You may kiss your wife.

The celebrant giggled as well, it was his frist time in his 20 years carries as marriage celebrant to hear that joke. For most people Sean just made a joke for fun, only them who knew him well understood that he was bloody serious. He could see a lot of foxy women eyeing his brother especially one particular woman on the crowd. He could not gave them chance to mess around with his brother happiness

"Now, Groom and bride Are you ready to take the vow ?" The wedding celebrant resumed the ceremony.

Nick and Alice nodded and faced each other while holding hands

"Nick Feng, do you take Alice Lin to be your one and only lawfully wedded wife? Will you love, comfort, honour and respect her in thick and thin ? Do you promise to share your life, your hopes and dreams with her start from today onward until death do you part ?"

" I do".

"Alice Lin, do you take Nick Feng to be your one and only lawfully wedded husband? Will you love, comfort, honour and respect him in thick and thin ? Do you promise to share your life, your hopes and dreams with him start from today onward until death do you part ?"

"I do".

"You both may exchance the wedding".

Will came forwad and stood between the bride and the groom. He took a purple box from his pocket and openes it.

Nick took a smaller ring and placed it on Alice ring finger on the left hand than it was Alice turned to place it on his ring finger on left hand as well.

Sean gave the microphone to uncle Kev

"Look at your wedding bands. They are perfect circle, no beginning and no end. It represent the purity and the eternity of your love which never ended. Please wear it for the rest of your life. You may not always physically next to each othe 24/7 but you actually have each other with you the whole time because on Nick ring Alice name has been engrave and Alice ring also have Nick name on it. Please wear it for the rest of your life with honour and love". Every one clapped their hand.

"Groom and Bride please sign the wedding certificate. the witnesses come forward to sign it as well".

Mr Mo was the witness from Alice side while uncle Teo, Mrs Feng borther was the witness from Nick side.

" Ladies and Gentlemen, we just heard the bride and groom took the vow, exchange their wedding ring and finally sign the marriage certificate. Therefore, I gladly declared that Nick and Alice to be a lawful husband and wife. Nick you may kiss your wife now"

Nick smiled before he gave Alice a kiss. Initially, he just intended to land a light quick kiss. However, may be because they hadn't seen each other for long, or because the fail attemp this morning or may be because he was too joyous, they kiss turned to be a long, deep and affectionate one. They didn't even heard when the claps thundered or when the some of the men made wolfie whistles, they drown on their happiness.

'cough cough' "Guys, can you please continue it to night on your wedding chamber" Mike spoke in low voice but not low enough as not only bestmen and bridesmaid, the people on the first row and the photographer giggled. They heard it for sure.

"Represent the happy couple and our family, I would like to express our gratitude for your time to come to our brother wedding. You are welcome to congratulate the happy couple and have a picture. we also have organised some light afternoon tea, please enjoy " Alan made the closing speech.

All the guesses congratulated the happy couple. some of them sincerely wished the best for the couple but some of them just said it as lips service. Mr and Mrs Feng also received congratulation from the guessed. Mr and Mr Feng also personally thanked grandpa Yamaguchi for his kindness to escort Alice earlier.

Nick, Mr and Mr Feng introduced their new family member to some of important people. "Alice, this is uncle G the one that personally creates the bouquet in your hand" Mrs feng introduced Alice.

" Hi uncle. Thank you so much. This is very beautiful"

"My pleasure. Look how beautiful you are. No wonder this rascal speed up his wedding. Keet this bouquet until 3 days. I made another one for tonight".

After meeting uncle G, Mr Feng called Alice to his side" These are Michelle's family and These are Lana parent".

Then, Nick took his wife back to his side " Darling these are Mike parents and these are Lisa parents" and so on and so on.

They only stopped to introduce her after Sean called for photo session. After the couple took the picture with their bestmen and bridesmaids, theytook pictures with his parents first. Then with the siblings, then lana nad Josh added, the elders and Mrs Feng relatice added. with Michelle, her family, Lanas' and the family and so on.

The last picture that captured was too crowded. In the future when they took a look the picture, It was very hard to recognise who were there. On the other hand, It was a prove that many people supported and cheered their relationship.