Only woman with pure heart

"How about uncle Mo and family ? Tara ? Ed ? and Grandma and grandpa Yamaguchi ? how about Lana parents ?" Alice was concerned about those who were not from S city.

"Don't worry Madam Everything has been arranged accordingly. Lets just go home and enjoy your wedding night" Hans teased Alice.

"Eldest brother had asked Nathan to look after Tara and Mo family. Regarding Ed, Angie will do the honour. Don't worry about Lana, they hired a cab" Sasha made it short. She had plenty opportunity to explain the detail later.

Everything were indeed managed accordingly. Grandpa and grandma Yamaguchi actually had chauffeur that had been waiting for them. Nick asked Nathan to take them home. Nathan was allowed to park his car in front of the restaurant since he also knew Ben. Nick, Ben and Nathan, three of them started working on the company nearly on the same time.

About Ed, in order to ensure he stopped plestering Sasha, Hans asked Angie to take him back to where he stayed. Hans was jealous with Ed, he nearly started a fight on the botanical garden after the wedding vow finished. Lucky Sasha told him that Ed kept asking her about Angie. "Angie, please drive this guy home. He is not from this country" He asked Angie as soon as they met before the function.

"I don't drive. My parents are coming, so my dad will drive to night" Angie explained.

So, as soon as Hans spotted Angie parents on the crowd, he executed his plan. He dragged Ed to meet Angie parents "Hi Uncle, aunty. This is Ed, he is Sean friends from Overseas. He has trouble to go home to night as he is not familiar with our city. Do you mind to drive him home tonight ?". Angies' father agreed.

"Angie ? I thought ". Sasha cut her sister in law words. She didn't want the king of vinegar's mood who was next to her turned bad again "He fancies her. you were to busy to notice it today".

Alice giggled while Nick chuckled, he took a peep at Hans before shook his head. He was looking forward to see Hans and Ed were competing to win his sister heart, but it seemed Hans would have a rather smooth one. "Are you disappointed ?" Alice grinned. Nick giggled then frowned when he accidently saw a familiar figured approaching them.

Sasha and Cacha noticed the change of their brother expresion then turned their glance to see what the problem was. Cacha winked at Sasha, the Princessess of sinister were ready to action.

Before those two could do anything, Nick took off this tux and put it on his wife "You are cold, wear this" then kiss his wife forehead. "Brother Hans, where do you park your car ? look eldest sister is tired" Cacha pouted.

" There, can you see ? Since the bride is tired, let the groom piggy back her" Hans Just said it to tease the jusy married couple, he knew about Nick first crush but never saw her.

"Hey, his wedding night. Do you want sabotage them ?" Sasha slapped Hans arm.

"do you mean your brothe is weak so he can not carried his wife"" Hans asked.

"I just worry, he will sprain his back" Sasha pouted.

"Do you want me to carry you ?" Nick asked his bride. "No, I'm" before Alice could finish her sentence, Nick already held her in princess style. Since it was to suddent, Alice hands circled his neck to prevent her for falling down. In this position, he kissed her lips freely.

"Hey ! don't show your love affection in public please" Hans yelled.

"Why not ? It's their wedding day" Cacha challenged Hans while Sasha smirked. Hans was speechless while Alice was stunned. It was the first time the girls didn't mind Nick and her did lovey dovey in front of them

The woman clenched her hands tidely, She was angry and sad. She saw the man entered a car and went away, she didn't want to believe the one that chased her for years and she always though that he didn't have any girlfriend since his broke up with his first girl friend was already married. She didn't believe when one of her high school friend said she got invitation of his wedding, she begged to that friend to take her to the wedding instead of her boyfriend. Sasha was right, She was about to raise her voice to tell a lie in front of everyone presence on the wedding vow ceremony that she and nick had hidden relationship, she wanted the wedding to be cancelled. But Sean words stopped her. She didn't want to go to jail, she knew how ruthless Sean would be for anyone who harmed his family. "Nick, Why ? I though you are still like me. Do you really love her ?" as she watched the car left with tears, she took a glimse the groom smiled and pecked the bride cheeks.

"Eldest sister, please becareful. Some women still have their eyes on eldest brother eventhough wedding ring has been displayed in his finger" Sasha sneered as She saw her ex friend. She just wonder why two of her ex bestfriends hurt her two lovely brothers.

Only woman with pure heart was suitable for her wonderful brothers