The moron

Nick and Alice took those 6 people plus Wills' girl and Hans away from the party. When Sean friends saw most the people had gone, they presumed the party was over, so they bid their farewell. Mr and Mrs Feng let Nick and Alice handle their wedding matter and ordered the rest of the family member to tidy up the remaining food and clean up the back yard.

Those eight people were sitting on the sofa quitely where Alice sat on single sofa with Nick was next to her leaning the armrest. Apparently, the living room was very big and last week Mr Feng bought another set of sofa so it was able to accomodate twelve people

" Ladies and Gentlemen, I told you sometimes ago to save 21st october in your diary for me. right ?" Nick made an opening speech. They all nodded.

"I need you girls as my bridemaids" Alice smile shyly.

"What ?! so fast ! are you ?" Lisa was the first one that reacted, Her stared as Alice belly.

"Nothing happen" Nick didn't want these people mind running wild.

"Why do you still my thunder ? It should mine first" Mike roared.

"Cut all the drama. I need you gentlemen as my bestmen, except for you" Nick index finger pointed at Hans.

"What ? Why Am I not included but my elder brother is ? I was the first one that became your mate" Hans stood up and shouted unhappy.

"Because my sister wants you" Nick was very cool.

"What ? why me ? I want to be your" Hans tried to argue.

"Hey, I need you to be my slave. You need to payback" Sasha came out from the kitchen. She lifted her face agorantly.

"But, I am his best friends since high school year. I" Hans really wanted to be Nick bestman.

"Just accept it" Mike shook his head helplessly. His younger brother was really a moron, could he see the opportunity ?

"Hey, You were my eldest brother enemy at that time. You were fighting" Sasha was unhappy. She suspected he tried to run away from his promise few weeks ago.

"Don't worry my dear sister. Do you remember my friend Pete the one with white shirt ? He is more than happy to be your slave for this matter, he don't mind to do it for the rest of his lifetime" Sean patted Sasha shoulder, he was fed up with Hans stupidity.

"Oh, Ed is also happy to do it. He will come a week before my wedding. If we ask him to come earlier, he will be thrilled" Alice added more fuel.

" big brother Ed ? did you meet him ? where and when ? Is he getting handsome ? Ah.. I missed him. Big sister, I have showed you his picture, right ? He's fun and cool. Mum like him very much, right mum ?" Sasha joined the fun.

"Yeah, he is good boy" Mrs Feng didn't knew the initial problem. When she and her husband came inside the house, they only heard Alice mentioned about Ed Ming.

Lana gave Cacha her thumb up then they did high five. Mike and Lisa shook their head helplessly while Alice, Nick and Sean was grinning.

"Fine, I'll do it" Hans was defeated at last.

"No thanks. Second bro, can you ask one of them to help me ? anyone will do as long as they can drive and I need them at least two weeks before the day" Sasha didn't give Hans any face.

"Sure. baby girl and you blondie girl who do you think is better ?" Sean kept playing. " Pete" " Big brother Ed" Lana and Cacha collaborated with Sean perfectly.

"Moron" Mike slapped Hans Head merciless

"Why do you" before Hans said more stupid words, Lisa pinched his armed very hard and whispered "go, coax her, idiot".

Hans ran after Sasha while every one snorted .

"Actually, there is another bestman which is my colleague and another bridesmaid which is her friend. But they can not come to day" Nick continued his matter that was delayes because of certain moron.

The men didn't have much to discuss, they just needed to have formal black suit.

But the girls had alot to discuss.

So Will and Dan left not long after, while Mike was stayind as his fiancee Lisa was still in deep discussion. Hans was also still there as he had to fix his mess, It was not easy as the one that he was offended had strong support.

Finally, Nick and Mike had private time to talk. "Have you decided ?" Mike was so nervous, He was afraid Nick would reject his offer.

"yes. I'll take it" Nick nodded.

"Great ! when will you start ? January ?" Mike was excited.

"It will be perfect for me"

"I'll ask my dad to prepare the contract. I am going back in november to take over half of my dad role. Hans will come back in December. I want you to sign it as soon as posible, you know some rats are very keen to have this jobs for their relatives" Mike drank his beer happily.

"I am coming to country K in January, I'll fly together with Sasha. I don't know the date yet. I'll speak to her after" Nick also drank his.

"Sasha ?" Mike had no idea.

"mm, she accepted an offer to work there for a year at least. It will be start in March but she will come in January for induction or something" Nick told Mike what he knew.

"Awesome, hopefully we can be brothers by the end of next year. But who know what happen. he is a moron" Mike smiled picked his botol and raises his eyebrow. Nick undestood his intention, he picked his botol aswell and they toasted. They both laughed as they were happy with the collaboration and amused with that idiot.