Aunty Liu's sins

Aunty Liu kneeled again. She knew her Miss Xinxin had gone and no way Miss Xinxin could heard her. But She didn't care. She suffocated by her own guilt, drowned from it. She could not hold it any more, she begged and confessed her sins out of loud.

"Miss, I am sorry that I neglected you for many years. I should had called doctor when you were sick. I didn't cook your meal properly. I stole your belonging.

Miss, please forgive me. I knew I helped them to harm you for many times. I knew his son tried to take advantage of you, he plotted that necklace incident because he didn't want your father invite you to family gathering anymore, so his son wouldn't see you. I " Aunty Liu was lost her own words. She couldn't list her sins verbally anymore.

Auntly Liu sobbed for long time. Right there not far away from her, her daughter just froze. Her daughter stared at her with mix feeling that no one could explains. Aunty Chin who was also still there wept and Uncle Chin hung his head reflecting his sins as well. Her daughter was the first one that recovered "Mum, she has gone. No use screaming like that". She diverted her attention from her mother when she noticed the envelope on the table. So, She took it and opened it curiously. She wondered what that Miss gave to her mother. She was stunned "Mum look ! She gave you a cheque, big sum".

"what ?" Aunty Liu siezed cheque with trembled hand and was bewilder "why didn't she curse me ? why did she give me this ? She knew I betrayed her. Why was she still nice to me ?". Aunty Chin held her and help her to sit. "She also gave me a cheque. She didn't curce me either" uncle chin smiled bitterly, his chest was squeezed in pain. Aunty Chin stared at these two people who were in missery due to their greed and ignorance.

After 5 minutes or so, Aunty Liu was finally calm down. She looked at Uncle chin and started interogating him "Brother, where does she live now ? is she still in country U or back here now ?"

"I don't know"

"Do you have her contact ?"

"No, she asked me to meet her on the restaurant last night"

"Did madam really ask money again from her?"

"Yes. Yesterday Madam and her daughter were so happy. They said young master will transfer the money"

"oh. That young master, who is he"?

" I don't know. Miss introduced him as her fiancee. Other than that I know nothing"

"He looks nice. I hope he won't hurt Miss like us and them" Aunty Liu sincerely wished Alice happiness.

Aunty Chin giggled. Her giggle made the others glanced at her in confuse. "He love her. He will protect and make her happy. I watched them during our trip". Aunty Liu and Uncle Chin cocked.

Alice and Nick lived the building as fast as she could while dragging Nick. She vaguely heard aunty Liu called her name and confessed her wrong doing. But, she didn't care and didn't want to hear it. She was angry and upset. "I don't want to forgive her. No, never. Why should I ?"She mumbled coldly after she left the building.

"I am not a saint, not god of mercy, not virgin Marie, not Buddha. I can't forgive her" she wept.

"I know" Nick envelope her waist with his strong arm. "I don't mind you hate her, for real". He stroke her hair with his index finger and clutched her chin. He raised his eyebrows and arogantly ordered her "But, you have to forgive me and my family if we make any mistake. understood ?".

Alice giggled " Yes sir.!".

"Good girl" He kissed her forehead gentlely.

"What are we going to do now ? It is not midday yet" Alice looked surrounding her. she had no idea where she was.

"Lets have a date. Today, we are going to enjoy our day. There is a famous tourist scenery in this city. Lets have alook" Nick grinned.

"Sure. But I don't know where it is and How to get there. I grew up in this city but hardly go anywhere other than school" She scratched her head.

Nick chuckled "Miss, have you heard google map ?".

"sure" Alice slapped her forehead. how could she forgot nowdays technology was very advance.

"It knows most of things" Nick pulled out his phone from his jeans pocket and show it to her with grin. He unlocked it and open google map aplication and typed some word. But, he halted and stared at her "Do you want to visit you old school ?".

Alice sneered "to recall those happy memory ? no way"

Nick knew she was being sarcastic "Ok. Lets have a date now. I don't want spend time and money here only to see your sour face. Honey, please give me your sweet smile for me".

Alice brought her self forward and tiptoed to peck his lips. "Is it good enough ?" she smiled sweetly. "That's even better. you can read my mind very well. Well done, hon" Nick returned her peck with a light kiss.

"Lets go. Otherwise, we will miss the bus" he dragged her to bus stop. Alice smirked then bit lips shyly. His lips effectively brigthen her gloomy mood.