Last change to elope

Mr and Mrs Feng arrived at botanical garden an hour before the wedding vow schedule. "Mama Feng" Josh greeted his god mother. " Josh. I am sorry you didn't with us this morning" Mrs Feng hugged Josh and Fred.

"we saw it, Aunty. Sasha made live boardcast on her facebook so we were able to join the fun eventhough from far" Fred were already confortable to call them uncle and aunty. Mrs Feng guilty was lesser after what Fred said.

"How is every thing ?" Mr Feng tapped Josh shoulder.

"All under control. As you can see the wedding decoration is stunning, Eldest brother is really romantic. Catering staff are here, They should be ready sortly" Josh said. Mr and Mrs Feng could see the catering guy make final preparation. They also understand why Josh complimented Nick, the flower decoration there was very beautiful. Not long after, the Feng relatives also arrived on the scene.

Behind them, there were an old couple kept peeping on the group. They were noticed by Cacha who friendly approached them "Hello grands. Are you coming to join Nick and Alice wedding ?".

The couple nodded " Yes, we are the couple friends from N city".

"oh. are you grandpa and grandma Yamaguchu ?"the couple nodded.

"Please come and have a seat" Cacha asked them to sit while she called her parents to tell the about the couple.

The Yamaguchi couple were impressed to see how nice and friendly Nick family members were. "That Boy younger sister are so cute. I think the youngest one and Sora perfectly match" Mr Yamaguchi nodded, he agreed with his wife.

There were a lot of people came to the wedding ceremony. The numbers were nearly exceeded the capacity of the wedding venue. Mr and Mrs Feng didn't expectat that most of their old friends were able to come.

The ceremony started on time. Alan, Michele, Lana, Josh and Fred directed the guesses who chatted happily to come closer to the stage. Since only limited seat were available, the younger generation let the older ganeration to sit while they were standing. The Feng couple , the elders and grandma Yamaguchi seated on the front. While Mr, Mrs Mo and Nick's uncle and aunty as well as Michele and Lana parent were on the next row. Mike parents sit with Lisa's and others. Mike parent eyes focused on their youngest son all the time who was tailing Sasha with another guy until Sean deep voice rang.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. we are going to start this ceremony now. Please welcome your groom today" Nick followed by the bestmen apperead from the entrance. He stood in front of the celebrant, before facing the audience and bowed. His best men were behind him. He looked very handsome and calm on the surface but he was actually very nervous.

"now, please welcome our bride". This time, the bridesmaid entered first. Angie was the first to walk on the isle followed by Mia, Tara and Lisa was the last. After the the brides maid arrived on the stage, Alice started walking down on the isle escorted by grandpa Yamaguchi, while soft live music played on the back ground. Few days ago, Nick personally told the Yamaguchi about Alice and her family relationship and asked the elder to do the honour which was gladly excepted by Mr Yamaguchi. Nicks' uncle was happy to do it, but he thought grandpa Yamaguchi was better choice since the guesses might alarmed if his uncle escorted his bride. He didn't want Alice family problem to be exposed to outsider.

Everyone there were hipnotised by Alice beauty. She looked like princess on those fairy tale story with beaming smile that never left her face. Alice was amased with their wedding vow venue. She never thought that Nick remember her wish a year ago. She told him that she wished to have a wedding vow surrounded by flowers.

Once Alice stood in front of Nick, grandpa Yamaguchi gave Alice hand to him "You have to love and take care each other dearly. Understand ?". " Yes" Nick and Alice chorused on the same time, then Grandpa Yamaguchi sat on the chair next to his wife. While Alice stood next to Nick and faced the wedding celebrant, Nick whispered to her "Do you like it ?".

"I love it, thank you" Alice whispered back. Her face looked normal but Nick could she her eyes were smiling.

Wedding celebrant started the ceremony

"Ladies and gentlement, We are here to share the marriage of these special one. More than a ceremony, this is a significant moment of celebration and personal commitment.

Nick and Alice before you are joined in marriage in my presence, witnessed by your family and friends, I must remind you Marriage, according to law in this country is the union of a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life.

From this day forward you will become closer than ever before. Before we started, I am required to confirm the legality of both of your status.

Nick Feng, do you currently legally married or habe defacto relation with others than Alice ?"

" No, I don't"

" and Alice Lin, do you currently legally married or have defacto relation with others than Nick?"

" No, I don't"

"Is there any of you here would challenge the bride and the groom statement just now?" The celebrant asked the audience who was in silence.

"This is last chance if any one wish to elope with the bride or the groom. But before you do that please be informed that we have undercover officers who are ready to hold you to the custody" Sean smiled and watched the audience before continuing. Mr Feng turned his body to Michele parent and sibling who were part of defence force "Please don't take his words seriously. This son of mine loves to mess around". Michele's family and the others who heard what Mr Feng said giggled.

"If you are a woman, as the bride and groom lawyer I am going to sue you. So you can have a nice time in prison. But If you are a man, Our surgeon is ready to make you become an eunuch" Sean ended his announcement followed by laughter from the audience, but not Mr and Mrs Feng who glared at Sean.