We are on honeymoon

Since they didn't bring any luggage with them, the couple went to traveling around Kyoto. That day they spent his time on International manga museum before heading to Nishiki market at 4 o'clock.

Four days were long buy it wasn't long enoughy for Alice. "Darling, can we take mum, dad and every one else here one day ?" Alice leaned on Nick on the train on the way back from Fushimi Inari Taisha. It was their last night staying in Kyoto.

"Lets stay in Arashiyama and Nara for new days. Mum must love it" Alice smiled.

"They've been here before. I notice you prayed in every temple we visit in Kyoto, Nara, Arashiyama and the one in Osaka as well. what is your wish ?" Nick caressed his wife.

"I wish we will be together forever. Also, I wish one day, I can come here again with the whole family" Alice grinned and asked another question "Where is our next destination for today ?" .

"Lets back to the hotel"

"Are you sure ? it just 2 O'clock" Alice was surprised. They always left very early and back late since they arrived in Japan.

"We just wonder around the station. I noticed there is shopping centre there" Nick had another plan for tonight.

At 5 o'clock they were realy back to the hotel and they only went out to have dinner as they preferred to try local food stall rather than the hotel food.

It was only before 8 when they were already lay on their hotel bed. "Honey, I miss you" Nick grabbed her phone and threw it away.

"Hey, I am texting Mum" Alice glared angrily at her husband.

"Honey, I really miss it. I know you are ready for it. Your friend had gone" Nick was confident as he kept checking the bin on the toilet every day.

"So, we are back earlier because you want to do it. Am I right ?"

"Honey, you are getting smarter" Nick pounced at his wife and ate her completely.

"Honey, wake up. It's already 9" Nick kissed his wife passionately in the morning. Alice opened her eyes, her body was ache all over. Her poor legs asked for mercy. They had been tortured badly the last 7 days as well as accomodate husband last night. Alice couldn't believe he was still energic after everything.

"Have a warm shower, we are going to Kawaguchiko now. We will go to onsen today to threat our poor legs. Go !" Nick picked his wife up and sent her to bathroom while he was tidy up their lunggage

"Sir, your suitcase will be send to Ryokan ADJ. Also, this is a note from our chairman. Thank you for staying and we hoped you enjoyed the rest of your day while you stay in Japan" The hotel manager personally farewelled the couple.He suspected this couple were every important person as their chairman personally asked to upgrade their rooms and left note for them.

"They are going to meet us in Tokyo. Apparently, I found out last night that our hotel in Osaka, Kyoto and Tokyo are own by the same company group" Nick clutched his wife hand as they walked toward Kyoto station to catch Shinkansen.

They arrived at their next destination after Lunch. "Sir, Mam. This is your key. Our dinner will start 7 O'clock, is it ok ?".


"Also, your breakfast tommorrow will be at 7.30 since the chauffeur will come by 9. Tomorrow dinner will be 7.30".

"Chauffeur ?" Alice startled.

"Yes. Your grandma just called and told us about this. Anything else that we can help ?"

"Can we book private onsen for this afternoon before dinner and tomorrow night as well" Nick didn't forget that essential therapy.

"is 5.3p ok ? it's for 45 minutes. for tomorrow I don't think we have anything available. Howabout before you check out ? we can arrange your breakfast at 8.30 so you can do onsen at 7.15"

"Perfect" Alice was amased with the reseptionist girl, she was very profesional.

it was a perfect day for the couple. They didn't walk too long as they just enjoyed the scenery around the area and headed back to the Ryokan hotel to enjoy their onsen time. Onsen was really great therapy of their sore legd and body. They felt very fresh after their session ended.. The food was also awesome, it was all Japanese traditional food.

After Dinner, Alice sent a few pocturw of her and her husband thrn the long family chat started.

"You look like Oshin" Mrs Feng commented on Alice picture wearing Yukata.

"Mum, What is Oshin ?" Cacha asked.

"Japanese TV series. I watch it when I was very young. Google it" Mrs Feng replied.

Nick was not pleased that his wife focused of her phone chatting with his family back home.

"Honey, come here" Nick tapped on the vacant futon next to him.

Alice obeyed him but she really regretted it. Nick took her phone away and pressed her down. He easily put more mark on her body as the yukata that she wore was very user friendly. Her husband was really inhuman, he made her relaxed body become sore again in the next few hours.

"Honey, we are on honeymoon" it was his excuse when she complained after he dried all the liquid from his hose for the second time.