Aunty Chin

Uncle Chin and his wife arrived on the shopping centre before 10 o'clock. They faced a serious problem there, Uncle Chin didn't told Alice and Nick the exact place to meet. Therefore, Uncle Chin asked his wife to wait near the entrance, while he was searching for them inside . He regretted that he didn't ask for Miss Xinxin contact number last night.

While Aunty Chin was waiting on the entrance, she was attracted by a young girl. She paid attention to a pretty and cheerful young lady who was sitting by herself on the bench not far from her. A minute or so, a young good looking man approached that young girl, he brought 2 paper cups, most likely coffee and some bread. He gave one cup to the girl then sat next to her, they enjoyed their meal cheerfully. She could see a deep affection betweem those two youndsters, the man doted the girl alot.

Nearly half an hour later, Uncle Chin came with gloomy face since he couldn't find them inside. HoweverJust before he reached his wife, his face turned bright as he spotted his miss and her fiancee was sitting on the bench. "Hurry up, they are there" he held his wife hands and walk toward the couple. Aunty Chin was surprised to know that the couple that she had been watching was the First miss.

"Good morning" Nick greeted them first, then followed by Alice.

"Good morning Sir, Miss. This is My wife" He pulled his wife to the front.

"Good morning aunty" Alice and Nick greeted them with smile. Aunty Chin was speechless.

Last night, She was restless as she kept thinking how Miss Xinxin would react when she met her. She never imagined that Miss Xinxin would give her a smile and be polite to her and her husband. Her husband had done a lot of wrong doing to her, she should treated her coldly and hate them. Miss Xinxin attitude made her feel more guilty, she didn't know why her husband could face Miss Xinxin calmly.

"So, where are we going now?" Alice asked Uncle Chin.

"I normally catch bus from here. But, Just hire taxi today" Uncle chin was still under impression that Miss Xinxin never travel by bus.

"Lets take bus then" Alice held nick hand and leaded the way to the bus stop.

"Do you know which bus to ride ?"Nick asked Alice cheekily. Alice shook her head the she waited for Uncle Chin and his wife to get closer "Uncle, please lead the way"

Uncle Chin and his wife was shocked. It was unbelievable for them that Miss Xinxin travelled by bus with out any hestitation. The bus arrived about ten minutes later, It was nearly full. Only two empty seat left, so Nick asked the Chin couple to sit while he and Alice stood up. After 2 stops, some passangers got off from the bus so there was one seat available. Nick gestured alice toward the empty seat while he was standing next to her. Alice and nick enjoyed the journey, they had a nice chat and her smile never disappeared from her face. Their interaction was not missed by Chin couple.

They stopped and got off from bus after about four or five section then they walked a few more minutes before arriving on an old unit block in a quiet neighbourhood. Despite the fact that she spent 19 years in that city, Alice had no idea where they were.

Aunty chin were very pleased with Nick. She saw how Nick protected Alice from people who nearly bumped on her, how He steadied her when she was standing on a moving bus. She knew this young man truely loved and genuinely cared about Miss Xinxin. Aunty chin was confident that he would be able to protect her. It was a relief for her guilty.

The Chin couple walked in the front to lead the way while the yound couple were following from behind. "Miss, can I talk with you ?" Aunty Chin suddently asked Alice when they arrived in front of their destination. Alice nodded and come closer to Aunty Chin "Miss, I always pray for your happiness. I hope you two can be together until the end. Also, I beg for your forgiveness, Please forgive my husband for what he did to you" She held Alice hand with her tremble hands. She really wanted to say it that since they were in the shopping centre. However, she couldn't bring her self to do it, she didn't know how to start. Finally, she had couraged to do so. As she spoke, she was ready to stomach Miss Xinxin anger and hatred.

Alice held her hands back "Thank you aunty for your blessing. About my past, I already forgot about it. I don't want to look back, I just want to continue my life. You don't need to feel guilty, you had nothing to do with it"

Nick caressed her hair gently and whispered "My wife is the best". Nick and Aunty Chin admired her generousity. Aunty Chin never expected that respont from her. For The Chin couple, Her kindness made them even more guilty. They preferred her to get mad on them or even curse them.

Uncle Chin hung his head, he was ashamed of him self. He could not bring his self to ask for forgiveness and else his wife asked for him. He stared at his wife who was sobbing with her hand cover her mouth. His wife words from this morning rang on his ear "Hubby, please go and apologize to Miss Xinxin for all your sins. If you don't do it, I will do it for you".

Alice was confused with aunty Chin reaction to her respond. She didn't understand, Why she was crying. Before she could say any further, Nick coughed

"Lets go in side. They may wait for us" Nick really desperately wanted to end this miserable reunion. He desperately wanted to spend their last day doing romantic things with his sweetheart.