I'll take the bride home

At the end of the function, The bride and the groom walked down from the stage to greet and thank all the guests. The bride wore red simple gown with long black lace blazer. The combination of red and black perfectly matched with her smoot white skin, she looked like a pretty and cute teeanager. Compared to the groom who looked handsome but mature.

Both of the happy couple got hugged and kiss from bith of family tables. From the family table both of the groom and the bride held glass of wine to do toast with the rest. The most formal congratulation came from Nick colleagues tables. Mr and Mrs Feng also walked around to thank their friends for joining their first born big day.

"Congratulation Nick, i wish you the best for you future, I hope you are still with us for years ahead" One of the company's executive held up his glass. Only one people on those crowd understand the meaning of those world. He was another director who was standing next to Nick. Few people all of them were from upper management that had known about his resignation as they would keep trying to make him stay in the company. "Thank you" Nick took a very small sip of his wine.

there were great him politely as some of them were Nick subordinates. Some of them were his old colleagues but they didn't dare to make impolite speech in front of the company executives. While the executives also refrained them self to make fun of the couple to maintain their image and reputation.

Nick highschool friends and Uni friends were the worst. They made ruckus under Hans lead. Hans knew most of the groups who were there that night. "Bro, You nearly greet all the table, but why your wine is till full" Hans made an opening while Dan took the bait "Finish it".

Will forced the groom to empty the glass.

"Here, you need more. You haven't drink with me" One of the guy poured more wine.

"Don't drink any more" Alice held Nick hand. She wasn't please.

"ho ho ho. Alice, are you worry he will be drunk and unable to perform tonight ?" Mike teasing made Alice blushed.

Lucky, Sasha came " Eldest sister, Mum asked you to come over. She wants you to meet her old friends". Alice was happily excuse her self from that group and move to the table where Mrs Feng was.

Sasha glared at Hans and the wine glass in his hand, she seemed not happy with his wine. Hans didn't dare to drink his wine and put the glass back on the table.

After Alice left, one of the girl tried to get Nick attention by clutching his hand. "What the f**k are you doing ?" Nick shook his hand hardly and raised his voice in anger. Many people stunned as they never hear he said bad word before.

"I" before the girl said any futher, he sneered "I love my wife". He walked away and went to his wife side greeting his parents old friends cheerfully.

"Shameless. do you know my sister in law is 100 times better than you ? are you thinking my brother is till after you? dream on. Did you abandon your tought to ruin my eldest brother wedding because my second brother words ?" Sasha smirked. She looked at her in sinister way before left. Sean, Alan, Sasha had been watching this girl since the wedding vow ceremony earlier that day, She was Nick first crush. That girls was speecless, she just stared at the happy couple bitterly.

Cacha froze as she overhear her sister coversation . She vaguely remembered that woman since it was happen along ago. She twitched as she finally understood why that woman always criticised her sister in law all night. She stared at that woman for while before when to the changing room to take Alice's bag.

It was already late, the guests bid their farewell one by one. In short time, the function room was halve crowded.

"Mum, The elders look very tired. I am going to take them back to the apartment first ?" Alan was ready for his final duty of that night.

"Do you need extra car ?" Michelle father asked Alan.

"I'll be ok. Fred will also come with me. Just please take Michele with you to Sean apartment first"

"Alan just go now and have a rest soon. Thank you so much Mrs Richardson" Mrs Feng and Michele mum kissed each other cheek before parting for the night.

"Mum, I'll take the bride, the groom and Cacha home. Hans will drive us" Sasha kissed her mum followed by Alice.

"Of course. You are all tired. don't wait for us just go sleep. Alice, you too" Mrs Feng grinned happily. Her tiredness had gone as soon as she saw the newly wed happy face, she could imagine what would happen after.

"I'll be home soon after dad settling the additional bill" Sean winked

"Just use my card, don't let dad pay. The pin is still the same" Nick gave his credit card to Sean and pushed him to the cashier.

"who will take grandma and grandaunty home ?" Alice asked Sasha as they left the nearly empty function room.

"Second bro will take mum, dad, grandma and grand aunty. Bro lets go home".

Sasha was joyfull when Nick hand sneaked on his bride waist. This was the first time she didn't tease him they public display of affection.