Wedding ceremony 2

"How about the little nick and little Alice, grandma ? Yesterday you said you hope you'll come in 9 months to see their baby. Don't tell us you don't want great grand kids anymore ?" Sean joked light up the mood. "of course I still want them. I want little Sean in a year as well" Grandaunt grinned, while Nick gave Sean mocking grinned.

"Ok, lets stop talking about me today. Groom and Bride, please move to the living room" Sean continued to the next scheduled.

"By the way, why do you need to put that spicy radish on the table. Kimchi much better" Nick glared at Hans. He knew Hans was the culprit as only Hans who knew that he hated spicy radish the most.

"ho.. ho..ho You can not blame me, mate. When Sasha asked me to bring some vegie, Radish is the only one in my fridge" Hans made a V sign while grinning.

"How the bitter melon taste ?" Lisa asked Alice.

"It's my first time to try it but I am ok with it. But that soup is horrible" Alice smirked.

"Sorry Eldest sister. I put to much tamarind on it" Cacha smiled shyly.

Nick twiched as he didn't believe what Cacha said

"Hey you two, what are you doing there ? don't still our main leads thunder !" Sean yelled at Sasha and Ed who whispered to each other and giggled then did a high five. Hans face turned black when they saw those two while Mike snorted and shook his head. He fel sorry for his stupid brother who met another competitor today, this one seemed even stronger than last one.

"Come on guys move" Sean reminded those guys.

On the living room, the groom and the bride seated on double seat sofa. Lana brought a big tray and put them on the coffe table in front of the couple. Nick knew it was granduncle business as he moved forward and cought. But his face turned sour when he saw some of the food were different from what he asked.

He pointed at grapes on the plate And glared at Sasha "what is this ? and This ?".

"Granduncle, some of the food is not available here. These are the best we can find. Anyway they have same meaning" Sasha pouted. her argument made Granduncle speechless.

"Fine. Lets continue". It took a while for granduncle to figure out what food represent what. He picked up a cake with multiple colourful layer, Lana took it and give a slice to Alice and ask her to hold it in her lips. Then she asked Nick to took abit from Alice mouth. Granduncle was very please with Lana idea "we wish your wealth will be the same as this cake, the more the layer, the more wealth you have". Next was grape, Lana asked Nick to feed Alive the grape and do the other way around "There are always alot of grape in one sprig, we wish you have a lot of descendant". The groom and the brige then ate a sticky rice cake in the same way as the layer cake "we wish you stick together until the end".

The last one, the groom and the bride drank ice water from same glass using different straws "we wish both of you resolved any argument in cool manner".

"Ah damn" Nick cover bis mouth with his hand then he glared at Sasha "why is the sticky rice too sticky ? it hurt my front teeth. Also this ice water. oh gosh, are you trying to sabotage my wedding day ?"

Sasha didn't say anything, she just pointed her finger to Hans and Ed.

Ed smiled innocently "Bro, the cooler is the better, right Granduncle ?" Granduncle snorted and nodded.

"Bro, It was not me really. It's my mum. My mum said the more sticky is the better. So both of you will be hard to be seperated. Is my mum right, granduncle ?" Hans giggled. "That's true" Granduncle put his thumb up to Hans. Nick massaged his temple, he didn't understand why they bullied him and his bride on their big day. While Alice didn't mind at all, instead she felt warm and cheerful.

The final part of their family traditional ceremony was to bring the couple to their bridal chamber. They were just aware that bridal chamber was in the granny flat. Nick and Alice were stunned when they entered. The bed was overed by red quilt and on top of the bed, there were 2 with swan and fresh flower arranged neatly. The swan was made from arranging white blanket and while towel. Their aunty brought it from over seas as she order them from her friend. On the top of the dresser there was a brand new perfume, hand lotion, body lotion and make up. All of them decorated by red ribbon. The curtains were also red. Alice was very glad and also greatful to everyone who made those beatiful things on her wedding day.

unfortunately, they didn't spend too much time there. They just took a some photo shoot before Alice took off all the jewellery with Mrs Feng help and asked Mrs Feng to keep it for her.

"Dear, we all need to go to the park now as we need to get ready for your d

wedding vow. Had a bit rest and drink this. It will help you to maintain your stamina" Mrs Feng gave her a glass with yellowish liquid. She knew it was the same as aunty mo gave her this morning. Alice finished it in one go before every one left the house except the couple and their bestmen and bridesmaid.