Familiar necklace

It was an old building with no security door or what ever.They went inside the bulding and proceed to second floor by using the stairs. Tok tok Uncle Chin knocked the door of the room on the left. Not long after the door was opened by a young girl, she was about same age as Sasha. From her angle, she could only see uncle Chin and his wife. "Muum, Uncle Chin is here" She shouted then greet the Chin couple " Please coming uncle, aunty". Uncle Chin was the first one who stepped in to the house followed by his wife.

"Miss, please come in" Uncle Chin stood and ask Alice to come. The girl stared at Alice with frowned unhappily but smiled at Nick charmingly. Eventhough couldn't be compared with those handsome actor, Nick was good looking, a lot of gilrs were memerized by him. Her attitude was not unnoticed by Alice, She knew aunty Liu daughter fancy her man. Alice twitched then she clinged to Nick arm and they both went inside as well.

A middle age woman appeared from the other room. "Brother Chin, you are here. Ah, Sister Chin is also here" Aunty Liu greeted them happily but her smiled froze when she saw a young lady stood not far from the door. Alice smiled and greeted her politely "Hello aunty, Long time not see. How are you doing ?". Aunty Liu was not much different from her memory, she just had more white hair and bit wrinkle in her face.

Aunty Liu was stunned, if she didn't say any words she would not recognise her. "Miss, First Miss ?!" Shr choked. Aunty Liu could not believe her eyes at all that that girl wore simple clothes but look elegant and pretty with her sparkling eyes was Miss Xinxin. Brother Liu had told her that First Miss had changed, but she never imagined First miss actually didn't changed but transformed into different person.

No one said anything, the room fell into deep silence. It was Uncle chins' cough that broke the awkward situation. "Miss, Please sit. I'll get some tea" Aunty Liu rushed to kitchen. Actually, making tea was just her excuse to hide. She needed time to calm her nervousness. She was so confident before but her confidence was disappeared when she faced Alice.

Alice sat on the sofa and followed by Nick who took the empty seat next to her.

She looked around the living room and observed aunty Liu daughter. Her stared fixed on that young girl neck, the necklace on aunty Liu neck looked familiar to her. She shook her head to clear her suspicion, her action was noticed by Nick.

"Is there some thing wrong ?" Nick asked her sofly .

"Her necklace look familar to me, it is similar to" Alice froze. She realise it was the same one that her father youngest daughter had. Before Alice or Nick could continue their small talk, Aunty Liu came back to the room with medium tea pot and few tea cups.

Aunty Liu put them on the table and poured the warm tea to fill the tea cups "Miss, Sir, Please drink". "Thank you" Nick politely took one cup and gave it to Alice then took another one for him. They sipped the tea and put the cup back on the table. Aunty Liu daughter was there the whole time, she was eyeing Nick. She was figuring out how to attract Nick attention, so When she saw nick cup was empty, she came forward and refill his cup with tea. She bent in front of Nick so expose her upper chest to seduce him. while she was beding, the necklace was dangling freely and caught Alice attention. Alice was sitting next to Nick so the necklace was exposed clearly to her eyes. Aunty Liu stare fixed on the necklace as well.

Aunty Liu face paled. subconsciously, grabbed her daughter hand to she could face her then she pulled the necklace off from her daughter neck. Aunty Liu daughter was shock, she clutched her mother hand to stop her from pulling her necklace "Mum, what are you doing. You said I can have it".

"Shut up" Aunty Liu glared at her daughter, then she looked at Alice.

"Miss, I am sorry. Madam NGs' brother gave it to me that day" Aunty Liu sobbed and hung her head.

Alice closed her eyes. Her memory of that day played clearly in her mind. It was her father youngest and favourite daughter birthday party, the birthday girl was crying as her favorite necklace had gone missing. Her nanny accused Alice was the one that stole it and they demanded Aunty Liu to confessed. Aunty Liu said in front of all the guests that she saw Alice around the room. All were lies. The party was held in the garden of NG family mansion, sincr she arrived she always set on the corner of the bush, she never left her spot. There was many people witnessed it but no one spoke for her. She defended her self but no one believed her, even her father was mad at her.

Alice hand clenched. Nick could sensed her anger and sorrow, he patted her hand gently to calm her down. His warm touch was really a pillar for her, it was able to help her controlling her feeling. she opened her eyes gradually and took a deep breath, She opened the bag and pulled out an envelope, similar envelope with the one that she gave to Uncle Chin.

"Aunty, I don't have anything to give you. This is the only thing I have at this moment. I hope it will help you" She put on it on the table.

"We need to go now" Alice stood up and gestured Nick leave the house.

However, before they could go, Aunty Liu clutched her hand and knelled in front of her "I am sorry Miss. I committed too many sins to you. I have all your jewellery with me, I stole them from your room".

Aunty Liu stood up and about to went to her room where Alice grabbed her hand to stop her "It's all yours. Just keep it. I don't need them. Goob bye" And leave the house as soon as she finished her words.

"Miss, Miss" Aunty Liu called Alice but was ignored. Alice and Nick closed the door and went away.