End of Honeymoon

They really enjoyed their trip to mount Fuji. It was a really great place that mother of nature created. Alice was really greatful for the transport arrangement that day. Without it, she would spend all day sleeping insteadof sight seeing due to her husband desire . Nick actually felt guilty, he knew he lost control for the last two days. However, he excused his self as he just a newly wedding man who just tasted the wonderful feeling being a man.

"Honey, I am sorry. I promise I am going to be gentle" That night, He still didn't spare her as he knew that they wouldn't be able to do it while they were in Tokyo.

As soon as they arrived in Tokyo, they visited Asakusa temple then spent their afternoon and night time at Shibuya area. The next day, Alice dream since she was kids came true, she was finally able to visit Disney land. She never went to any amusement park before so that day was one the most beautiful days in her live. After the firework finished, Alice left the disneyland with sour face. "We'll come back here again tomorrow. I promised you" Nick showed her that he bought admission ticket for two days.

Next day, Nick delivered his promised. They were back to Disney resort, however this timw they went to Disneysea instead. At the Beginning Alice was happy when they rid the the toystory. However, the second ride the tower of teror traumaticed her. Since then she didn't want to go to any attraction others than mermaid lagoon. "Honey, this all baby and kids ride. Please" Nick tried to persuaded her to try others.

"You just go by your self. I don't want to go, they are too scary" She refused.

He was unhappy at all as he really wanted to enjoy others ride. At the end of the day they only managed to ride indiana Jones before leaving the resort too early.

Nick then decided to go to Akihabara. They spent time there until late, it was really bright up his day but not Alice. It was the best place for Nick who was advance in technology, but boring place for Alice.

Time passed, It was the fourth day Tokyo which also meant last day of their honeymoon trip. The couple did shopping in many different places. Alice had a long shopping list for her new family, she made sure no one would miss it.

At night, Nick shook his head helplesly while Alice was packing. They bought so many stuff, most of them were sweets for the family. Due to Alice effor, their lungage increased from 2 to 4.

"Lets hava a nice sleep now. We need to check out and meet Yamaguchi elders in the morning" He helped her packing.

Nick didn't actually let her sleep. He manipulated her so they resumed they night time exercise after absent for few nights.

The next morning, just before 10 Nick dragged two big suitcases in hurry while Alice had two small one. They woke up late that day, lucky they bought some bread from local shop last night to bribe their hungry stomach.

"Did you enjoy your stay ?" Grandma Yamaguchi cuddled Alice when they met each other in the receptionist area. While Nick greet and thanked grandpa Yamaguchi for all their kindness "No drama. We didn't have amy idea for your wedding gift. We just came up with an idea to give you a wonderful time here when you told me about your honeymoon trip. Did you enjoy it ?" Grandpa Yamaguchi smiled.

"We did. Thank you"

"Just go to the hotel restaurant, don't have a chat here" A young man spoke arogantly. He frowned and acted coldly at Nick and Alice.

"Don't mind him. This grandson of mine has attitude problem. Our daughter can not educate her son properly" Grandma Yamaguchi told the young couple.

"Grand, this is about business. You are blocking people" His attitude was not really pleasant.

"Enough Keinichi, show your respect. It's not how to behave based on our culture " Grandpa Yamaguchi was angry.

The young man sneered and left after gave Nick his last glared.

No body would predict that in five tears time, that arrogant man would kneeled in front of Nick and his siblings, begging to him to let him own their baby sister.

The elders took them for lunch first before send them to airport. "Here, give this to your mother" Grandma Yamaguchi handed a paper bag full of various boxes wrapped beautifully.

"Your mother in law is great woman. She was reallt nice to us why we were there. All their kids are very nice especially the youngest one" Grandma Yamaguchi loved Cacha cute face and good attitude as well.

"Our baby sister is very naughty. She is spoiled by us, her brothers" Nick chuckled.

"Of course, Cute girl has to be spoiled " grandpa Yamaguchi grinned.

"Thank you grandpa, grandma" Alice gave them a cuddle as it was time for them to check in their flight.

"I hope I can see you soon. We have to keep contact with each other. Ok ?" Grandma and grandpa Yamaguchi waived their hands as the young couple went inside the airport.

"Darling, can we visit here again one day ?" Alice sneaked her hand on Nick arm while waiting for the boarding time.

"Of course. We will back here one day" Nick kissed her foreheads. They never dreamed that In the future They would visit that country regularly to meet their little sister.