Powerful but powerless

Nick and Sean were the chefs for that night who looked after beef and salmon. while Josh was the pasta chef and salad master.

"is it yummy ?" Nick saw his wife took a bite of steak. Alice nodded and put her thumb us while enjoying the steak.

"We are doing the kriss kringle tomorrow righ ?" Josh asked.

"yes" Sasha and Cacha said on the same time.

"Wait for me. Just do it on boxing day. Fred and me will be leaving after lunch" Josh begged.

"No problem. This beef is really nice." Sean said.

"Of course. it's even better because it's free" Mr Feng made a joke, but it was true. they all nodded and grinned.

After Dinner, Josh left to attend Christmas Mass. Feng family was not Christian, so they didn't go to church to celebrate Christmas. It was only Josh who went to church that night. After did some preparation for the next day, the rest of the family went to sleep earlier as to replenished their energy after a hectic day and to prepare for tomorrow trip.

Nick and Alice slept peacefully without any exercise two days in a row as Nick was exhausted, he hadn't done that job for sometime. To be exact, He didn't come and help his father anymore on weekend since Alice arrived in country A. He was to preoccupied to make this girl to be his family daughter in law.

While Alice slept soundly in her bed, One middle man were sitting on his confortable office chair in daze. The chair was very costly and very confortable. However, it was not able to bring confort to the person sit on it. His hand clenched tightly while the other held a trone picture.

Chariman Ng left the office earlier to have dinner with one of important politician to seal a bussines deal. He decided to came back to his office after dinner to get some documents to read during weekend. He frowned when he saw few people were in his office floor, He peeped on his watch, It was after 9 o'clock, no body shouldn't be there. But relaxed when he saw what they were doing, they were cleaner that did their job after office hour.

"Look, How come her picture is here" Chairman Ng halted his hand to open his office door when he heard female voice inside his office.

"This is that Miss, right ?" a male voice could be heard.

"Yes, it's her. She must be very pretty now" this time was a female voice but he recognised it was different from the first one

"What are you holding" Chairman Ng opened his office with a loud bang. He saw the frightened lady put a torn picture on his desk while the other two next to her were trembled.

"I am sorry Sir. I just found it on the floor. It stuck underneat the table" The lady voice trembled.

Chairman Ng eyes narrowed, he was startled to see it was Xinxin picture when she was in highschool. She looked cute with her two dimples. That picture was the only one he had and had been ripped apart more than two years ago when He received those embrassing picture. "Do you know her ?" Chairman Ng swept glanced on three middle age cleaner on his room

"My husband, me and some other here were used to work as cleaner in Han corporation. This yound lady was often come there to bring food for young master Han after hour"

Another lady smiled "I remember this girl didn't talk much but always greeted us politely. She was very pitiful. Young master Han was always dissatisfied , rude and yelled at her all the time"

"True. But lucky she came that night. she was able to know those people real face. It was sad day for her but I guessed it's better" a middle age male cleaner said

"What do you mean ?" Chairman Ng cold voice rang.

The man spoke while vaccuming"Young master Han current fiancee was that girl bestfrien. They had been cheating behind her for ages. Han family were scheming behind her. I overheard their conversation for many time, what basicly happen was the girls' father was very rich, they were nice to her in front of her father for reason"

"True, I also heard they planned something to make the girls father was on debt to them so they could get benefits"

"It's good that she broke up with him. I saw on the Gossip magazine that My daughter bought about the couple. Tsc what a fake" one of the lady sneered.

"True, true. But I heard by my own ear that Young master Hand and his mother weren't pleased that the girl dumped his first, it supposed to be him that dumped her. They planned something to take revenge. They aaid they were going to make her wouldn't be able to face anyone else and committed suicide" The male cleaner shook his head helplessly

"I hope she is fine. Poor girl" the ladies shook their head with gloomy eyes

three of the cleaner left the room as they job was done. Chairman Ng walked unsteady to his desk then sank on his expensive chair. He closed his eyes for minute or two before rubbing them then took the picture. He stared to the cute smile that he never paid attention before.

"What had happened ? can those cleaner be trusted ? Han sen is my friend, it's impossible for him to do any cruelty to my daughter" Chairman Ng muttered lowly.

All of suddent his daughter words few months ago so rang in his ears 'She used to wish she never been born.She used to think growing up as orphan might be better for her'

"Xinxin. what is going on ? why did you say you prefer to be an orphan while others desperately want to me my kids ?" Chairman Ng one of powerful men in country T was helpless and powerless.