Amateur detective part 2

"Director xie ?

"Smart boy. how do you come up with him ?" Nick gaved his thumb up.

" Easy Bro. When I saw that woman glared at him, for me it took like a girl who were angry at her boyfriend because he met his first love. Well not really first love, It most likely the girl that he secretly admired "

They both giggled. Nick suspected this man have a lot of love experience. It must be the case, as he had demonstrated his good flirting skill very well before.

"From sister in law speech, I could tell that was only tip of the ice berg.

you know what I mean"

"I'm agree with you. sadly, I don't know much of it. She just told me that what ever Han name and his family framed her on her dads party. it was back 6 or 7 years ago. That Han current parnert is her ex best friend"

Ed chuckled "I think I pretty much can guess what happen. But why did they do it to her ?"

"I didn't dare to ask Alice. When we were in earlier stage of our relationship, She was traumatised by her past. Later on, we nearly broke up which I just had found out, it also because of ther trauma"

" Bro, that means alot of bad thing happen back there. it must be something very bad happen to make someone traumatised"

"you are definitely right. I really want to find out about it, let see how it go.

I hope My mother can help her better then I do. Alice is really longing mother love"

"Aunty can do it. I'm sure about it"

"you know my mum ?"

" I met them when they visited Bro Sean. Aunty cook was the best, she cooked every day for us" Ed face beamed with happiness when he remembered Mrs Feng care and food. Nick could not help but chuckled.

"I really want to investigate everything. I really want her to have her dignity back.

But hiring private investigator is too costly for me" Nick signed.

"It's sound like a job for me. I like to get that task. Let me be your private detective event an amateur one"

"Thank you. I know you are smart"

Ed snorted " Bro, you know what. In this world only 3 person said I am smart. All of them are from same family, they are bro sean, uncle and you".

It was true that he was labelled as useless second master in Ming family.

"Bro, that old man that she talked about. do you know?"

Nick laughed "She lived with me since that incident. But october last year, her mother forced her to meet old man. If I am not wrong it's Mr Leng" Nick actually didn't know that man name until yesterday when Madam Lin mentioned it during their visit.

Ed brow was furrow"Old man called Mr Leng. If I am not mistaken he doesn't have good reputation. He has so many young woman around him but he is sick, he love to abuse them."

"how do you know ?"

"I am not someone deal with law things. But My father and My brother do. He is one of their client. I heard them discussing Mr Leng cases for few times"

"so.. you are not a lawyer ?" Nick was surprised.

Ed shook his head "I want do finance thing, But My parents force me to be a lawyer".

" Just do your best in that industry. I am sure they will accept it one day"

" Bro, I'll be in Singapore next month. I got a job there. so I'll try by best to find all information." Ed deliberately avoided discussing his matter.

"Thank you Ed"

"Bro, If I can not court your sister. Please let be your brother ok ?" Ed pleaded from the bottom of his heart. He really preferred Sean and Nick as his elder brothers then his biological one.

Nick laughed loudly. This young guy had a guts, he declared openly that he tried to court a girl infront of the girl brother without hestitation. Well, lets just found a nice seat and watched his performance first before said anything.

Alice came back after gods knew how long, she bought a lot of thing with her.

"what is it ?" Nick was curious.

"Few sample for my Shop. Look, they are all hand made, very cute and unique. I told them to send it to our place next month". Alice showed Nick all the goods she got with him.

During her trip around the neighborhood, Alice found out Ed was famous in this area. He spent his time there since he was in high school. Sie girl told every one that Alice was Ed sister in law. So, they respected her, gave her good bargain for what ever her purchased. Even one og Ed friend here could organised a courier to deliver the goods to country A.

Alice remembered something, so she leaned to his ears and whispered "But, I used your credit card. So you have to pay it first. I am going to reimburse it after I got the money from the sales. ok ?".

Nick tittered and whispered back "Sure but interest will be charge. I'll take them in two months"

"you" Alice blushed and pinched his thigh.

And Nick yelped and rubbed the shore spot.

"You too, please have mercy to this single single man here. I know you are a pair of pigeons" Ed made a plea, half joking half envious. He vowed in his mind he would put all effort to win the girl heart.

Before office afternoon peak hour, Ed took them back to their hotel.

Nick was really thankful to his amateur private detective, it made their gloomy day became brighter.