ?" Lawyer Lin was confused as every one acted very strange.

"Miss NG ? which Miss NG ?" That lady was confused now, She was second Miss Ng, she was called Xiu Xiu. Lawyer Lin pointed at Alice.

"you ? " She didn't recognise Alice at all.

"Xin xin, is it really you ?" Lawyer Lie could not hold anymore.

"I forgot about that name. It has been along time and I don't like that name too" Alice said casually.

Xiu xiu starled. She didn't believe it. How cgome the young and pretty in front of her is Xinxin, her strew half sister. She glanced at her fiancee director Xie who was stared at Alice unblinking.

She hit her fiancee then gave her a deathly glare. She looked at Alice than she laughed "Hello sister, long time not see. Is it your boyfriend ?" She looked at Nick and sneered.

"Hello. I am her sister" She smiled at Nick.

"Do you have sister ?" Nick played dump.

"sorry" Alice followed Nick lead.

"ckck.. sister, it seems you hide a lot of thing from your boyfriend" Xiu xiu paused. She made a conversation with

"Ah.. Your boyfriend look innocent. Brother, is my sister your first girl friend ?" Nick nodded.

He nodded because Xiu xiu acted as what he predicted.

"Sister, you are very lucky. You have a lot of boyfriends. When you are 19, you had a boyfriend but you managed to have his bestfriend as well with your body"

Nick had watched at Andrew reaction, he could sensed guilty which was as he expected. He frowned when he accidently glanced at Director Xie who was pale.

Xiu xiu misread Nick's expression. She continue her plan happily "Sister, do you still keep your photo collection of what you and your ex-boyfriends doing ?"

She faced Nick "If you don't believe me, I can show you but I warn you, those pictures are not nice to see."

Director Xie coughed lightly, but Xiu xiu glared at him.

Nick chuckled, he suspected these two guys had something to do with Alice tragedy two years ago.