Giving actually not losing

It's Christmas eve, Alice woke up at 6 to prepared breakfast for the whole family

"Have your breakfast first ! Please ask Mum and dad come" Alice was smiled as she saw her husband and his three siblings marching to the kitchen.

"They lefy already. Every Christmas eve, our shop is opened from 7 to 2" Sasha ate her smoke salmon sandwich and put her lunch on her bag.

"We need to go now. It's alreay 7.15. You drive the car to our shop, I have set the address on the car's GPS and your phone as well" Nick kissed his wife.

"how will you get there today ?" Alice kissed him back.

"Sasha will drive us there before she goes to work. She will send Cacha to the closest bus stop as well" Nick and every one was in rush.

"Wait. These are Mum and Dad breakfast. Make sure they eat it, ok ?!" Alice gave Nick a paperbag before he closed the cars door.

After everyone left, Alice checked what left on the fridge. She found pork and salmon on the fridge and some vegie. So she decided to make sweet and sour pork and stir fried vegetables for lunch. for Dinner, it would be grill salmon,beef steak with pasta and salad. BY 10.30 the lunch was ready and she managed to prepare the salad and took out the salmon from fridge. She took one of m pudding that she made last night.

It took her only 10 minutes drive to arrived at the shop. it was located in a small shopping village. It was the first time Alice came to Fengs family fruit shop. It wasn't huge but big enough compare to others shop. She could see a seafood shop, butcher, bakery, chemist and few others shops. Their fruitshop were busy but the queue on the seafood foodshop was the worst.

"Dad" Alice went to greet Mr. Feng who were adding more carrot bags on the display.

"Old Feng. is it your daughter ?" An old man asked Mr Feng.

"My eldest sons' wife"

"Hey old Feng, Why are you so lucky ? You have pretty wife. Your sons are handsome, your daughters are cute and pretty. Even your daughter is law is pretty" Some one from the butcher shop shouted. Mr Feng and others laughed.

"Don't mind him. He and dad know each other for 20 years" Nick came with a trolly full of apples "Go inside to the back, there is a room. Put our lunch there abd help us".

Alice put their lunch inside and came out, she saw Mrs Feng and another 2 middle age ladies and a teenage girl were busy serving customers on the cash register. She was sorry that she didn't know how to operate that macchine so she wasn't ab lle to give hand.

Alice came to Mrs Feng when she saw her waiving her hand. "Lucky you are here. Can you get everything on these list for me. They are orders from customers. If you are still not familiar ask the male." Mrs Feng gave Alice a note book, she opened and read it "Ok"

"Sister Tya, is she your daughter in law ?" A lady on the next cash registered asked while serving customer. Mrs Feng english name is Cynthia,but people calles her Tya.

"Wow ! Which one of the boy have married ? Tya, your boy is lucky, his wife is pretty" An old lady who was one of the customers lining there were suprised.

"My eldest" Mrs Feng giggled.

"oh No ! I am about to introduce my nice to him, I'm too slow" Another customer said.

"How about the others boy ?" A lady with italian accent asked Mrs Feng.

"Only me who is still available" Sean who was adding boxes of egg nearby the cash registered answered.

"They are all our loyal customers. I have seen them shop here since I was teen" Nick whispered at Alice who was looking for fruits on her order list next to him.

"Darling, I need to buy rump steak and beef skirt for dinner and tomorrow lunch" Alice suddently remembered.

"Uncle Con. My wife needs 5 pieces rump steak and 1 kilo of beef skirts please" Nick were half shouting.

"Why only five ? it's at least eight of you" a bulky man shouted back.

"Make it 7 then. My youngest boy is not in this city. Con, don't forget My order. They are for him" Mr Feng said.

"Where is he ?" The lady on the bakery shop asked.

"Village kkk, he works in hospital there. we will visit him tomorrow" Mr Feng grinned.

"What is he doing there ?" An old man asked.

"He is doctor. He's there with his partner. she is a policewoman" Mr Feng giggled happily.

More and more customer came after 12, the phone also constantly rang, the pre-order lists were getting large. Fortunately, Sasha and Josh came. They took over the cash registered to allow Mrs Feng and the ladies to take turn having a quick lunch. At 2.30 the shop was closed, They packed the remaining food and veggie on boxes and gave them away to their neighboring shops and the employee. It was their family habbits for year. They gathered on the small dinning room in side "I really thank every one for their hardworking. This is a small Christmas present from our family" Mr Feng have them the Christmas present to all his employee as well as a shopping voucher "We wish you have a merry Christmas and a happy new year".

At 3 o'clock, They closed their empty shopped and wished others shop owner merry Christmas. Mr and Mrs Feng rejected all the seafood and food given by others shop as they would travel, But they were insisted. They ended up went home with one esky full of seafood and one full of meaf and box of various bread and chocolate

"Every Christmas always like this. We always gaint weight" Sasha shook her head.

"This year will be worse. They are going to finish all the chocolate while sitting on the car" Josh stared at the chocolate sadly.

Every Christmas, they always gave something to their customer and the neighborhood eventhough it wad only small things. But It was priceless gesture for everyone. In return, They gave thrm back chocolate and various type of cakr and cookies. In short, they ended up getting more from them.

Alice learned one thing, giving something was not actually losing it but you gaint more in other way.