Story from the other side

Sean and Mr Feng joined Nick and Mike, while Mrs Feng, Lana, Josh and Cacha were with the Ladies. Josh preferred to be with the ladies as he knew they would talk about fashion the topic that he was very passionate about. Of course, Sasha and Hans were no where to see in that rooms. They were some upstair playing '

angry chick game.

The ladies were discussing about the bridesmaids dress. They had trouble to decide what colour and model, at the end they were just agree with the colour which was pink salmon, they preferred to get them from same boutique.

"Alice, have you arranged dress for Sasha ? where is it from ?" Angie might go to the same one as her best friend, bith of them had similar clothing preference.

"Eldest sister personally designed and sew it for us" Cacha answered it for Alice

Every body stared at Alice with disbelieve.

"I am helping as well" Josh grinned.

"She learned fashion design back in Uni" Mrs Feng was calm but everyone noticed she was really pleased at her sons' fiancee. Since that was the case, the braidsmaid bombarded Alice with all fashion questions. Ha-ha, tee-hee

chatting resumed and last until late.

Today, it was a perfect happy day for Feng family and their guestes. However not every one in this world had a same one. For example, there were a successful busineman back in country T who was unsettle. He just went back home after his golf session with his business relations when he saw a young socialite girl. He didn't know why his eldest daughter words and expression came on in his mind. He closed his eyes as he registerd sharp pain in his heart. But, He drove his mind out of it, He did his best to get rid of it with no success.

There were a lot more people who had worst day than that man. few other men who lived the same city with him experienced the most disappointing day in their life. It had been a week since a girl turned their life upside down. They could not concentrate on their job, they mind were full of her. Each of them used different methods and approach to search for her. They didn't cooperate with each others because each of them wanted to be the first one to find her. Andrew Han, Byron Lie, Ian Meng, Charlie Xia, they had few common interest that made them become close to each other. However, They also had one that made them competed and dislike each other. It was Xinxin, the girl that they abandoned and bullied before.

Despite all the effort they did, Xinxin was no where to be found. Three of them remembered that Miss Lin mentioned about dinner at Madam Lin place which was that weekend. Since the morning, they deployed different strategy. One of them used a detective spying style using camera on a car. The other sent his minion to keep eye on that house. Another one was stupid enough to wait in the car since the morning. The unlucky one who didn't knew about the dinner arrangement was running around the city like a mad man looking for her.

Byron Lie hired a car, put a camera on it and parked the car in front of Madam Lin mansion since friday night. He linked the camera to his phone so he was able to monitor it all the time. Since he parked the car on friday night, he found the best spot ever, it was next to the gate of the mansion. Saturday morning, as soon as he woke up, he replayed the recording from last night and Since then, he kept cecking his phone all the time. "Byron. what happen ? is there any urgent thing happen ?" Mrs Lie was curious with his son weird behaviour. "Yes. I mean not really" he tried to cover up.

Finally at 4 o'clock, He left home. "Son, come back before dinner. Debby is coming. Byron !" Mrs Lie reminded his son. Byron didn't reply as he didn't pay attention to his mother.

Andrew Han had an appointment with his fiancee Sue to fit their wedding dress. He dispacthed the most trusted minion to monitor Madam Lin place. He was very cautious, He didn't want his mother and fiancee to make a ruckus that would ruin his plan. If commotion should happen, it would be when he broke his wedding with Sue and got back together with Xinxin.

"Babe, I'll drive you home after this. I still have to check my project" He lied.

"But we need to check the hotel for our wedding" Sue half shouted, she was very displeased.

"it's for our future" Andrew rebuked.

"Fine" Sue was defeated. She didn't knew Andrew words had ambigous meaning. Andrew drove her home and went straight to Madam Lin place. As soon as he arrived, his minion came so he lowered his driver seat window. He was nodded when his man reported that no girl came to that house.

Last Night Charlie Xia gave Xiuxiu a shock. He told her that he would be away the whole day on saturday

"What ? I told you since few days ago that I have social gathering tomorrow. You have to come with me. No argument !" Xiuxiu loved to show off her love affair to her peers. Charlie was handsome with athletics body, many girl went crazy for him. She was very proud to win him.

"Sweetie, I want to impress your father. Please understand me". His reason was very acceptable for Xiuxiu. Therefore she let him go this time. He woke at 6 o'clock, he never woke up so early in this live. After shower and dressed up, he went to bakery shop to stock up this food supplied.

8 o'clock, He arrived on the location but he could find the best spot, some car had parked there. So He parked his car to the nearest available spot. His eyes were glued to the house ever since.

Byron arrived at the crime scene at 5 o'clock. He parked his car quite far, he got off and walked to his hired car and sat there. He was frowned as he noticed a familiar lambo was there, it was Charlie Xia car "B*****d, he is still after Xinxin when he is already with her sister" He was very displeased.