Uncle Chin

Ed drove them back to the hotel. Alice and Nick took a brief rest and freshen their self. Initially, Alice didn't want to turn up as she was not confident that Uncle Chin would come. However, Nick insisted they need to come, it didn't matter if at the end Uncle chin didn't come but tehy had to be there as they were one to ask him. Nicm was right, Uncle Chin was there waiting for them when they arrived.

"Good afternoon Uncle Chin. Sorry, I am late" Alice felt guilty. If she didn't come.. ah she didn't want to think about it.

"Miss , Young master" Uncle chin greeted them

"Uncle, please don't call me young master. Please call me Nick. Lets put order First " Nick was not confortable being adress as young master. They ordered few dishes Eventhough They both not hungry yet as they had a late lunch. Uncle chin didn't have big appetite either, he was really nervous.

" Miss, I called Sister Liu. She is visiting her daughter in this city. She really wants to see you. I can take you there if you want"

Alice glanced at Nick to ask his opinion. Nick nodded "We are free tomorrow anyway" .

Nick initially thought she must missed her nanny. But, after obseving her cold expression, He knew that was not the case.

"Ok" Alice said plaintly. She was a bit reluctant. Actually, preferred to ask uncle Chin to pass the cheque to aunty Liu.

" Miss, lets meet in abc shopping centre tomorrow morning and I'll take you to her daughter place" Uncle Chin believed his young miss was still same like before love to go to luxury place.

Alice took her handbag and pull a white envelope with logo of a bank. She put it in front of Uncle Chin.

"Uncle Chin, I am so sorry. I caused a lot of trouble for you in the past. I don't know how to repay you. This is the only thing I have at this moment. I hope It will help you and your family".

"Miss ?" Uncle Chin just stared at the envelop, he didn't touch it.

"Please take it. Also please don't call me Miss. I am no longer your Miss. I'll see you tomorrow. Is 10 o'clock good time for you ?"

" yes "

After Nick paid for the bill, they left the restaurant. Nick and Alice went back to their hotel where as Uncle Chin just stood there watching the young couple disappeared amound the night crowd. After a quick shower, Alice felt a sleep in no time, She slept soundly in his fiancee embraced. Nick pulled the quilt to over her body, then he kissed her good night "have a sweet dream".

Nick closed his eyes but this morning drama was replayed in his mind. He opened his eyes and caressed his woman face affectionately, he was not sure if it was a good day or bad day for her. For Alice It didn't matter, to day she felt all the heavy burden in her heart had been lifted.

On the other hand, few people were restless that night, of the them was uncle Chin. Uncle Chin took the envelope home. He went to his bedroom opened the envelop and was in daze until his wife came.

"What is it ?" His wife saw him holding small paper.

"Cheque. First miss gave it to me" He gave it to his wife and she was shock. the value written on the cheque was very big for them, It was worth of a year or two of Uncle Chin salary.

"She said she was sorry to caused me trouble. I.. I felt like a cheater. I never did anything good to her. I" Uncle Chin hung his head. He was a man, so he couldn't cry.

"Hubby"His wife patted his back.

" She knew I didn't do any good to her. But why did she not angry to me? I.." he could not said anything else. His wife knew all his bad thing he did to his Miss Xin xin. She had warned him not to do that, not to harm the girl that didn't have her father and her mother love.

Uncle Chin was hired to look after Miss Xin xin. Aunty Liu and Him looked after Xin xin since she was 5 years. Uncle Chin was one of those people who created naughty image for little Xin xin. His main job was drive her to school, her piano lesson or party then pick her back. He neglected his duty for countless time. there was a time when it was rainy day, he didn't pick Xin xin from school on time. The 6 or 7 years old girl waited on the rain for hours, she was sick after that. But, he told people that He could not find her as she was playing somewhere. He did the same during freezing day and hot day for many time. Every time he didn't do his job properly he shifted the blame to Xin xin.

He knew he could bully her because she would not say anything. Even if Xinxin told someone, No one would believed her not to mention defend her.

When the tragedy on Chairman Ng party happened he could testify to defend her, but he didn't. Mrs Han threatened to expose his wrong doing to Miss Xinxin if he told the truth. However, Mrs Han would gave reward if he helped to slender Xinxin. At the end, he chose the second option. His wife was angry at him when she found out what he did.Looking back those years, If he wanted to list his wrong doing, he might need a 100 pages note book.

"Hubby, did you ask for Miss forgiveness?please talk to Chairman Ng, confess to him your sin" his wife looked at him with redden eyes and left him.

Uncle Chin came to living room of their small house, his wife was praying in front of the god of mercy statue. He wait for his wife to finished her prayed "Wife, God of mercy heard your pray. She blessed her. First Miss has someone stand by her.

That Young master is really love her. He protect her well".

"Hubby, Can I see her ?" Yesterday when Her husband told her about First miss returned and all the commotion, She really want to see First Miss.

"Sure. Tomorrow I will take her to see sister Liu. You come with me" Uncle Chin was glad his wife willing to accompany him. Her present would ease his unconfortable heart.